(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Successful requests: 634,125
Average successful requests per day: 90,724
Successful requests for pages: 80,692
Average successful requests for pages per day: 11,544
Failed requests: 3,884
Redirected requests: 1,425
Distinct files requested: 3,291
Distinct hosts served: 12,891
Corrupt logfile lines: 21
Unwanted logfile entries: 3,712
Data transferred: 1.711 Gbytes
Average data transferred per day: 250.782 Mbytes
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Each unit () represents 5,000 requests for pages or part thereof.
week beg.: reqs: Gbytes: %bytes: %reqs: pages: ---------: ------: -------: ------: ------: -----: 30/Dec/01: 479994: 1.338: 78.17%: 75.69%: 64151: 6/Jan/02: 154131: 0.373: 21.83%: 24.31%: 16541:Busiest week: week beginning 30/Dec/01 (64,151 requests for pages).
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Each unit () represents 1,500 requests for pages or part thereof.
date: reqs: Mbytes: %bytes: %reqs: pages: ---------: ------: -------: ------: ------: -----: 31/Dec/01: 18: 0.008: : : 2: 1/Jan/02: 50641: 146.597: 8.36%: 7.99%: 9039: 2/Jan/02: 122631: 355.461: 20.28%: 19.34%: 15781: 3/Jan/02: 123768: 339.448: 19.37%: 19.52%: 16247: 4/Jan/02: 109976: 331.725: 18.92%: 17.34%: 13729: 5/Jan/02: 72960: 196.914: 11.23%: 11.51%: 9353: 6/Jan/02: 88565: 223.586: 12.76%: 13.97%: 9827: 7/Jan/02: 65566: 159.118: 9.08%: 10.34%: 6714:Busiest day: 3/Jan/02 (16,247 requests for pages).
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Each unit () represents 1,000 requests for pages or part thereof.
day: reqs: Mbytes: %bytes: %reqs: pages: ---: ------: -------: ------: ------: -----: Sun: 88565: 223.586: 12.76%: 13.97%: 9827: Mon: 65584: 159.126: 9.08%: 10.34%: 6716: Tue: 50641: 146.597: 8.36%: 7.99%: 9039: Wed: 122631: 355.461: 20.28%: 19.34%: 15781: Thu: 123768: 339.448: 19.37%: 19.52%: 16247: Fri: 109976: 331.725: 18.92%: 17.34%: 13729: Sat: 72960: 196.914: 11.23%: 11.51%: 9353:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Each unit () represents 250 requests for pages or part thereof.
hr: reqs: Mbytes: %bytes: %reqs: pages: --: -----: -------: ------: ------: -----: 0: 16149: 41.611: 2.37%: 2.55%: 2254: 1: 16327: 41.586: 2.37%: 2.57%: 2234: 2: 12026: 37.016: 2.11%: 1.90%: 1952: 3: 10954: 31.833: 1.82%: 1.73%: 2065: 4: 9275: 26.498: 1.51%: 1.46%: 1694: 5: 8019: 22.609: 1.29%: 1.26%: 1768: 6: 9560: 31.603: 1.80%: 1.51%: 1964: 7: 10743: 29.600: 1.69%: 1.69%: 1903: 8: 17307: 53.600: 3.06%: 2.73%: 2505: 9: 23173: 71.759: 4.09%: 3.65%: 3228: 10: 31588: 91.552: 5.22%: 4.98%: 3957: 11: 39257: 114.262: 6.52%: 6.19%: 4505: 12: 40329: 111.400: 6.36%: 6.36%: 4906: 13: 37876: 102.634: 5.86%: 5.97%: 4247: 14: 38814: 106.349: 6.07%: 6.12%: 4208: 15: 37850: 105.103: 6.00%: 5.97%: 4430: 16: 42300: 121.147: 6.91%: 6.67%: 4720: 17: 41974: 112.925: 6.44%: 6.62%: 4523: 18: 34106: 97.064: 5.54%: 5.38%: 4397: 19: 33322: 87.006: 4.96%: 5.25%: 3976: 20: 31959: 79.989: 4.56%: 5.04%: 3918: 21: 31250: 81.658: 4.66%: 4.93%: 3931: 22: 32328: 85.837: 4.90%: 5.10%: 4101: 23: 27639: 68.209: 3.89%: 4.36%: 3306:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Listing domains with at least 0.5% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.
reqs: Mbytes: %bytes: %reqs: pages: domain ------: -------: ------: ------: -----: ------ 189954: 558.589: 31.87%: 29.96%: 32018: [unresolved numerical addresses] 5972: 16.905: 0.96%: 0.94%: 632: 141 4907: 14.017: 0.80%: 0.77%: 526: 141.211 (University of Michigan - Central Campus) 146989: 451.448: 25.75%: 23.18%: 18562: .com (Commercial) 24095: 70.257: 4.01%: 3.80%: 3309: aol.com (America Online) 142573: 353.076: 20.14%: 22.48%: 14504: .net (Network) 17313: 26.428: 1.51%: 2.73%: 1296: mich.net (MichNet dial-in lines) 91636: 211.924: 12.09%: 14.45%: 8470: .edu (USA Educational) 50397: 106.289: 6.06%: 7.95%: 4405: umich.edu (University of Michigan) 24776: 44.258: 2.52%: 3.91%: 2538: bus.umich.edu 6706: 12.961: 0.74%: 1.06%: 460: reshall.umich.edu 4434: 10.192: 0.58%: 0.70%: 317: itd.umich.edu 10730: 27.055: 1.54%: 1.69%: 1201: .jp (Japan) 7555: 18.727: 1.07%: 1.19%: 868: .ca (Canada) 1429: 9.940: 0.57%: 0.23%: 284: .gov (USA Government) 43259: 122.099: 6.97%: 6.82%: 4785: [not listed: 86 domains]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Listing the first 20 organisations by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: %bytes: organisation ------: ------: ------------ 189973: 31.87%: [unresolved numerical addresses] 50397: 6.06%: umich.edu 24095: 4.01%: aol.com 17313: 1.51%: mich.net 14437: 2.15%: rr.com 13661: 1.91%: comcast.net 13279: 2.08%: home.com 10493: 1.50%: uu.net 9235: 1.22%: level3.net 8602: 1.43%: attbi.com 6075: 0.90%: optonline.net 5796: 0.86%: mindspring.com 5779: 1.01%: ford.com 4920: 0.57%: ameritech.net 4631: 0.75%: att.net 3991: 0.54%: pacbell.net 3924: 0.57%: verizon.net 3261: 0.41%: prserv.net 3067: 0.43%: chartermi.net 2982: 0.44%: mediaone.net 238214: 39.78%: [not listed: 2,150 organisations]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Listing hosts with at least 100 requests, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: Gbytes: %bytes: %reqs: host ------: -------: ------: ------: ---- 11712: 0.072: 4.23%: 1.85%: 5024: 0.011: 0.67%: 0.79%: 2858: 0.009: 0.54%: 0.45%: frasier.ford.com 2678: 0.007: 0.46%: 0.42%: ncache1.ford.com 2572: 0.002: 0.15%: 0.41%: 141-211-31-71.bus.umich.edu 1575: 0.001: 0.09%: 0.25%: 1370: 0.001: 0.07%: 0.22%: 1365: 0.001: 0.11%: 0.22%: 1236: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.19%: dsl-64-195-42-217.telocity.com 1061: 0.002: 0.15%: 0.17%: proxy.jf.intel.com 1026: 0.005: 0.33%: 0.16%: cas01.taylor01.mi.comcast.net 1024: 0.000: : 0.16%: northwood-157-174.reshall.umich.edu 960: 0.001: 0.07%: 0.15%: cas01.verona01.nj.comcast.net 938: 0.001: 0.06%: 0.15%: 141-211-31-160.bus.umich.edu 845: 0.000: 0.05%: 0.13%: 808: 0.000: 0.05%: 0.13%: 24-168-92-174.si.rr.com 778: 0.001: 0.10%: 0.12%: 767: 0.001: 0.07%: 0.12%: 141-211-31-67.bus.umich.edu 748: 0.001: 0.07%: 0.12%: 748: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.12%: xenia.nrri.ohio-state.edu 735: 0.001: 0.09%: 0.12%: cfs-b-038.cfs.purdue.edu 728: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.11%: mail.thepopcornfactory.com 703: 0.001: 0.06%: 0.11%: c-igate1-b.mckinsey.com 701: 0.006: 0.36%: 0.11%: cr031r01.sac2.fastsearch.net 672: 0.001: 0.08%: 0.11%: ool-18bc5b28.dyn.optonline.net 635: 0.001: 0.10%: 0.10%: bh34.bbnplanet.com 631: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.10%: pm388-06.dialip.mich.net 624: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.10%: 617: 0.001: 0.08%: 0.10%: 141-211-237-102.bus.umich.edu 616: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.10%: 604: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.10%: 587: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.09%: 573: 0.001: 0.10%: 0.09%: 561: 0.001: 0.09%: 0.09%: igate1.atkearney.com 556: 0.000: 0.05%: 0.09%: 544: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.09%: 538: 0.001: 0.06%: 0.08%: ns10.pfizer.com 537: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.08%: cdm-208-145-159-geor.cox-internet.com 523: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.08%: pvil-d-152.resnet.purdue.edu 518: 0.002: 0.12%: 0.08%: 141-211-29-240.bus.umich.edu 512: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.08%: ns1.msxi.com 508: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.08%: uufw2-pub.dttus.com 507: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.08%: 502: 0.004: 0.28%: 0.08%: 501: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.08%: gateway3.uscg.mil 500: 0.001: 0.09%: 0.08%: a45579.spd.louisville.edu 494: 0.001: 0.07%: 0.08%: sjcd-webcache-2.cisco.com 492: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.08%: dhcp-64-42.gsm.uci.edu 491: 0.002: 0.13%: 0.08%: proxy2-external.roalok1.mi.home.com 490: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.08%: pat.dainrauscher.com 485: 0.001: 0.06%: 0.08%: bgp01083046bgs.wanarb01.mi.comcast.net 470: 0.000: : 0.07%: dialin-166-243.tor.primus.ca 468: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.07%: uufc1-pub.dttus.com 462: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.07%: 461: 0.000: 0.05%: 0.07%: skytrooper.ccs.yorku.ca 460: 0.002: 0.12%: 0.07%: 141-211-236-239.bus.umich.edu 458: 0.000: : 0.07%: 141-211-30-47.bus.umich.edu 456: 0.001: 0.12%: 0.07%: proxy3.roalok1.mi.home.com 452: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.07%: 8r3wk.den.co.bbnow.net 451: 0.002: 0.12%: 0.07%: gw-detv.dteenergy.com 450: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.07%: 446: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.07%: a36709.spd.louisville.edu 445: 0.001: 0.07%: 0.07%: bgp961616bgs.derbrn01.mi.comcast.net 444: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.07%: 438: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.07%: 429: 0.002: 0.13%: 0.07%: butch.merck.com 425: 0.000: 0.05%: 0.07%: 423: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.07%: cpe00e0291a53fc.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com 422: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.07%: 419: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.07%: 419: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.07%: 415: 0.001: 0.08%: 0.07%: na4.dow.com 414: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.07%: 151-pool1.ras11.ncral.tii-dial.net 413: 0.007: 0.43%: 0.07%: crawl4.googlebot.com 411: 0.000: 0.05%: 0.06%: cache-1.lnh.md.webcache.rcn.net 411: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.06%: 409: 0.001: 0.07%: 0.06%: 05-078.008.popsite.net 409: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.06%: 407: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.06%: z034200.nykline.co.jp 406: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.06%: try-gw1.meritorauto.com 406: 0.001: 0.11%: 0.06%: 404: 0.000: 0.05%: 0.06%: violet.d48.lilly.com 400: 0.001: 0.06%: 0.06%: spxyric1.bankofamerica.com 396: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.06%: 392: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.06%: 141-211-239-55.bus.umich.edu 389: 0.001: 0.06%: 0.06%: z091.soho-net.ne.jp 385: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.06%: 384: 0.003: 0.20%: 0.06%: 382: 0.000: 0.05%: 0.06%: 380: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.06%: dsl254-070-069.nyc1.dsl.speakeasy.net 376: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.06%: hubw-ubr-66-61-116-82.midsouth.rr.com 375: 0.000: 0.06%: 0.06%: 364: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.06%: rock-gate.merant.com 364: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.06%: rb7v-92-211.resnet.ohio-state.edu 363: 0.001: 0.06%: 0.06%: ool-182d9c6f.dyn.optonline.net 362: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.06%: vp169072.reshsg.uci.edu 362: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.06%: 24-168-213-195.he.cox.rr.com 361: 0.000: 0.05%: 0.06%: phi.towers.com 361: 0.000: : 0.06%: 357: 0.001: 0.07%: 0.06%: asy136.as3.sol.superonline.com 357: 0.000: : 0.06%: 356: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.06%: jelly.engin.umich.edu 356: 0.000: 0.05%: 0.06%: 354: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.06%: unknown-11-150.ws11.clorox.com 352: 0.004: 0.24%: 0.06%: search3.lib.law.umich.edu 349: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.06%: www.bcts.com.pe 349: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.06%: 348: 0.000: : 0.05%: w034.z208177185.det-mi.dsl.cnc.net 348: 0.001: 0.06%: 0.05%: uufe3-pub.dttus.com 347: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.05%: 342: 0.003: 0.19%: 0.05%: hsa244.pool022.at101.earthlink.net 340: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.05%: 66-171-47-188.subscriber.vzavenue.net 337: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.05%: lain.engin.umich.edu 335: 0.005: 0.31%: 0.05%: 335: 0.001: 0.07%: 0.05%: host15.executiveboard.com 335: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.05%: adsl-63-202-187-28.