# SWISH configuration file # Lines beginning with hash marks (#) and # blank lines are ignored. # # Automatic line wrapping / word wrapping must be turned off in the # text editor before creating / editing SWISH configuration files. To # turn off word wrap in pico, invoke pico with the -w flag ("pico -w"). # vi does not wrap lines by default. SWISH will have problems generating # the index files if the line breaks in the configuration file do not occur # in the proper places: # # - one rule per line # - line breaks at the end of each rule # - no line breaks before the end of the rule IndexDir /afs/umich.edu/user/g/g/ggood/Public/html/aavc /afs/umich.edu/user/g/g/ggood/Public/html/foc # This is the root directory of the Web tree you want to index. # It can be a space-separated list of files and directories # you want indexed. You can specify more than one of these directives. IndexFile /afs/umich.edu/user/g/g/ggood/Public/html/aavc/.index.swish # This is the name your SWISH index will be saved as. IndexOnly .html .txt .c .ps .gif .au .hqx .xbm .mpg .pict .tiff # Only files with these suffixes will be indexed. IndexReport 3 # This is how detailed you want reporting. You can specify numbers # 0 to 3 - 0 is totally silent, 3 is the most verbose. FollowSymLinks yes # Put "yes" to follow symbolic links in indexing, else "no". NoContents .ps .gif .au .hqx .xbm .mpg .pict .tiff # Files with these suffixes won't have their contents indexed, # only their file names. ReplaceRules replace "/afs/umich.edu/user/g/g/ggood/Public/html" "http://www.umich.edu/~ggood" # ReplaceRules append "" # ReplaceRules prepend "" # ReplaceRules allow you to make changes to file pathnames # before they're indexed. FileRules pathname contains admin testing demo trash construction confidential FileRules filename is index.html FileRules filename contains # % ~ .bak .orig .old old. FileRules title contains construction example pointers #FileRules directory contains .htaccess # Files matching the above criteria will *not* be indexed. IgnoreWords SwishDefault # The IgnoreWords option allows you to specify words to ignore (stopwords). # Comment out for no stopwords; the word "SwishDefault" will include # a list of default stopwords. Words should be separated by spaces # and may span multiple directives.