The castle is a symbol of enclosure,
of the walled and defended city; often, the castle holds "some treasure
or imprisoned person and is inhabited by a monster or wicked person who must
be overcome to obtain the treasure or release the imprisoned, which depicts
the treasure of esoteric knowledge or spiritual attainment" (Cooper, 30).
According to Julien, the heroines of fairy tales sleep in castles as they wait
for Prince Charming to awaken them, whch is a symbol of the awakening of the
conscious mind. It may also reflect ostentation and luxury. Generally located
on the top of a MOUNTAIN
or hill, which gives it height-symbolism as well, strength. The shape and color
help define it as an embattled, spiritual power, a vigil. Grandeur, nobility,
search for divine grace.
Different castles: Black (other world, no return), Light (appears suddenly,
contains treasure, damsel and knight), Revelry (turning universe).
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