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net 332: 0.000: 0.05%: 0.05%: 12-236-76-4.client.attbi.com 328: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.05%: 328: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.05%: mzhao-phd.stern.nyu.edu 327: 0.002: 0.15%: 0.05%: 326: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.05%: bgp01019041bgs.sanarb01.mi.comcast.net 326: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.05%: 322: 0.001: 0.08%: 0.05%: bgp01117719bgs.westln01.mi.comcast.net 321: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.05%: 320: 0.001: 0.09%: 0.05%: 317: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.05%: 12-254-158-55.client.attbi.com 315: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.05%: 174-44.lib.umich.edu 314: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.05%: 314: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.05%: 313: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.05%: ool-182fa5b1.dyn.optonline.net 312: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.05%: figment3.gs.com 310: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.05%: gandalf 309: 0.000: : 0.05%: bgp997423bgs.nanarb01.mi.comcast.net 309: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.05%: pm589-09.dialip.mich.net 308: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.05%: 307: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.05%: pg2px.pg.com 307: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.05%: 141-211-31-100.bus.umich.edu 307: 0.000: : 0.05%: www.oktbh.com 307: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.05%: uufe2-pub.dttus.com 304: 0.001: 0.07%: 0.05%: 303: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.05%: 302: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.05%: northwood-157-44.reshall.umich.edu 301: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.05%: 301: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.05%: 300: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.05%: fampbh1.jpmorgan.com 299: 0.004: 0.29%: 0.05%: 297: 0.001: 0.08%: 0.05%: livpat.trw.com 297: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.05%: 296: 0.002: 0.14%: 0.05%: ny-bas00.csfb.com 295: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.05%: 141-211-238-204.bus.umich.edu 294: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.05%: 24-148-22-96.na.21stcentury.net 292: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.05%: adsl-64-171-12-255.dsl.sntc01.pacbell.net 291: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.05%: cx1140383-a.ports1.ri.home.com 290: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.05%: castle6.ducker.com 290: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.05%: 141-211-238-3.bus.umich.edu 290: 0.001: 0.07%: 0.05%: ny-amherst2b-117.buf.adelphia.net 288: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.05%: u62.n77.queensu.ca 287: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.05%: adsl-64-175-245-32.dsl.sntc01.pacbell.net 287: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.05%: 287: 0.004: 0.25%: 0.05%: 284: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.04%: 284: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.04%: 283: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.04%: 141-211-237-240.bus.umich.edu 281: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.04%: 281: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.04%: 141-211-30-4.bus.umich.edu 280: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.04%: ool-182c99b9.dyn.optonline.net 280: 0.001: 0.06%: 0.04%: du-148-221-159-34.prodigy.net.mx 277: 0.000: 0.05%: 0.04%: 276: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.04%: cad3126936-a.wstn1.fl.home.com 273: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.04%: xtsd0303.it.wsu.edu 273: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.04%: 272: 0.000: : 0.04%: 141-211-237-21.bus.umich.edu 272: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.04%: 270: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.04%: 270: 0.001: 0.07%: 0.04%: 269: 0.001: 0.08%: 0.04%: adenna166.dsla.dataframe.net 264: 0.000: 0.05%: 0.04%: webproxy03qfe0.sbi.com 263: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.04%: dyn-carl-201-33.dyn.columbia.edu 263: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.04%: bgp01107447bgs.wbrmfd01.mi.comcast.net 263: 0.001: 0.08%: 0.04%: tnt2.ey.com 263: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.04%: 262: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.04%: umbsel30.bus.umich.edu 262: 0.000: : 0.04%: 141-211-237-208.bus.umich.edu 262: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.04%: cs387251-b.mtmc1.on.wave.home.com 262: 0.001: 0.06%: 0.04%: 141-211-239-186.bus.umich.edu 260: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.04%: pg1px.pg.com 259: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.04%: ca-sntamnca-u1-c4b-241.stmnca.adelphia.net 258: 0.000: 0.05%: 0.04%: proxy1-external.roalok1.mi.home.com 258: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.04%: dpgp68.uni-mb.si 256: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.04%: nova1.singnet.com.sg 255: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.04%: cc1097173-a.chrstnwy1.pa.home.com 254: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.04%: 254: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.04%: ip41-243.pc.jmu.edu 254: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.04%: 254: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.04%: pm583-22.dialip.mich.net 253: 0.004: 0.26%: 0.04%: 251: 0.000: 0.05%: 0.04%: 251: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.04%: 203-195-168-250.now-india.net.in 250: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.04%: 249: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.04%: h-64-105-189-75.lnoclli.covad.net 249: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.04%: byu-volera3.byu.edu 249: 0.001: 0.06%: 0.04%: 249: 0.001: 0.06%: 0.04%: hilbert.math.umass.edu 248: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.04%: cc184731-b.ewndsr1.nj.home.com 247: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.04%: cc1930226-a.roylok1.mi.home.com 247: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.04%: 246: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.04%: 246: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.04%: 246: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.04%: 24-163-99-99.mtc2.cox.rr.com 246: 0.003: 0.21%: 0.04%: fgusap1400io.abbott.com 246: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.04%: 245: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.04%: pool-141-156-142-186.res.east.verizon.net 243: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.04%: 243: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.04%: ncfmcc1-ext.nb.ford.com 243: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.04%: cpe0080c6e996d2.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com 242: 0.001: 0.10%: 0.04%: host-194.subnet-53.med.umich.edu 242: 0.000: : 0.04%: 141-211-30-176.bus.umich.edu 242: 0.001: 0.06%: 0.04%: ool-182e6185.dyn.optonline.net 242: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.04%: nycmny1-ar1-4-43-224-117.elnk.dsl.gtei.net 241: 0.001: 0.09%: 0.04%: tbtnni-06p473.ppp12.odn.ad.jp 241: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.04%: 240: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.04%: px1.hitachi.co.jp 240: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.04%: 174-47.lib.umich.edu 239: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.04%: cas01.union01.nj.comcast.net 238: 0.000: 0.05%: 0.04%: telisp1c01.ml.com 237: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.04%: 237: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.04%: 236: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.04%: dhcp-17-92.townisp.com 236: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.04%: 236: 0.000: : 0.04%: acb4035b.ipt.aol.com 236: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.04%: adsl-64-169-118-207.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net 236: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.04%: bishar3.engin.umich.edu 235: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.04%: 1cust174.tnt6.sdg1.da.uu.net 235: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.04%: adsl-64-108-195-236.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net 235: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.04%: 234: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.04%: 234: 0.001: 0.07%: 0.04%: 234: 0.002: 0.14%: 0.04%: l98uppx1.hewitt.com 233: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.04%: 233: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.04%: 232: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.04%: 232: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.04%: 024bay039.chartermi.net 232: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.04%: adsl-66-72-163-38.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net 231: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.04%: pkrh-dc-g9-as5200-async47.network.umr.edu 231: 0.000: 0.06%: 0.04%: proxy3.fm.intel.com 231: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.04%: 230: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.04%: 12-255-4-115.client.attbi.com 230: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.04%: 230: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.04%: 230: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.04%: fw1.entegris.com 229: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.04%: adsl-66-72-161-172.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net 228: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.04%: 228: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.04%: 228: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.04%: bgp01024037bgs.sanarb01.mi.comcast.net 228: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.04%: bgp01104380bgs.wbrmfd01.mi.comcast.net 226: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.04%: art-technology-group.chicagochd.cw.net 226: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.04%: 225: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.04%: 0-1pool29-77.nas4.oakland1.ca.us.da.qwest.net 225: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.04%: 224: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.04%: sapfw3.sap.com.sg 223: 0.002: 0.16%: 0.04%: l4duppx2.hewitt.com 223: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.04%: tc1-6-65.psi.com.uy 223: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.04%: 141-211-31-37.bus.umich.edu 222: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.04%: opim-dhcp-235.wharton.upenn.edu 222: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.04%: 221: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: 221: 0.003: 0.18%: 0.03%: 220: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: hos06431.aep.com 219: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.03%: sc-grnvl-66-169-49-56.chartersc.net 219: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.03%: 219: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: 218: 0.001: 0.08%: 0.03%: lookup.magna.on.ca 218: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: scproxy1.sc.intel.com 215: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: 214: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.03%: user-1120s4n.dsl.mindspring.com 214: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.03%: goldenboy.mbs.unimelb.edu.au 214: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: 17025232.accenture.com 214: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: 213: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: pool-138-89-47-190.mad.east.verizon.net 213: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.03%: viking12.cas.utk.edu 212: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: 212: 0.000: : 0.03%: 141-211-29-231.bus.umich.edu 212: 0.000: : 0.03%: 141-211-30-139.bus.umich.edu 212: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: aca7f0d8.ipt.aol.com 211: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.03%: oh-lyndhurst1b-23.clvhoh.adelphia.net 211: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.03%: 1cust226.tnt22.atl4.da.uu.net 211: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.03%: host02-man.jsv.qwest.net 210: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: 216-99-197-130.dial.spiritone.com 210: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.03%: inehou-pxy06.compaq.com 210: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: 24-148-43-33.na.21stcentury.net 210: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.03%: ev-01-lr86a.stanford.edu 210: 0.000: 0.05%: 0.03%: cache-2.sbo.ma.webcache.rcn.net 209: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: h-64-105-147-96.chcgilgm.covad.net 209: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: tcnet06-33.austin.texas.net 209: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.03%: 208: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: cs2416236-75.houston.rr.com 208: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.03%: 208: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.03%: 200-4-10-8.grupoimsa.com 208: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: user-2ivfm2b.dialup.mindspring.com 207: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: x98a3a167.pix.aol.com 207: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.03%: wcs1.norfolk.nipr.mil 206: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: oxford-173-23.reshall.umich.edu 206: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: cc443716-b.hwrd1.md.home.com 205: 0.000: : 0.03%: 024bay040.chartermi.net 205: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: dialup- 205: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: adsl-64-108-36-31.dsl.peoril.ameritech.net 205: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: 1cust161.tnt19.atl4.da.uu.net 205: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.03%: adsl-81-68-242.mco.bellsouth.net 204: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: odie.stat.ufl.edu 204: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: tradenz-th-tsnz.cust.tsnz.net 204: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: 204: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.03%: 203: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: adsl-243-114.ns.itd.umich.edu 203: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.03%: 203: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.03%: bgp540633bgs.ewndsr01.nj.comcast.net 203: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.03%: 203: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: se1-0-midtown.bigcity.net 202: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.03%: c1458436-a.roalok1.mi.home.com 202: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: 202: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: note.olin.wustl.edu 202: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: 202: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.03%: 202: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: dsl092-066-062.bos1.dsl.speakeasy.net 202: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.03%: user-2ivfjbl.dialup.mindspring.com 201: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.03%: 201: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.03%: 131-39.dsl-kzoo.qtm.net 201: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: 201: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: 