Many of my papers can be found on the arXiv.

Geometry, String Theory, and Arithmetic

Amanda E. Francis and Ursula A. Whitcher. Adinkra height functions and the Jacobian of a generalized Fermat curve.
Adriana Salerno, Ursula Whitcher, and Chenglong Yu. Deformations of highly symmetric Calabi-Yau Grassmannian hypersurfaces.
Makiko Mase and Ursula Whitcher. Mirror constructions for K3 surfaces from bimodal singularities.
Women in Numbers Europe IV, Association for Women in Mathematics Series, volume 32, 2024.
Adriana Salerno and Ursula Whitcher. Hasse-Witt matrices and mirror toric pencils.
Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Volume 26, Number 9, 2022.
Charles F. Doran, Tyler L. Kelly, Adriana Salerno, Steven Sperber, John Voight, and Ursula Whitcher. Hypergeometric decomposition of symmetric K3 quartic pencils.
Research in the Mathematical Sciences 7, Article 7, 2020.
Charles F. Doran, Tyler L. Kelly, Adriana Salerno, Steven Sperber, John Voight, and Ursula Whitcher. Zeta functions of alternate mirror Calabi-Yau families.
Israel Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 228, No. 2, 2018.
Christopher Magyar and Ursula Whitcher. Strong arithmetic mirror symmetry and toric isogenies.
Higher Genus Curves in Mathematical Physics and Arithmetic Geometry, Contemporary Mathematics, American Mathematical Society, 2018.
Charles Doran, Andrew Harder, Hossein Movasati, and Ursula Whitcher. Humbert surfaces and the moduli of lattice polarized K3 surfaces.
String Math 2014, AMS Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics.
Marie José Bertin, Alice Garbagnati, Ruthi Hortsch, Odile Lecacheux, Makiko Mase, Cecília Salgado, and Ursula Whitcher. Classifications of elliptic fibrations of a singular K3 surface.
Women in Numbers Europe, Springer, 2015.
Ryan Davis, Charles Doran, Adam Gewiss, Andrey Novoseltsev, Dmitri Skjorshammer, Alexa Syryczuk, Ursula Whitcher. Short tops and semistable degenerations.
Experimental Mathematics, Vol. 23, Issue 4, 2014.
Dagan Karp, Dhruv Ranganathan, Paul Riggins, and Ursula Whitcher. Toric symmetry of CP3.
Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Vol. 16, No. 4, 2012.
Dagan Karp, Jacob Lewis, Daniel Moore, Dmitri Skjorshammer, and Ursula Whitcher, On a family of K3 surfaces with S4 symmetry
Arithmetic and geometry of K3 surfaces and Calabi-Yau threefolds, Fields Institute Communications, 2013
Symplectic Automorphisms and the Picard Group of a K3 Surface
Communications in Algebra, Volume 39, Issue 4, 2011.
Adrian Clingher, Charles F. Doran, Jacob Lewis, and Ursula Whitcher, Normal Forms, K3 Surface Moduli, and Modular Parametrizations
Groups and Symmetries: Proceedings of the CRM Conference in Honor of John McKay, edited by John Harnad and Pavel Winternitz, American Mathematical Society, 2009.
Polarized Families of K3 Hypersurfaces, my dissertation (June 2009)

Data Analysis and Computation

Abra Brisbin and Ursula Whitcher, Women's Representation in Mathematics Subfields: Evidence from the arXiv
The Mathematical Intelligencer, March 2018, Volume 40.
Turkish names, Christian faith
Onoma 2014, Volume 49.
Beyond the Black Box, with Jeroen Demeyer and William Stein.
Appeared in the Notices of the AMS.