PUBLICATIONS (since 2000)
85. Baumiller, T. K. and Janevski*, G. A. 2011. On the swimming function of crinoid cirri. Journal Swiss Palaeontology 130: 19-24. doi.10.1007/s13358-010-0004-1
84. Gahn, F. J. and Baumiller, T. K. 2010. Evolutionary history of regeneration in crinoids (Echinodermata). Integrative and Comparative Biology doi:10.1093/icb/icq155.
83. Baumiller, T. K., Marinovic, J. C., Tuura*, M. E., Damstra, E. S., Miller, D. J. 2010. Signs of boring predation on Middle Devonian hyolithids from the Michigan Basin. PALAIOS 25: 636-641
82. Janevski*, G. A. and Baumiller, T. K. 2010. Could a stalked crinoid swim? A biomechanical model and characteristics of swimming crinoids. PALAIOS 25:588-596 (Best Paper Honorable Mention 2010)
81. Baumiller, T. K., Salamon, M., Gorzelak, P., Mooi, R., Messing, C. G., and Gahn*, F. J. 2010. Benthic predation drove early Mesozoic crinoid radiation. PNAS 107 (13) 5893-5896.
80. Chattopadhyay*, D. and Baumiller, T. K. 2010. Effect of durophagy on drilling predation: a case study of Cenozoic molluscs from North America. Historical Biology 22: 367-379. DOI: 10.1080/08912961003600445.
79. Chattopadhyay*, D. and Baumiller, T. K. 2009. An experimental assessment of feeding rates of the muricid gastropod, Nucella lamellosa and its effect on cost-benefit analysis. Journal of Shellfish Research 28: 883-889.
78. Janevski*, G. A. and Baumiller, T. K. 2009. Testing for extinction selectivity in the fossil record of Phanerozoic marine invertebrates. Paleobiology 35: 553-564.
77. Tuura*, M.
E., Baumiller, T. K., McNamara, K. J. 2008. Drill holes in Australian Cenozoic
brachiopods. Historical Biology 20:203-212.
76. Baumiller, T.
K. 2008. Crinoid ecological morphology. Annual Reviews of Earth and Planetary
Sciences 36:221-249.
75. Baumiller, T.
K., Mooi R. and Messing, C. G. 2008. Urchins in the meadow: paleobiological and
evolutionary implications of cidaroid predation on crinoids. Paleobiology 34:
Chattopadhyay*, D. and Baumiller, T. K. 2007. Drilling under threat: an
experimental assessment of drilling behavior of Nucella lamellosa in the
presence of a predator. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 352:
73. Baumiller, T.
K. and Messing, C. G. 2007. Stalked crinoid locomotion and its ecological and
evolutionary implications. Palaeontologia Electronica 10 (1): 2A;10p, 12MB;
72. Messing, C.
G., David, J., Roux, M., Ameziane N., and Baumiller, T. K. 2007. In situ stalk
growth rates in tropical western Atlantic sea lilies (Echinodermata:
Crinoidea). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 353:211-220.
71. Baumiller, T.
K., Gahn*. F. J., Hess, H., and Messing, C. G. 2008. Taphonomy as a guide to
the behavior of extinct stalked crinoids. Pp.7-20. In: Ausich, W. I. and
Webster, G. (eds), Echinodermata Paleobiology. Indiana University Press.
70. Baumiller, T.
K., Bitner, M. A., and Emig, C.C. 2006. High frequency of drill holes in
brachiopods from the Pliocene of Algeria and its ecological implications.
Lethaia 39: 313-320.
69. Gahn*, F. J.
and Baumiller, T. K. 2006. Platyceratid gastropod behaviour as a guide to
camerate crinoid functional morphology. Historical Biology 18: 397-404.
68. Kowalewski,
M., Hoffmeister, A. P., Baumiller, T. K. & Bambach, R. K. 2005. Secondary
evolutionary escalation between brachiopods and enemies of other prey. Science
308: 1774-1777.
67. Cosma*, T. N.
and Baumiller, T. K. 2005. A trace fossil on a Silurian pelecypod: evidence of
predatory boring? Ichnos 12:1-5.
66. Gahn*, F. J.
and Baumiller, T. K. 2005. Arm regeneration in Mississippian crinoids-evidence
of intense predation pressure in the Paleozoic? Paleobiology 31: 151-164.