201: 0.000: 0.06%: 0.03%: 200: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.03%: 200: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: proxy1-nj.dialogic.com 200: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: 66-75-138-154.san.rr.com 200: 0.000: : 0.03%: dhcp-238.soe.umich.edu 200: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.03%: user6.s146.samsung.co.kr 200: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: 200: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.03%: dsl-65-186-162-9.telocity.com 199: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.03%: 1cust247.tnt10.nyc3.da.uu.net 199: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: houfw4107.arthurandersen.com 199: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: abn161-204.ank-ports.kablonet.net.tr 199: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: spot.merck.com 199: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.03%: 199: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.03%: 207-pool3.ras11.midea.tii-dial.net 199: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: 199: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: curly.txu.com 198: 0.000: 0.05%: 0.03%: 198: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.03%: att-98-128-238.atl.mediaone.net 198: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.03%: sdn-ar-002mdelkrp025.dialsprint.net 198: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: pool-141-154-225-253.bos.east.verizon.net 198: 0.000: 0.05%: 0.03%: 141-211-237-162.bus.umich.edu 198: 0.003: 0.22%: 0.03%: 197: 0.000: 0.05%: 0.03%: cache-2.nyw.ny.webcache.rcn.net 197: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: p147x1.tnrcc.state.tx.us 197: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: caribbean-25.dialin.uakron.edu 197: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: 197: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: 03-036.114.popsite.net 197: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: 197: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: economicanalysiscorp.cust-rtr.pacbell.net 197: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: onicd-01p107.ppp.odn.ad.jp 196: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: rjot-84-210.resnet.ohio-state.edu 196: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.03%: host27.executiveboard.com 196: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: cache-2.atw.pa.webcache.rcn.net 196: 0.000: 0.05%: 0.03%: pc35.ethome.net.tw 196: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.03%: 196: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.03%: 141-213-237-116.umnet.umich.edu 196: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: proxy.pall.com 195: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: bgp961608bgs.derbrn01.mi.comcast.net 195: 0.000: : 0.03%: 195: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: 195: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: union52.ccs.itd.umich.edu 195: 0.001: 0.06%: 0.03%: telisp1c02.ml.com 195: 0.000: : 0.03%: nas1-097.fas.harvard.edu 194: 0.000: 0.05%: 0.03%: dns.library.utoronto.ca 194: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: lan.engin.umich.edu 194: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: bgp01131260bgs.ypeast01.mi.comcast.net 194: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.03%: 193: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: dialup- 193: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: p08-dn04higasiginz.tokyo.ocn.ne.jp 193: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: 12-248-253-117.client.attbi.com 193: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: 192: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.03%: ns4.pfizer.com 192: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.03%: ftp.walkerparking.com 191: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.03%: bgp995011bgs.nanarb01.mi.comcast.net 191: 0.000: : 0.03%: 191: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: pxy-hst-12.tandem.com 191: 0.000: : 0.03%: 191: 0.000: : 0.03%: ool-182e7320.dyn.optonline.net 191: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.03%: 24-168-33-147.nyc.rr.com 190: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.03%: bgp01019342bgs.sanarb01.mi.comcast.net 190: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: 189: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: dnab40dd50.stanford.edu 189: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.03%: ioe827-pc3.engin.umich.edu 189: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: 24-168-153-48.nj.rr.com 189: 0.000: 0.05%: 0.03%: pae0a78.sgmipc00.ap.so-net.ne.jp 189: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: 12-248-212-213.client.attbi.com 189: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: gw-arj03.pna.philips.com 187: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: ppp-pm04-dy-20.cd1.dialup.oakland.edu 187: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: 186: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: varan.gfnet.com 186: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.03%: gnat.newellco.com 186: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: gehringlp.com 186: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: 186: 0.000: 0.05%: 0.03%: 12-247-43-53.client.attbi.com 185: 0.000: 0.05%: 0.03%: umbsel33.bus.umich.edu 185: 0.000: : 0.03%: ac8e47f4.ipt.aol.com 185: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: 185: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.03%: d141-213-4.home.cgocable.net 185: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.03%: 185: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: dhcp-1-138-220-130-117.worldbank.org 185: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: bgp01138643bgs.ypwest01.mi.comcast.net 185: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.03%: 184: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.03%: adsl-216-62-203-5.dsl.austtx.swbell.net 184: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: 184: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: uufe1-pub.dttus.com 183: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: 183: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: curie.noos.net 183: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.03%: 183: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: cbcba-09p123.ppp13.odn.ad.jp 182: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: 182: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: 182: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: 141-211-238-129.bus.umich.edu 182: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: dialup- 182: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: 181: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: cc1853121-a.mcmb1.mi.home.com 181: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: 181: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: as4-24.apk.net 181: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: msl-31.uflib.ufl.edu 181: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: 141-211-31-46.bus.umich.edu 181: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.03%: v.spherion.com 180: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: 180: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: 180: 0.000: : 0.03%: contin2.lib.law.umich.edu 180: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: inehou-pxy02.compaq.com 180: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: we-24-126-245-108.we.mediaone.net 180: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: 141-211-31-75.bus.umich.edu 180: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: user-2injgu5.dialup.mindspring.com 179: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: tayhou-217-182.ev1.net 179: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: adsl-64-108-59-154.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net 179: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: 179: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: 179: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.03%: acacf327.ipt.aol.com 179: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: ref6.lib.law.umich.edu 179: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: tyoba-35p229.ppp13.odn.ad.jp 178: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: wspl-148.wiso.uni-erlangen.de 178: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: gateway.hntb.com 178: 0.000: 0.05%: 0.03%: gate.timeinc.com 178: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: 177: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: cc205615-c.strhg1.mi.home.com 177: 0.001: 0.11%: 0.03%: 177: 0.000: : 0.03%: ca-crlsbd-u2-c5a-269.crlsca.adelphia.net 177: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: pppa15-resalelansingmi2-1r7021.dialinx.net 177: 0.000: : 0.03%: 141-211-29-220.bus.umich.edu 177: 0.001: 0.07%: 0.03%: crawl7.googlebot.com 177: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: ac.xtime.com 177: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.03%: purus.ummu.umich.edu 176: 0.001: 0.06%: 0.03%: ezspider303.directhit.com 176: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.03%: host82sub14.offices.ixl.com 176: 0.001: 0.07%: 0.03%: pegasus.nissanchem.co.jp 176: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: eycf1-ext.ey.com 176: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: wwwproxy.westgroup.com 176: 0.000: 0.05%: 0.03%: durham-ar1-229-204.dsl.gte.net 176: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: cs662556-150.houston.rr.com 176: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: ip2.factorylogic.com 176: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: ct283470-a.evansv1.in.home.com 175: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: 141-211-237-172.bus.umich.edu 175: 0.000: : 0.03%: ool-182f81bd.dyn.optonline.net 175: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: 175: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: abf2-155.freeman.tulane.edu 175: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: 175: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: h127s121a9n47.user.nortelnetworks.com 174: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.03%: 174: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: 174: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: extrel-43.ucsd.edu 174: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: 0-1pool30-39.nas3.oakland1.ca.us.da.qwest.net 174: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: c650397-a.roalok1.mi.home.com 174: 0.000: : 0.03%: 141-211-31-91.bus.umich.edu 173: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: bgp939895bgs.brmngh01.mi.comcast.net 173: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.03%: redgate.kcc.com 173: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.03%: 173: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: 173: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.03%: bgp924321bgs.brghtn01.mi.comcast.net 172: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: 174-35.lib.umich.edu 172: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: user-1120bpi.dsl.mindspring.com 172: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: ac9d6edf.ipt.aol.com 172: 0.000: 0.05%: 0.03%: proxy.cingular.com 172: 0.001: 0.08%: 0.03%: cache1-ch.comex.ru 171: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: com14.maint.alpine.k12.ut.us 171: 0.000: : 0.03%: grape.gznet.edu.cn 171: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: 171: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.03%: 171: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: 171: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: 171: 0.001: 0.10%: 0.03%: gw.colorkinetics.com 170: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: 170: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: bgp01131113bgs.ypeast01.mi.comcast.net 170: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: 169: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.03%: ce8.time.net.my 169: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: 169: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: 168: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: 168: 0.002: 0.12%: 0.03%: 168: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: r-161.229.alltel.net 168: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: 168: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.03%: 168: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.03%: 167: 0.001: 0.08%: 0.03%: 167: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: d007155.n1.vanderbilt.edu 167: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: clt74-43-105.carolina.rr.com 167: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: pm484-35.dialip.mich.net 166: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: cs2866-47.austin.rr.com 166: 0.000: 0.05%: 0.03%: 166: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.03%: 166: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: animesh.wv.cc.cmu.edu 166: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: adsl-64-108-73-233.dsl.gdrpmi.ameritech.net 166: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.03%: bragg.geog.albany.edu 166: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: cache0.pal.ptd.net 166: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: li105pc116.scc.ohio-state.edu 166: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: wcc3-168.wccnet.org 166: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: spxyclt1.bankofamerica.com 166: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: adsl-64-163-214-30.