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Featured Alumna: Elise Ray '05
Personal Info | Pictures | Statistics | Fun Bio


"Do not pray for an easy life, pray to be a strong person."
    - unknown
Nickname(s):   Eray
Birthday, Sign:   2/6/82, Aquarius
Hometown:   Maryland
Prior Gym:   Hill's Gymnastics
Parents:   Ellen and Bill
Siblings:   brother, Taylor
Pets:   My parents have a dog, three cats, and nine goats…yea, you heard, goats, and one just had babies!
Major:   English
Hobbies:   Hanging with friends, crafty projects, dancing



Q & A - About Gymnastics and U-M

Why do you like doing gymnastics?   The thrill of working hard and watching success unfold.
What is your favorite event or routine? Why?   Bars, because I can strive for absolute perfection
What attracted you to the University of Michigan?   First and foremost, the team. It was where I was supposed to be and I knew it from the start. I also absolutely love the town of Ann Arbor.
What has been your most memorable gymnastics moment at Michigan?   Team wise…big tens last year…there was an incredible amount of energy and spirit…we were all on fire. And the best part was that it came strictly from us rallying each other up. Individually, my bar title last year. I think it’s one of the best routines I have ever done and I can remember the feeling of each skill even to this day. I knew I was going to stick the dismount even before i let go of the bar.
What has been your biggest challenge/ obstacle in gym or college (or both)? How did your overcome this challenge?   Having to red-shirt my junior year. I came into that year so fired up and so motivated to learn. It was like someone put out that fire as soon as I got hurt. Then, as I started to come back and I hurt it again, I felt defeated. Once I made peace with being out the whole year, I found fire in being a coach and mentor for my teammates. When I look back on that year, I see it as one of my best.
What has been your most embarrassing moment in the gym (ever)?   During the 1998 Goodwill Games there was a show after the competition, kind of like a gala. I was supposed to do a duo beam routine with Kristin Maloney, on side by side beams. For some reason I totally forgot when we were up, and I was out walking around the arena to stay warm. When I looked into the arena to see who was up, I saw Maloney doing her routine but the beam beside her was empty!! So I ran as fast as I could, got in my leotard and jumped up next to her only to catch the last half of the routine. It’s not like I could even play it off because the whole arena watches one performance at a time…the spotlight is on that one event so everyone saw me jump in half way through. It was awful!
What goes through your head immediately before a routine?   A lot of self talk…and that talk depends on how I’m feeling. If I’m tired then it’s talk to fire me up and give me energy…but if I feel “on” then its just positive reinforcement. I pace a lot too to keep my energy flowing…I always have done that.
What advice would you share with up-and-coming Michigan gymnasts?   I would tell them to do as much as possible and meet as many people as possible. I would tell them to keep learning, keep a journal and take LOTS of pictures.
What is your favorite part of the gym meets?   Two things…Hitting a great routine and then running to my cheering teammates…and being able to smile and laugh to members in the audience…we never were allowed to do that before college and I love it.
Other than Michigan, where is your favorite place to compete and why?   My favorite competition other than competing for Michigan would be 2000 National Championships…I was in my element and nothing could stop me that day.

Some of my Favorites include...

  Dominique Dawes
ice cream:
  Cookies-n-yogurt from Stucci’s
  Ren and stimpy  
A2 hang out:
  Anywhere with my girls
  A prayer book someone very special gave to me  
place to shop:
  Joanne fabrics and crafts
board game:
  “Sound Off”…charades with sounds…  
  Creative writing
  Laughing until my stomach hurts!  
place to study:
  If only Tim Hortons had soft cushy chairs…best coffee ever

Q & A - About You Personally

What is something that people would be surprised to know about you?
That I have a secret love for organizing…

How would your teammates describe you?
haha, this makes me laugh because I have no idea…I am a girl of many layers… if I had to pick, I would say caring and a little crazy.

Who is one of your role models and why?
My big brother. He’s one of the most incredible people I will ever know.

What do you want to be when you grow up?
Who knows!!??

Besides gymnastics, what is one thing that you do well?
I am creative.

If you were given $431,718 how would you spend it?
Give it to my brother to hold for me so I wouldn’t be stupid with it.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
To read people’s minds…

What’s the best way to show your Michigan spirit?
To support the people in every realm of Michigan…go to every event possible.

Since beginning college one thing I’ve learned is that…
…Be only around people you can be completely yourself with…why waste your time otherwise.
…make time for people and events…you can always fit it in somehow
…beware of false friends and always, always, always, trust your intuition.
…never question faith.
…oh, and never go into target or meijer just to “browse”
…I guess that’s five.

Some Random Facts!

my dream car:
   For those that know me this is a hilarious question considering what bad luck I have with cars…but I guess I would have to say a convertible jetta…do they even make those?
I relax after a big meet by:
  Goin out with the girls…
last concert I attended:
  50 cent…ha  
a poster hanging on my wall:
  Well, now that I am in a “grown up apartment” I don’t have posters any longer…but I do have an M flag and an American flag in my room.
I can't live without:
  Believing everything happens for a reason.  
best way to procrastinate:
  There’s never just one good way.
I acquire/download music via:
  Chelsea’s computer…  
pair of footwear I can't live without:
  Sandals that I bought in china for 4 dollars…they make at least 3 inches taller.
my pet peeve is:


Take Your Pick!

Coke or Pepsi:
Cats or Dogs:
  Definitely cats
Theater or DVD:
N’SYNC or Backstreet:
Macs or PCs:
Cook or Takeout:
  Some of both
PlayStation or Xbox:
Studs or Loops:
  Big silver loops
Noisy or Quiet:
  Totally depends  
Cowbell or Wave:
Big 10 Burrito or
Jimmy Johns:
  Big 10  
Jessica or Ashley (Simpson):
  do I have to pick?
Bagels or Donuts:
Sun or Snow:
  A little of both
Bed Early or Up Late:
MTV or Vh1:
Indoors or Outdoors:
Big House or Yost:
Take on the Town or Cuddle on the Couch:
  Both please  
(High-Risk) Stocks or (Low-Yield) Bonds:
  Not my thing…




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