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Featured Alumna: Chelsea Kroll '05
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TC is in da house

"Your perception is your reality."
    - Lisa Hass
Nickname(s):   TC, Teece
Birthday, Sign:   3/27/83, Aries
Hometown:   Wexford, PA
Prior Gym:   X-Cel Gymnastics Club
Parents:   Steve and Maryann (best parents EVER)
Siblings:   Heather (24) and Brendan (19)
Pets:   Dog: Frisbee (16)
Major:   English
Hobbies:   Shopping, drinking coffee, downloading music, hangin’ at the coop



Q & A - About Gymnastics and U-M

Why do you like doing gymnastics?   Because I absolutely love it. That’s the best reason I can give.
What is your favorite event or routine? Why?   My favorite event is floor exercise because I love to tumble, but most of all, I especially love to dance and perform for a crowd.
What attracted you to the University of Michigan?   Initially I was drawn to Michigan because of the superior combination of academics and athletics that Michigan provides. But when I met the team and witnessed the tradition and the pride that comes along with being a student-athlete here, my decision was made for me.
What has been your most memorable gymnastics moment at Michigan?   My sophomore year, we were really injured that year and only seven of us competed throughout the entire year. We ended up winning Big Tens and even qualifying into the Super Six at nationals. It was such an exhilarating feeling to be part of such a small, close-nit, relentless, and shockingly successful team.
What has been your biggest challenge/obstacle in gym or college (or both)? How did your overcome this challenge?   My injuries have presented the biggest challenge for me, particularly my knees. Everyday I have to be conscious of how my knees are feeling or if an activity is appropriate for me to be doing. I am not allowed to vault anymore, which has been very difficult for me to deal with emotionally. However, with the support of my coaches and teammates, with the love of my family, and particularly with the care of Lisa (our trainer), I have found ways to get around this injury.
What has been your most embarrassing moment in the gym (ever)?   When I was in club, I was doing a leap in my floor routine and I tripped and fell flat on my face. That was horrible! Haha.
What goes through your head immediately before a routine?   I visualize all of my skills in my head, rehearse all of my key words, and right before I go, I affirm to myself that “I am making my routine.”
What advice would you share with up-and-coming Michigan gymnasts?   Live in the moment. The road isn’t as long as it appears to be and before you know it, your time here at Michigan will be over. Make sure you take advantage of every minute that you have.
What is your favorite part of the gym meets?   Besides winning (haha), I love running out in the beginning of the meet, hearing my name called and all of the fans cheering for me. It gets me so fired up!
Other than Michigan, where is your favorite place to compete and why?   I like competing at Utah because the fans are always so nice and respectful. They also always pack their arena, and that makes the competition so much more exciting.

Some of my Favorites include...

  Elise Ray
ice cream:
  Spongebob Squarepants  
A2 hang out:
  The Coop (my house!)
  The Perks of Being a Wall Flower  
place to shop:
  Urban Outfitters
board game:
  :)….i hate these things!  
place to study:
  The Buck (Starbucks on State Street)

Q & A - About You Personally

What is something that people would be surprised to know about you?
Even though my hair appears to be fairly stylish and under frizz-control, it's really all a front. everyday when i wake up in the morning i have a huge fro. And i'm not kidding at all. My head looks like a giant frizz ball.

How would your teammates describe you?

Who is one of your role models and why?
My role model is one of my old coaches, Kim Bonus. Kim has been my mentor since I was a level 8 gymnast and continues to play that role in my life today. She constantly provides me with guidance and advice, and she has the purest heart I have ever known. She is like a second mother to me and is everything that I desire to become.

What do you want to be when you grow up?
I have no idea. (That was an easy one! Haha)

Besides gymnastics, what is one thing that you do well?

If you were given $431,718 how would you spend it?
I would probably build a new house for me and my fellow roommates so that we would never have to leave Ann Arbor. We want to live here forever!

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
To fly.

What’s the best way to show your Michigan spirit?
By using my spirit and my fire to give back to the University in any way that I can…whether it be attending other sporting events, participating in community service projects, or involving myself in another campus activity such as Dance Marathon.

Since beginning college one thing I’ve learned is that…
”C’s get degrees.” Haha! Somebody during my freshmen year said this to me and it really gave everything a new perspective. I don’t actually follow this philosophy, but sometimes when I get stressed out over a paper or an exam, I think about these words and suddenly, I don’t feel so stressed anymore.

Some Random Facts!

my dream car:
   Sarrie’s BMW. It drives like a dream.
I relax after a big meet by:
  Hanging out with my teammates.
last concert I attended:
  Madonna’s Re-Invention Tour  
a poster hanging on my wall:
I can't live without:
  My family.  
best way to procrastinate:
  Watching the Real World or the Bachelor when I should be writing a paper.
I acquire/download music via:
  No comment. I might get arrested.  
pair of footwear I can't live without:
  Rainbow sandals.
my pet peeve is:


Take Your Pick!

Coke or Pepsi:
Cats or Dogs:
Theater or DVD:
N’SYNC or Backstreet:
  N’sync..gotta love “Bye Bye Bye”
Macs or PCs:
Cook or Takeout:
PlayStation or Xbox:
Studs or Loops:
Noisy or Quiet:
Cowbell or Wave:
Big 10 Burrito or
Jimmy Johns:
  Big Ten all the way!  
Jessica or Ashley (Simpson):
  Ashley for the music. Jessica for the laughs.
Bagels or Donuts:
Sun or Snow:
Bed Early or Up Late:
MTV or Vh1:
Indoors or Outdoors:
Big House or Yost:
  Big House
Take on the Town or Cuddle on the Couch:
(High-Risk) Stocks or (Low-Yield) Bonds:




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