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net 166: 0.000: : 0.03%: 166: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: nic-29-c108-68.twmi.rr.com 165: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.03%: 216-127-236-254.focal.com 165: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: scproxy2.sc.intel.com 165: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.03%: 165: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: 1cust98.tnt1.kennewick.wa.da.uu.net 165: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.03%: be590pc127.scc.ohio-state.edu 165: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.03%: 165: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: cc343693-b.chstfld1.va.home.com 165: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: jsmcnamara.com 164: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: host212219.arnet.net.ar 164: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.03%: mix-st-amand-112-2-81.abo.wanadoo.fr 164: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.03%: 164: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: 163: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: corio-nat1-att.corio.com 163: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: c190529-a.roalok1.mi.home.com 163: 0.000: : 0.03%: 163: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: 162: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: tuck37-dhcp-205.dartmouth.edu 162: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: nycmny1-ar1-4-3-093-066.elnk.dsl.gtei.net 162: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.03%: ip35.173.215.168.in-addr.arpa 162: 0.000: : 0.03%: 141-211-30-5.bus.umich.edu 162: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: wcc2-215.wccnet.org 162: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: cvg-65-27-147-168.cinci.rr.com 161: 0.000: : 0.03%: 161: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.03%: 161: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.03%: eastquad-171-77.reshall.umich.edu 160: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.03%: wcs1-cbus.nipr.mil 160: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.03%: 160: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: 160: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.03%: fcr-200-gp6-a.gsia.cmu.edu 160: 0.000: 0.05%: 0.03%: 66-108-221-143.nyc.rr.com 160: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.03%: webcache1.gw.uiuc.edu 159: 0.000: : 0.03%: 159: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.03%: cgey-int-fw1-pub.ey.com 159: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: user-0c8h8q9.cable.mindspring.com 159: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: roam183-161.student.harvard.edu 159: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: 159: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.03%: deepsea.abnamro.com 158: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: eatkyo056044.adsl.ppp.infoweb.ne.jp 158: 0.001: 0.08%: 0.02%: yuntis2.ecsl.cs.sunysb.edu 158: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: e148056.ppp.asahi-net.or.jp 158: 0.002: 0.13%: 0.02%: crawl1.googlebot.com 158: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 158: 0.001: 0.11%: 0.02%: ns1.pfizer.com 157: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: 157: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 157: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: e151105.ppp.asahi-net.or.jp 157: 0.000: : 0.02%: 157: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 157: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 157: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: global.lmi.org 157: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: proxy2-external.rdc1.mi.home.com 156: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: cpe00045ad35632.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com 156: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 156: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: user-2ivfius.dialup.mindspring.com 156: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 156: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: bgp01082223bgs.wanarb01.mi.comcast.net 156: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 1cust3.tnt32.atl2.da.uu.net 156: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 156: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: pc22108.kyunghee.ac.kr 156: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 156: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 156: 0.001: 0.09%: 0.02%: inet-netcache1-o.oracle.com 156: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 155: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 155: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: pm636-16.dialip.mich.net 155: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: ns.schoolcraft.cc.mi.us 155: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 208-39-152-97.comcasttel.net 154: 0.000: : 0.02%: cg962715-a.adubn1.nj.home.com 154: 0.000: : 0.02%: kapus.hminternetconnection.com 154: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: cs666851-99.austin.rr.com 154: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: a1as04-p207.due.tli.de 154: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: ool-43512299.dyn.optonline.net 154: 0.001: 0.06%: 0.02%: 154: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: pxy-hst-11.tandem.com 154: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: csc1.gdls.com 154: 0.001: 0.06%: 0.02%: 154: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: nic-41-c16-140.mn.mediaone.net 154: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 153: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: dhcp-1-138-220-134-45.worldbank.org 153: 0.000: 0.05%: 0.02%: fe0.ce1.sanet.ge 153: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: adsl-216-103-104-248.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net 153: 0.001: 0.08%: 0.02%: 153: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 153: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 153: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: gate1.mpsa.com 152: 0.000: 0.05%: 0.02%: tide120.microsoft.com 152: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: lib-40.labs.uidaho.edu 152: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 65-84-224-10.client.dsl.net 152: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.02%: pcd239003.netvigator.com 152: 0.000: : 0.02%: 141-211-239-18.bus.umich.edu 152: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: dial-83.ras-1.skn.c.cscoms.com 152: 0.000: 0.06%: 0.02%: sbproxy3.mystarhub.com.sg 152: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: gamma.hkma.gov.hk 152: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: canlinkdsm.eds.com 151: 0.000: 0.05%: 0.02%: 151: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: unknown-66-135.ws66.clorox.com 151: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: h24-78-75-131.vc.shawcable.net 151: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 151: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: cc5623-b.taylor1.mi.home.com 151: 0.000: : 0.02%: 203-195-168-51.now-india.net.in 151: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.02%: ool-182e2f5c.dyn.optonline.net 151: 0.001: 0.08%: 0.02%: inet3.kemper.com 151: 0.000: : 0.02%: 141-211-239-44.bus.umich.edu 150: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 12-234-140-25.client.attbi.com 150: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: ool-18be41ca.dyn.optonline.net 150: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 150: 0.000: : 0.02%: 141-211-29-221.bus.umich.edu 150: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: pm471-10.dialip.mich.net 150: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 150: 0.003: 0.19%: 0.02%: proxy.mm-m.ne.jp 150: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: lirbrs36.csuhayward.edu 150: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: hse-ottawa-ppp212038.sympatico.ca 149: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: ac92cacb.ipt.aol.com 149: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 149: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: gw1.mcgraw-hill.com 149: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 149: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 148: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: 12-248-120-61.client.attbi.com 148: 0.000: : 0.02%: fh-fw.morpace.com 148: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: host254.marriott.com 148: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.02%: tibco-5.tibco.com 148: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: gso26-148-172.triad.rr.com 148: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 148: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 148: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: eatkyo029223.adsl.ppp.infoweb.ne.jp 148: 0.000: : 0.02%: cc217091-a.owml1.md.home.com 148: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: imsbbcf03c.netvigator.com 148: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 12-230-189-191.client.attbi.com 148: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 147: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 147: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: adsl-208-191-71-133.dsl.tulsok.swbell.net 147: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 147: 0.000: : 0.02%: ceapuser.cecom.com 147: 0.000: : 0.02%: 141-211-30-48.bus.umich.edu 147: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: p9.adsl.ic.net 147: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.02%: webproxy05qfe0.sbi.com 147: 0.000: : 0.02%: nttnara005089.flets.ppp.infoweb.ne.jp 147: 0.000: 0.06%: 0.02%: cache244.156ce.singa.pore.net 147: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 071-143.cosmoweb.net 147: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 1cust241.tnt15.sfo3.da.uu.net 146: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: pm754-03.dialip.mich.net 146: 0.000: : 0.02%: bgp942839bgs.canton01.mi.comcast.net 146: 0.000: 0.06%: 0.02%: dialpool-210-214-40-178.maa.sify.net 146: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 146: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 146: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: firewall.rhpl.org 146: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: w3-gate.tp1rc.edu.tw 145: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 145: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: pppa83-resalechicagometrob19-3r7840.dialinx.net 145: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 24-28-204-34.mf3.cox.rr.com 145: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: wc09.mtnk.rnc.net.cable.rogers.com 145: 0.000: : 0.02%: 141-211-237-206.bus.umich.edu 145: 0.000: : 0.02%: matrix.uel.ac.uk 145: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: 145: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: 145: 0.000: 0.05%: 0.02%: vsimain.vsi-hq.com 145: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: cs242738-33.austin.rr.com 144: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 144: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 144: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: umbsel28.bus.umich.edu 144: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 144: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: 12-234-194-244.client.attbi.com 144: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: xd84b4766.ip.ggn.net 144: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: ns1.prenhall.com 144: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: helios.nichimen.co.jp 144: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: ool-18b841d3.dyn.optonline.net 144: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: user42.grey.com 144: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: ool-18bb5edf.dyn.optonline.net 143: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 143: 0.000: 0.05%: 0.02%: w026.z208176208.det-mi.dsl.cnc.net 143: 0.000: 0.05%: 0.02%: 143: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 143: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 143: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: roam163-208.student.harvard.edu 143: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: 143: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 12-245-182-94.client.attbi.com 142: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: x1-6-00-08-c7-7c-ed-f4.bc.edu 142: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 24-90-15-82.si.rr.com 142: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: cc2196225-d.taylor1.mi.home.com 142: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: 141-211-31-211.bus.umich.edu 142: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: out.capitalone.com 142: 0.000: : 0.02%: 12-245-9-231.client.attbi.com 142: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 142: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.02%: imsbbcf01c.netvigator.com 142: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 141-211-30-18.bus.umich.edu 141: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: adsl-64-109-49-14.dsl.ipltin.ameritech.net 141: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: 61-219-37-12.hinet-ip.hinet.net 141: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 12-251-90-250.client.attbi.com 141: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 141: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 12-234-95-217.client.attbi.com 141: 0.000: : 0.02%: pm459-39.dialip.mich.net 140: 0.000: : 0.02%: sikyo777.healthcare.csc.com 140: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 140: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 66-108-205-165.nyc.rr.com 140: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: 140: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: moorgate.wiwi.hu-berlin.de 140: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: acaa9ee9.ipt.aol.com 140: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 141-211-238-28.bus.umich.edu 140: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 140: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: 66-171-37-22.subscriber.vzavenue.net 140: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: lion.harrisbank.com 140: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: h24-68-44-141.vc.shawcable.net 140: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: pool-162-83-141-203.ny5030.east.verizon.net 140: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 1cust166.tnt1.columbus-metro.oh.da.uu.net 139: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: vpn198.bc.edu 139: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: murdoch.singnet.com.sg 139: 0.001: 0.06%: 0.02%: 139: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: nat-75.boston.bmc.com 139: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: aorleans-101-1-1-198.abo.wanadoo.fr 139: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: a010-0218.athn.splitrock.net 139: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.02%: garzad.bus.utexas.edu 139: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 24-148-61-186.na.21stcentury.net 139: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 24-168-25-177.nyc.rr.com 139: 0.001: 0.07%: 0.02%: rdslink-v90-30.iasi.rdsnet.ro 139: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.02%: pvil-d-131.resnet.purdue.edu 139: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 12-248-94-249.client.attbi.com 139: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: nttx40.nttx.co.jp 139: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: gsv210024.gsu.edu 139: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: as5r8-132.ras.cha.cantv.net 138: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: msee189pc09.ecn.purdue.edu 138: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 2cust121.tnt18.tpa2.da.uu.net 138: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.02%: 81-pool1.ras11.midea.tii-dial.net 138: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: dialup- 138: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: host-214.subnet-189.med.umich.edu 138: 0.000: : 0.02%: bgp01077062bgs.wanarb01.mi.comcast.net 138: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: pool66-tch-2.sofia.0rbitel.net 137: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: pm639-44.dialip.mich.net 137: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: bgp933828bgs.brmngh01.mi.comcast.net 137: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: ool-182e706a.dyn.optonline.net 137: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: pool-162-84-199-134.ny5030.east.verizon.net 137: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: chipper_spawn.wustl.edu 137: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 137: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: acb61c23.ipt.aol.com 136: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: pppa51-resaleathensb1-5r7846.dialinx.net 136: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 136: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: c109844-a.iowact1.ia.home.com 136: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: 136: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 136: 0.000: : 0.02%: host-207-248-251-170.block.alestra.net.mx 136: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 136: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 136: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: clepat.trw.com 136: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 136: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: cs2416242-204.houston.rr.com 136: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 136: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 136: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: oh-clevhi3a-222.chlcoh.adelphia.net 136: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: 247-pool3.ras11.midea.tii-dial.net 135: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 135: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: stat3le0x.stat.lsa.umich.edu 135: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: wcgate.twi.com 135: 0.000: : 0.02%: aca5eacf.ipt.aol.com 135: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 135: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 12-228-157-234.client.attbi.com 135: 0.000: : 0.02%: 135: 0.000: : 0.02%: c03-189.015.popsite.net 135: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: 135: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: buo8-1.business.utah.edu 135: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: cs6625165-32.austin.rr.com 134: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 134: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 134: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: tkacu92a.mitsui.co.jp 134: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: adsl-66-72-161-187.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net 134: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 134: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: pool-141-158-70-242.pitt.east.verizon.net 134: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 134: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: user-2ivesop.dialup.mindspring.com 134: 0.000: 0.05%: 0.02%: 134: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 200-41-33-74-tntteco1.impsat.net.ar 134: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: wehn-dhcp-74.tamu.edu 134: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: pm471-08.dialip.mich.net 134: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 134: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: lax-28-d-254.lax.dsl.cerfnet.com 134: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 134: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: pm667-41.dialip.mich.net 133: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 201.a.004.syd.iprimus.net.au 133: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 133: 0.000: : 0.02%: 133: 0.000: : 0.02%: proxy1.cityu.edu.hk 133: 0.000: : 0.02%: bgp01025751bgs.sanarb01.mi.comcast.net 133: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: atlfw4118.arthurandersen.com 133: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: dialup- 133: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: x128-101-248-131.dialup.umn.edu 132: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: outbound5.enron.com 132: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: proxy4.fm.intel.com 132: 0.000: : 0.02%: du128.n77.queensu.ca 132: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 132: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: adsl-208-188-100-153.dsl.austtx.swbell.net 132: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: ool-18b8d5f0.dyn.optonline.net 132: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: 132: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: 131: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: umbsul75.bus.umich.edu 131: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 131: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 203-195-168-173.now-india.net.in 131: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 131: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: bgp01023193bgs.sanarb01.mi.comcast.net 131: 0.000: : 0.02%: dhcp024-208-226-067.twmi.rr.com 131: 0.000: : 0.02%: pm479-26.dialip.mich.net 131: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 04-huston-l.mid4.usna.edu 131: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: host-254.subnet-78.med.umich.edu 131: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 131: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 131: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.02%: 0-1pool57-203.nas40.philadelphia1.pa.us.da.qwest.net 131: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 141-211-237-82.bus.umich.edu 131: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: dhcp64-134-63-91.wgw.phl.wayport.net 130: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 130: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: 141-211-30-203.bus.umich.edu 130: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: pm462-10.dialip.mich.net 130: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: 24-148-23-31.na.21stcentury.net 130: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 130: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: proxy2.sagam1.kn.home.ne.jp 130: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: tnt19a-52.focal-chi.corecomm.net 130: 0.000: : 0.02%: cc277086-a.mcmb1.mi.home.com 130: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: vp180028.reshsg.uci.edu 129: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: atlrouter01.xcelerate.com 129: 0.000: : 0.02%: 129: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 129: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: cc1732481-b.wldlk1.mi.home.com 129: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: d226-97-167.home.cgocable.net 129: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: haas-f533005.haas.berkeley.edu 129: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 12-247-46-137.client.attbi.com 129: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: user216-178-71-99.netcarrier.net 129: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 129: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: 129: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: adsl-156-71-65.asm.bellsouth.net 129: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 128: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 128: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 128: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: adsl-81-42-77.asm.bellsouth.net 128: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 128: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: adsl-244-249.ns.itd.umich.edu 128: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 128: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: nic-30-c24-143.mw.mediaone.net 128: 0.000: : 0.02%: p3ee37488.dip.t-dialin.net 128: 0.000: : 0.02%: aloyd-192-80.reshall.umich.edu 128: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 127: 0.000: : 0.02%: atuba-13p186.ppp13.odn.ad.jp 127: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: dsl-res34.idcomm.com 127: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: oh-strongsville1c-147.clvhoh.adelphia.net 127: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: nas-cbv-5-46-240.dial.proxad.net 127: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 127: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: csc0g02prb.net.cuhk.edu.hk 127: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: cache2.msen.com 127: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: w232.z208037196.chi-il.dsl.cnc.net 127: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 127: 0.000: : 0.02%: bh2.massmutual.com 127: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: cotton.engin.umich.edu 127: 0.000: : 0.02%: bgp01020426bgs.sanarb01.mi.comcast.net 127: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: ip89.fosters-landing.sfo.interquest.net 127: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 2cust183.tnt1.farmington.mi.da.uu.net 127: 0.000: 0.05%: 0.02%: 12-234-32-220.client.attbi.com 127: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: bkj-cache83.jaring.my 127: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: dialup- 126: 0.000: : 0.02%: host-135.subnet-177.med.umich.edu 126: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 126: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: 126: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: pm593-16.dialip.mich.net 126: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: 126: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 126: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: ac983c68.ipt.aol.com 126: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: hse-montreal-ppp3465629.sympatico.ca 126: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: ol238-205.fibertel.com.ar 126: 0.000: : 0.02%: 126: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 126: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: aca3b510.ipt.aol.com 126: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: dialin53c-81.ppp.uci.edu 126: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 126: 0.001: 0.10%: 0.02%: 12-253-108-225.client.attbi.com 126: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: maq104d.advance.com.ar 126: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: dhcp148-245-9-141.ruv.itesm.mx 126: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: proxy-server.firstenergycorp.com 126: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: hbs17-221.hbs.edu 126: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: ool-182f8730.dyn.optonline.net 126: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: wc09.ym.rnc.net.cable.rogers.com 125: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 141-211-31-170.bus.umich.edu 125: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: pm475-17.dialip.mich.net 125: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: dialup- 125: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 125: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 12-224-16-34.client.attbi.com 125: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 125: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: derm05.med.upenn.edu 125: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: ubppp234-5.dialin.buffalo.edu 125: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 125: 0.000: : 0.02%: 125: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 125: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 141-211-30-97.bus.umich.edu 125: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: pm683-08.dialip.mich.net 125: 0.001: 0.07%: 0.02%: ca-sntamnca-u1-c4a-32.stmnca.adelphia.net 125: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 125: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: palo13.pacific.net.sg 124: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 124: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: pine.brattle.com 124: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: lan-202-144-99-91.maa.sify.net 124: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 141-211-237-134.bus.umich.edu 124: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: 124: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 124: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: gw-sjo1.sc.philips.com 124: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 124: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: 124: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 124: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: pm807-15.dialip.mich.net 124: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: tor-58-26a-209197167007.3web.net 124: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: adsl-66-73-4-122.