65. Baumiller, T.
K. and Bitner, M. A. 2004. A case of intense predatory drilling of brachiopods
from the Middle Miocene of southeastern Poland. Palaeogeography,
Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 214: 85-95.
64. Baumiller, T.
K. and Gahn*, F. J. 2004. Testing Predation-Driven Evolution using
Mid-Paleozoic Crinoid Arm Regeneration. Science 305: 1453-1455.
63. Baumiller, T.
K., Gahn*, F. J. and Savill, J. 2004 New data and interpretations of the
crinoid-platyceratid relationship. Pp. 393-398. In: Heinzeller, T. and
Nebelsick, J. H. (eds), Echinoderms: Munchen. Taylor and Francis, London.
62. Gahn*, F. J.
and Baumiller, T. K. 2004. A bootstrap analysis for comparative taphonomy of
Early Mississippian crinoids from the Wassonville Cycle of Iowa. Palaios 19: 17-38.
61. Hoffmeister,
A. P., Kowalewski, M., Baumiller, T. K. and Bambach, R. K. 2004. Drilling
predation in brachiopods and bivalves from the Permian of the Glass Mountains,
West Texas. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 49: 443-454.
60. Deline*, B.,
Baumiller, T. K., Kaplan*, P., Kowalewski, M. and Hoffmeister, A. P. 2003.
Edge-drilling on the brachiopod Perditocardinia cf. P. dubia from the
Mississippian of Missouri (USA). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology,
Palaeoecology 201:211-219.
59. Aberhan, M.
and Baumiller, T. K. 2003 Selective extinction among Early Jurassic bivalves: A
consequence of anoxia. Geology 31: 1077-1080.
58. Baumiller, T.
K. 2003. Evaluating the interaction between platyceratid gastropods and
crinoids: a cost benefit approach. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology,
Palaeoecology 201:199-209.
57. Gahn*, F. J.,
Fabian, A., and Baumiller, T. K. 2003. Additional evidence for the drilling
behavior of Paleozoic gastropods. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 48:156.
56. Gahn*, F. J.
and Baumiller, T. K. 2003. Infestation of Middle Devonian (Givetian) camerate
crinoids by platyceratid gastropods and its implications on the nature of their
biotic interaction. Lethaia 36:71-82.
55. Hoffmeister,
A. P., Kowalewski, M., Bambach, R. K, and Baumiller, T. K. 2003. Intense
drilling predation in the Carboniferous brachiopod Cardiarina cordata Cooper,
1956. Lethaia 36:107-118.
54. Baumiller, T.
K. 2003. Experimental and biostratinomic disarticulation of crinoids: taphonomic
implications. Pp. 243-248. In: J. P. Feral and B. David (eds), Echinoderm
Research 2001. Balkema, Rotterdam.
53. Eleaume, M.,
Ameziane, N. and Baumiller, T. K. 2003. Developmental mode, egg size, larval
size and some evolutionary considerations in comatulids (Crinoidea; Echinodermata).
Pp. 307-315. In: J. P. Feral and B. David (eds), Echinoderm Research 2001.
Balkema, Rotterdam.
52.Baumiler, T.
K. and Gahn*, F. J. 2003. Chapter 10, Predation on crinoids. Pp. 263-278. In:
P. Kelley, M. Kowalewski, T. H. Hansen (eds). Predator-prey interactions in the
fossil record, Topics in Geobiology 20, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, NY.
51. Baumiller, T.
K. and Gahn*, F. J. 2002. Fossil record of parasitism on marine invertebrates
with special emphasis on the platyceratid-crinoid interaction. In: Kowalewski,
M. and Kelley, P. H. (eds), Fossil Record of Predation, Paleontological Society
Special Papers 8: 195-209.
50. Baumiller, T.
K. 2002. Multi-snail infestation of Devonian crinoids and the nature of
platyceratid-crinoid interactions. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 47: 133-139.
49. Baumiller, T.
K. 2001. Light stable isotope geochemistry of the crinoid skeleton and its use
in biology and paleobiology. Pp. 107-112. In: Barker, M. (ed), Echinoderms
2000. Balkema, Lisse.
48. Kaplan*, P.
and Baumiller, T. K. 2000. Taphonomic inferences on boring habit in the
Richmondian Onniella meeki epibole. Palaios 15:499-510.
47. Plotnick, R.
and Baumiller, T. K. 2000. Invention by evolution: functional analysis in
paleobiology. Paleobiology 26:305-321.