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net 124: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: mke-65-31-160-75.wi.rr.com 124: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: lang-1a5.langton.ucl.ac.uk 123: 0.000: : 0.02%: stat3le2f.stat.lsa.umich.edu 123: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: a020-0071.snfc.splitrock.net 123: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: ccs07-ppp042.t-net.net.ve 123: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 123: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 24-56-203-199.mdmmi.voyager.net 123: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: abf2-103.freeman.tulane.edu 123: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: washdc3-ar2-180-211.elnk.dsl.gtei.net 123: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 123: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.02%: cvg-65-27-140-173.cinci.rr.com 123: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: southquad21.ccs.itd.umich.edu 123: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: pool-138-88-80-65.res.east.verizon.net 123: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: pool-141-153-202-246.mad.east.verizon.net 123: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: palo10.pacific.net.sg 123: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: nc5.emirates.net.ae 123: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: pc01co-506b.stat.ncsu.edu 123: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 123: 0.000: : 0.02%: user1.rurbannet.ne.jp 123: 0.000: : 0.02%: cc814780-b.flint1.mi.home.com 123: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: ns10.co.washtenaw.mi.us 123: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 122: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: user140.shawpittman.com 122: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: bgp01014690bgs.rosvle01.mi.comcast.net 122: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: web0.site.uottawa.ca 122: 0.001: 0.07%: 0.02%: wc09.wlfdle.rnc.net.cable.rogers.com 122: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: wsuser200.user.cigna.com 122: 0.000: : 0.02%: ads16.keyshot.com 122: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 122: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.02%: threshold9n.jpmorgan.com 122: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 122: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: dynamic-151-108.dorm.natpool.uc.edu 122: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: union34.ccs.itd.umich.edu 122: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 141-211-29-217.bus.umich.edu 122: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: nc2.emirates.net.ae 122: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: paalto-apx-1-146-90.penn.com 122: 0.000: : 0.02%: 122: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 122: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 122: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 122: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: figment5.gs.com 122: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: 121: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 121: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: wwwgate11.motorola.com 121: 0.000: : 0.02%: pm477-18.dialip.mich.net 121: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 121: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: a91.wsep.com 121: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 203-195-168-195.now-india.net.in 121: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 121: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: obj1954.brmngh01.mi.comcast.net 121: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 66-108-167-239.nyc.rr.com 121: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: 121: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: adsl-156-108-116.asm.bellsouth.net 121: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: sdn-ar-004njnewap274.dialsprint.net 121: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: umbsul49.bus.umich.edu 121: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: pm460-37.dialip.mich.net 121: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: sj-netcache.cadence.com 120: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.02%: tide121.microsoft.com 120: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: adsl-63-196-1-24.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net 120: 0.000: : 0.02%: atkearney-gw.customer.alter.net 120: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 120: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: meyerhoff1.chem.lsa.umich.edu 120: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: shel-cas2-cs-366.dial.bright.net 120: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: dsl-64-131-183-237.telocity.com 120: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 120: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: sb2insgproxy3.dowjones.com 120: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 1cust9.tnt2.corpus-christi3.tx.da.uu.net 120: 0.000: : 0.02%: 120: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 120: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 0-3pool151-228.nas16.columbus1.oh.us.da.qwest.net 119: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: hse-toronto-ppp169441.sympatico.ca 119: 0.000: : 0.02%: 0-2pool190-62.nas8.garfield-heights1.oh.us.da.qwest.net 119: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: oxford-173-26.reshall.umich.edu 119: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 119: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 119: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: tmpil012.honeywell.com 119: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: dialup- 119: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 141-211-29-232.bus.umich.edu 119: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 119: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: bgp01023601bgs.sanarb01.mi.comcast.net 119: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 119: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: c292816-b.moline1.il.home.com 119: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.02%: 119: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: palo4.pacific.net.sg 119: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: gw-out2.cpwin.com 118: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 254.winstar.net 118: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: dhcp0275.nic.resnet.group.upenn.edu 118: 0.000: : 0.02%: ppp-186-117.bng.vsnl.net.in 118: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: cf1.emirates.net.ae 118: 0.000: : 0.02%: 1cust182.tnt1.sin1.da.uu.net 118: 0.000: : 0.02%: 118: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: cpe00045a2bac42.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com 118: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: adirsmp.mit.edu 118: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 4.host.starwoodhotels.com 118: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: cj981435-a.alex1.va.home.com 118: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: milkystreet.singnet.com.sg 117: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 141-211-239-104.bus.umich.edu 117: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: lorch2.fordschool.umich.edu 117: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: southquad-184-230.reshall.umich.edu 117: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: cc1855625-a.roylok1.mi.home.com 117: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: cm173.172.234.24.lvcm.com 117: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 117: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: cache-mtc-ah04.proxy.aol.com 117: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 117: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 66-65-20-199.nyc.rr.com 117: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 117: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 1cust15.tnt4.owosso.mi.da.uu.net 117: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 66-65-16-250.nyc.rr.com 117: 0.000: : 0.02%: 117: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: dialup- 117: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: dip14-ppp-99.bu.edu 116: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: port0160-adsl.cwjamaica.com 116: 0.000: : 0.02%: 141-211-31-173.bus.umich.edu 116: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.02%: 116: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 116: 0.000: : 0.02%: host165.qualxserv.com 116: 0.000: : 0.02%: a006001.ap.plala.or.jp 116: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: dsl081-198-157.nyc2.dsl.speakeasy.net 116: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 24-168-25-67.nyc.rr.com 116: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 116: 0.000: : 0.02%: bgp01138259bgs.ypwest01.mi.comcast.net 116: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: dialup- 116: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: cs2416096-77.houston.rr.com 116: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: acad60d3.ipt.aol.com 116: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 116: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: sapient-cp.sapient.com 116: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: c230.iems.nwu.edu 116: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: dhcp75.rich.emory.edu 115: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: cce02.racsa.co.cr 115: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 115: 0.000: : 0.02%: mhsaanet100-99.mhsaa.net 115: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: stockwell9.ccs.itd.umich.edu 115: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 115: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: modemcable060.211-202-24.mtl.mc.videotron.ca 115: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: ool-18bcf86a.dyn.optonline.net 115: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 115: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 38.cambridge-16rh15rt.ma.dial-access.att.net 115: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: user-112u47l.biz.mindspring.com 115: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 115: 0.000: : 0.02%: 1cust116.tnt16.det5.da.uu.net 115: 0.000: : 0.02%: wabod01s01.gsm1900.org 115: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 114: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: umbski06.bus.umich.edu 114: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: shadow.ghs.org 114: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: sbproxy1.mystarhub.com.sg 114: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: lan-202-144-28-194.maa.sify.net 114: 0.000: : 0.02%: ool-18bebb81.dyn.optonline.net 114: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 114: 0.000: : 0.02%: client-151-200-161-80.bellatlantic.net 114: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: arc51-cup1.pangeatech.com 114: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: 114: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: pm636-42.dialip.mich.net 114: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: adsl-63-255-195.mia.bellsouth.net 114: 0.000: : 0.02%: pm663-45.dialip.mich.net 114: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: 114: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 114: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: qrchy0e1.nortelnetworks.com 114: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: userxx.wcb.ab.ca 113: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 113: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: dl-adsl-c8d56a0d.sao.terra.com.br 113: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: edu58.coe.ufl.edu 113: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: eng-pc02.sites.uiuc.edu 113: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 113: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: max210.ts.hit-u.ac.jp 113: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: dt019nd0.san.rr.com 113: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: inthideaddr.aaamichigan.com 112: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: modem-254-64-60-62.vip.uk.com 112: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: sjv-ca5a-121.rasserver.net 112: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: as1-200-52-2-20.mtyxl.axtel.net 112: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 112: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 66-108-168-21.nyc.rr.com 112: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: physb420.physics.lsa.umich.edu 112: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 112: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 112: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: slip139-92-229-218.war.uk.prserv.net 112: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 112: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 112: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: x128-101-254-83.dialup.umn.edu 112: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: cache02.tor.pathcom.com 112: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 141-211-137-200.dev.umich.edu 112: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 112: 0.000: : 0.02%: cs24160105-211.houston.rr.com 112: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 112: 0.000: : 0.02%: user-2ivfiav.dialup.mindspring.com 111: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: umbsel24.bus.umich.edu 111: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: host-67.subnet-18.med.umich.edu 111: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: weny0.computer.wfu.edu 111: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: adsl-64-174-170-194.1stopmd.com 111: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: threshold6n.jpmorgan.com 111: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 111: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: a1-2f033.neo.rr.com 111: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: doegate-1.doe.gov 111: 0.000: 0.05%: 0.02%: baits-210-190.reshall.umich.edu 111: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: cj34868-c.dlcty1.va.home.com 111: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: ac822bc7.ipt.aol.com 111: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 111: 0.000: : 0.02%: 111: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: 174-236.lib.umich.edu 110: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: adsl-66-73-232-110.suncommunities.net 110: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 64-93-57-98.client.dsl.net 110: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: a45577.spd.louisville.edu 110: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: dns.morris.k12.nj.us 110: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: pm593-27.dialip.mich.net 110: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.02%: 110: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: alcfpxy1.att.com 110: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: proxy2.cityu.edu.hk 110: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: semhsvcv01.nissay.co.jp 110: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 12-248-81-63.client.attbi.com 110: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 110: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: ip30.webscient.com 110: 0.000: : 0.02%: 110: 0.001: 0.06%: 0.02%: tmspxy04.toyota.com 110: 0.000: : 0.02%: ac966455.ipt.aol.com 110: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: cc700059-a.mrtnz1.ga.home.com 110: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 110: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: e0.enss264.t3.ans.net 110: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.02%: scilibproxy.ucsc.edu 109: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: pd95257f1.dip.t-dialin.net 109: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: hse-mtl-ppp70828.qc.sympatico.ca 109: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 109: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 109: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: ac9578c1.ipt.aol.com 109: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: ngbcache2.ngb.army.mil 109: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 12-245-55-227.client.attbi.com 109: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: ip37.toronto72.dialup.canada.psi.net 109: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: proxy.lanck.net 109: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 109: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: bp199-73.kellogg.nwu.edu 109: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 109: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 109: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 109: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 109: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: outbound1.ual.com 109: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: alyon-202-1-4-82.abo.wanadoo.fr 109: 0.000: : 0.02%: 108: 0.000: : 0.02%: lan-202-144-113-2.maa.sify.net 108: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: pd9eb6eb1.dip.t-dialin.net 108: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.02%: 108: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 108: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 108: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: pc34.ethome.net.tw 108: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 108: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: hbs17-228.hbs.edu 108: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 108: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: bgp01019273bgs.sanarb01.mi.comcast.net 108: 0.000: 0.06%: 0.02%: 108: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: proxy.hec.fr 108: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 108: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 108: 0.000: : 0.02%: p9225-adsao04hon-acca.tokyo.ocn.ne.jp 108: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: proxy2-external.oaks1.pa.home.com 108: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: user-2injll1.dialup.mindspring.com 108: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 108: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 108: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: mfhnnadn01sun.nissan-usa.com 108: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.02%: ip-216-39-224-197.hqglobal.net 108: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: pc29172.utdallas.edu 108: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 134-101.univunions.dsa.umich.edu 108: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 107: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: umbsel18.bus.umich.edu 107: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 107: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 107: 0.005: 0.34%: 0.02%: j-sux101.jci.com 107: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: x134-84-253-9.dialup.umn.edu 107: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 107: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 107: 0.000: : 0.02%: 107: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: proxy.westpac.com.au 107: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 107: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 107: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 107: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: dsl-023-d.resnet.purdue.edu 107: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 106: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 106: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 106: 0.000: : 0.02%: 1cust24.tnt1.farmington.mi.da.uu.net 106: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 106: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 106: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: ac8e1e4a.ipt.aol.com 106: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 106: 0.001: 0.08%: 0.02%: tcs-gateway11.treas.gov 106: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: hq2.l4.deac.net 106: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: adsl-64-108-57-106.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net 106: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 106: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 200-158-77-137.dsl.telesp.net.br 106: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 106: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: ccrnt002.satyam.com 106: 0.000: 0.06%: 0.02%: 12-234-93-233.client.attbi.com 105: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 105: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: mail.waldorf.edu 105: 0.000: : 0.02%: ool-18bb8328.dyn.optonline.net 105: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: acb798f3.ipt.aol.com 105: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 105: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: ac9ee819.ipt.aol.com 105: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: bgp01024377bgs.sanarb01.mi.comcast.net 105: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: mail.blackbaud.com 105: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 105: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: adsl-63-195-3.mia.bellsouth.net 105: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: deimos.ummu.umich.edu 105: 0.001: 0.09%: 0.02%: crawl6.googlebot.com 105: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: proxy1.consumersenergy.com 105: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: fw.cemex.com 105: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: h10.233.mteleport.ru 105: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: classical.ummu.umich.edu 104: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: southquad16.ccs.itd.umich.edu 104: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 208-39-152-98.comcasttel.net 104: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 104: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 24-168-36-89.nyc.rr.com 104: 0.002: 0.14%: 0.02%: quantum.tcimet.net 104: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: westquad-189-91.reshall.umich.edu 104: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: pppa55-resalelittlerockb2-2r7067.dialinx.net 104: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: adsl-66-72-163-120.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net 104: 0.000: : 0.02%: 64-66-217-67.stkn.bigvalley.net 104: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: prenticer.bus.utexas.edu 104: 0.000: : 0.02%: 104: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 104: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: southquad-184-132.reshall.umich.edu 104: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 130.indianapolis-17rh16rt.in.dial-access.att.net 104: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 104: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 12-234-74-195.client.attbi.com 104: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: c835559-a.roalok1.mi.home.com 104: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 104: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: westquad-190-109.reshall.umich.edu 104: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: sdn-ar-012casfrmp136.dialsprint.net 104: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: fgusap1401io.abbott.com 104: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: nic-29-c100-223.twmi.rr.com 104: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: c3115-11.impsat.com.co 104: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 103: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 103: 0.000: : 0.02%: 103: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: adsl-66-72-180-205.southfield.mi.ameritech.net 103: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: line195031.ras.ilstu.edu 103: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: sl-bps-04.mit.edu 103: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: proxy1.fm.intel.com 103: 0.000: : 0.02%: dialup- 103: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 141-211-238-131.bus.umich.edu 103: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: sbproxy2.mystarhub.com.sg 103: 0.000: : 0.02%: 103: 0.001: 0.10%: 0.02%: 103: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: 103: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 181-143.dialup.itte.kz 103: 0.000: : 0.02%: ppp24-242.ahdr01.wipro.net.in 103: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: horus.prolink.com.br 103: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: calr8.lib.law.umich.edu 103: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 141-211-30-9.bus.umich.edu 103: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 133.los-angeles-71-72rs.ca.dial-access.att.net 103: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 141-211-238-163.bus.umich.edu 103: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: cc3- 103: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: widmeyer.bus.umich.edu 103: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 102: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: pool-141-158-52-87.phil.east.verizon.net 102: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: pubpc170.bu.edu 102: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 102: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: dialup- 102: 0.001: 0.06%: 0.02%: out.ci.ftlaud.fl.us 102: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 102: 0.000: : 0.02%: 102: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 0-1pool209-34.nas1.ann-arbor2.mi.us.da.qwest.net 102: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: c163533-a.roalok1.mi.home.com 102: 0.000: : 0.02%: 102: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: nic-118-c50-227.mn.mediaone.net 102: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 12-245-70-242.client.attbi.com 102: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: slip-32-101-80-120.ny.us.prserv.net 102: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: adsl-63-206-90-247.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net 102: 0.000: : 0.02%: public-border.oakton.edu 102: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: wims-gc.engin.umich.edu 102: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: ppp-199-179-191-199.dialup.sfldmi.ameritech.net 101: 0.000: 0.05%: 0.02%: 101: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: mdigcp14.ibw.com.ni 101: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: dialup- 101: 0.000: : 0.02%: 141-211-238-213.bus.umich.edu 101: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: tmspxy02.toyota.com 101: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: gztdc.guangzhou.gd.cn 101: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: pm590-42.dialip.mich.net 101: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 101: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: proxy2.ln.edu.hk 101: 0.000: : 0.02%: 101: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: gate.kgf.hu 101: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: roc-24-58-65-183.rochester.rr.com 101: 0.000: : 0.02%: dialup- 101: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: imsbbcf09b.netvigator.com 101: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 66-108-159-46.nyc.rr.com 100: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 100: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: adsl-61-161-131.atl.bellsouth.net 100: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: 80.detroit16rh16rt.mi.dial-access.att.net 100: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 12-234-37-53.client.attbi.com 100: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: adsl-208-191-171-222.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net 100: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: dsl-65-184-32-173.telocity.com 100: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 100: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: threshold5n.jpmorgan.com 100: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: chifw5004.arthurandersen.com 100: 0.000: : 0.02%: user-uinjmpq.dsl.mindspring.com 100: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.02%: 100: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 04-046.008.popsite.net 100: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: user33.net004.oh.sprint-hsd.net 100: 0.000: : 0.02%: stockwell-205-53.reshall.umich.edu 100: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: mil-fw1g.tmp.com 100: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 173.pool31.tokyo.att.ne.jp 100: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: ugl14.ccs.itd.umich.edu 100: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: pm474-12.dialip.mich.net 100: 0.000: : 0.02%: hse-windsor-ppp331450.sympatico.ca 100: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.02%: pm609-47.dialip.mich.net 100: 0.000: : 0.02%: pm467-27.dialip.mich.net 100: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 361142: 1.023: 59.79%: 56.95%: [not listed: 11,563 hosts]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Listing the first 25 referring URLs by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: Mbytes: %bytes: %reqs: URL ------: -------: ------: ------: --- 202724: 330.422: 22.63%: 34.46%: http://www.bus.umich.edu/ 29: 0.079: 0.01%: : http://www.bus.umich.edu/? 56856: 190.141: 13.02%: 9.66%: http://www.bus.umich.edu/prostudents/index.html 42035: 80.706: 5.53%: 7.15%: http://www.bus.umich.edu/prostudents/mba/admissions/index.html 12788: 13.374: 0.92%: 2.17%: http://www.bus.umich.edu/prostudents/mba/ 10625: 17.696: 1.21%: 1.81%: http://www.bus.umich.edu/index.html 10400: 20.792: 1.42%: 1.77%: http://www.bus.umich.edu/prostudents/mba/index.html 8881: 30.676: 2.10%: 1.51%: http://www.bus.umich.edu/prostudents/bba/admissions/index.html 7612: 9.155: 0.63%: 1.29%: http://www.bus.umich.edu/search/index.html 7480: 5.956: 0.41%: 1.27%: http://www.bus.umich.edu/prostudents/mba/admissions/interviews.html 7318: 10.729: 0.73%: 1.24%: http://www.bus.umich.edu/prostudents/phd/admissions.html 7304: 18.984: 1.30%: 1.24%: http://www.bus.umich.edu/prostudents/phd/index.html 6201: 17.213: 1.18%: 1.05%: http://www.bus.umich.edu/prostudents/mba/brochure.html 5734: 21.243: 1.46%: 0.97%: http://www.bus.umich.edu/prostudents/mba/admissions/moreinfo.html 5341: 10.755: 0.74%: 0.91%: http://www.bus.umich.edu/prostudents/mba/admissions/top50/index.html 4916: 12.155: 0.83%: 0.84%: http://www.bus.umich.edu/prostudents/phd/ 4770: 3.649: 0.25%: 0.81%: http://www.bus.umich.edu/contact/index.html 4165: 2.436: 0.17%: 0.71%: http://www.bus.umich.edu/prostudents/mba/admissions/appdeadlines.html 3862: 6.156: 0.42%: 0.66%: http://www.bus.umich.edu/alumni/photogallery/reunion01/index.htm 3824: 25.346: 1.74%: 0.65%: http://www.bus.umich.edu/research/index.html 3820: 3.341: 0.23%: 0.65%: http://www.bus.umich.edu/prostudents/bba/ 3656: 11.701: 0.80%: 0.62%: http://www.bus.umich.edu/academic/acadepts.html 3285: 1.604: 0.11%: 0.56%: http://www.bus.umich.edu/academic/calendar.html 3178: 2.531: 0.17%: 0.54%: http://www.bus.umich.edu/prostudents/bba/admissions/criteria.html 3132: 18.441: 1.26%: 0.53%: http://www.bus.umich.edu/research/nqrc/acsi.html 3089: 13.355: 0.91%: 0.53%: http://www.bus.umich.edu/alumni/index.html 155297: 581.408: 39.82%: 26.40%: [not listed: 2,399 URLs]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Listing the first 20 query words by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: search term -----: ----------- 903: business 620: school 604: michigan 547: of 498: mba 361: university 291: and 253: in 189: satisfaction 166: customer 148: management 136: the 102: international 98: for 82: gmat 82: study 82: or 81: research 79: ann 77: index 11063: [not listed: 2,776 search terms]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Listing the first 40 browsers by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: Mbytes: %bytes: %reqs: browser ------: -------: ------: ------: ------- 59018: 147.027: 8.39%: 9.31%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt) 56546: 138.430: 7.90%: 8.92%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0) 45838: 111.749: 6.38%: 7.23%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0) 42513: 100.502: 5.74%: 6.71%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98) 39312: 93.861: 5.36%: 6.20%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90) 24650: 58.971: 3.37%: 3.89%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows 98) 20050: 43.862: 2.50%: 3.16%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98) 18494: 64.692: 3.69%: 2.92%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 4.0) 15131: 35.729: 2.04%: 2.39%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; Q312461) 12438: 34.357: 1.96%: 1.96%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0) 12035: 30.660: 1.75%: 1.90%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; Q312461) 11712: 74.147: 4.23%: 1.85%: BaiDuSpider 11523: 37.975: 2.17%: 1.82%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 95) 10476: 31.494: 1.80%: 1.65%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT) 8980: 27.106: 1.55%: 1.42%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows NT; DigExt) 8287: 20.503: 1.17%: 1.31%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1) 7447: 18.290: 1.04%: 1.17%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows 95) 7174: 16.210: 0.93%: 1.13%: Mozilla/3.01 (compatible;) 6364: 15.384: 0.88%: 1.00%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98; Q312461) 6073: 12.159: 0.69%: 0.96%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90; Q312461) 5414: 13.693: 0.78%: 0.85%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 95; DigExt) 5261: 11.802: 0.67%: 0.83%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0; T312461) 5065: 18.506: 1.06%: 0.80%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Mac_PowerPC) 4496: 12.698: 0.72%: 0.71%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98) 3240: 5.764: 0.33%: 0.51%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90; T312461) 3126: 8.339: 0.48%: 0.49%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90) 2653: 9.855: 0.56%: 0.42%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 4.0) 2556: 4.362: 0.25%: 0.40%: Mozilla/4.72 [en] (Win95; I) 2517: 6.566: 0.37%: 0.40%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98; T312461) 2343: 7.880: 0.45%: 0.37%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 95) 2236: 8.432: 0.48%: 0.35%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows NT) 2058: 5.318: 0.30%: 0.32%: Mozilla/4.08 [en] (WinNT; U ;Nav) 1813: 7.125: 0.41%: 0.29%: Mozilla/4.77 [en] (Win98; U) 1592: 4.078: 0.23%: 0.25%: Mozilla/4.77 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U) 1517: 3.893: 0.22%: 0.24%: Mozilla/4.7 [en] (Win98; I) 1436: 2.225: 0.13%: 0.23%: Mozilla/4.7 [en] (Win95; U) 1412: 2.308: 0.13%: 0.22%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0; MCK IE) 1381: 5.260: 0.30%: 0.22%: Mozilla/4.75 [en] (Win98; U) 1308: 3.622: 0.21%: 0.21%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90; PeoplePC 3.0; HP) 1294: 3.986: 0.23%: 0.20%: Mozilla/4.08 [en] (Win95; U ;Nav) 157217: 492.885: 28.14%: 24.80%: [not listed: 1,828 browsers]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Listing the first 20 browsers by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: Gbytes: %bytes: %reqs: browser ------: -------: ------: ------: ------- 544544: 1.378: 80.56%: 85.89%: MSIE 63792: 0.192: 11.27%: 10.06%: Netscape 11712: 0.072: 4.23%: 1.85%: BaiDuSpider 8698: 0.024: 1.46%: 1.37%: Netscape (compatible) 1024: 0.013: 0.82%: 0.16%: Googlebot 756: 0.002: 0.12%: 0.12%: Opera 720: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.11%: MSProxy 703: 0.006: 0.36%: 0.11%: FAST-WebCrawler 504: 0.004: 0.29%: 0.08%: Wget 414: 0.003: 0.21%: 0.07%: Crescent Internet ToolPak HTTP OLE Control v.1.0 232: 0.000: 0.05%: 0.04%: contype 70: 0.000: 0.05%: 0.01%: Openfind data gatherer, Openbot 68: 0.002: 0.17%: 0.01%: FlashGet 64: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.01%: AVSearch-3.0(Verzeichnisse 63: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.01%: larbin_2.5.0 larbin2.5.0@unspecified.mail 60: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.01%: ia_archiver 33: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.01%: Slurp.so 33: 0.000: : 0.01%: About 26: 0.000: 0.01%: : WebTV 24: 0.000: 0.02%: : Mercator-1.0 456: 0.004: 0.27%: 0.07%: [not listed: 84 browsers]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Listing operating systems, sorted by the number of requests.
no.: reqs: OS ---: ------: -- 1: 593464: Windows : 223661: Windows 98 : 186394: Windows 2000 : 65567: Windows Me : 60546: Windows NT : 53235: Windows 95 : 3937: Unknown Windows : 84: Windows 3.1 : 20: Windows 16-bit : 15: Windows 32-bit : 5: Windows CE 2: 26190: OS unknown 3: 12704: Macintosh : 12634: Macintosh PowerPC : 70: Macintosh 68k 4: 1515: Unix : 904: SunOS : 430: Linux : 158: HP-UX : 22: IRIX : 1: BSD 5: 77: OS/2 6: 26: WebTV 7: 20: BeOS
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Listing status codes, sorted numerically.
reqs: status code ------: ----------- 420071: 200 OK 2657: 206 Partial content 1270: 301 Document moved permanently 155: 302 Document found elsewhere 211397: 304 Not modified since last retrieval 35: 400 Bad request 53: 403 Access forbidden 3700: 404 Document not found 96: 408 Request timeout
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
size: reqs: %bytes: -----------: ------: ------: 0: 219840: : 1b- 10b: 14: : 11b- 100b: 49403: 0.12%: 101b- 1kb: 132629: 3.99%: 1kb- 10kb: 197193: 43.26%: 10kb-100kb: 34455: 44.28%: 100kb- 1Mb: 589: 8.20%: 1Mb- 10Mb: 2: 0.15%:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Listing extensions with at least 0.1% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.
reqs: %bytes: extension ------: ------: --------- 516079: 36.52%: .gif [GIF graphics] 34958: 19.87%: .html [Hypertext Markup Language] 44176: 14.64%: [directories] 25886: 10.69%: .jpg [JPEG graphics] 4916: 8.59%: .jpeg [JPEG graphics] 2489: 7.75%: .pdf [Adobe Portable Document Format] 3659: 0.90%: .js [JavaScript code] 1558: 0.88%: .htm [Hypertext Markup Language] 403: 0.16%: [not listed: 9 extensions]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Listing directories with at least 0.1% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.
reqs: Mbytes: %bytes: %reqs: directory ------: -------: ------: ------: --------- 107429: 479.429: 27.35%: 16.94%: /prostudents/ 213522: 325.924: 18.59%: 33.67%: /images2/ 216810: 267.608: 15.27%: 34.19%: /images/ 15941: 134.793: 7.69%: 2.51%: /research/ 19272: 132.381: 7.55%: 3.04%: /alumni/ 16007: 97.855: 5.58%: 2.52%: [root directory] 13975: 77.501: 4.42%: 2.20%: /academic/ 2988: 34.555: 1.97%: 0.47%: /studentlife/ 4927: 28.217: 1.61%: 0.78%: http:// 2869: 27.263: 1.56%: 0.45%: /companies/ 1275: 19.890: 1.13%: 0.20%: /ft/ 3908: 18.796: 1.07%: 0.62%: /leading/ 249: 14.024: 0.80%: 0.04%: /downloads/ 1877: 12.280: 0.70%: 0.30%: /pr2000/ 847: 11.185: 0.64%: 0.13%: /contact/ 1269: 11.165: 0.64%: 0.20%: /jfi/ 1629: 10.771: 0.61%: 0.26%: /current/ 1092: 9.894: 0.56%: 0.17%: /search/ 953: 8.085: 0.46%: 0.15%: /news/ 544: 5.612: 0.32%: 0.09%: /womenMBA/ 1352: 5.310: 0.30%: 0.21%: /reunion2001/ 577: 3.373: 0.19%: 0.09%: /pub/ 901: 2.998: 0.17%: 0.14%: /cse/ 182: 2.718: 0.16%: 0.03%: /reunion99/ 179: 2.601: 0.15%: 0.03%: /reunion98/ 1399: 2.025: 0.12%: 0.22%: /reunion2002/ 2151: 6.596: 0.38%: 0.34%: [not listed: 24 directories]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Listing files with at least 0.5% of the requests, sorted by the number of requests.
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(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)