(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
This report contains overall statistics.
Successful requests: 356,322
Average successful requests per day: 11,879
Successful requests for pages: 30,087
Average successful requests for pages per day: 1,003
Failed requests: 29,878
Redirected requests: 540
Distinct files requested: 915
Distinct hosts served: 7,190
Corrupt logfile lines: 59
Unwanted logfile entries: 1,799
Data transferred: 1.70 gigabytes
Average data transferred per day: 57.94 megabytes
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
This report lists the activity in each week.
Each unit () represents 500 requests
for pages or part thereof.
week beg.: reqs: Mbytes: %bytes: %reqs: pages: ---------: -----: ------: ------: ------: -----: 26/Oct/03: 5823: 40.76: 2.35%: 1.63%: 733:Busiest week: week beginning 9/Nov/03 (7,938 requests for pages).2/Nov/03: 90054: 459.80: 26.46%: 25.27%: 7233:
9/Nov/03: 94385: 471.81: 27.15%: 26.49%: 7938:
16/Nov/03: 89976: 396.51: 22.82%: 25.25%: 7455:
23/Nov/03: 68308: 332.01: 19.10%: 19.17%: 6191:
30/Nov/03: 7776: 37.02: 2.13%: 2.18%: 537:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
This report lists the activity in each day.
Each unit () represents 150 requests
for pages or part thereof.
date: reqs: Mbytes: %bytes: %reqs: pages: ---------: -----: ------: ------: ------: -----: 1/Nov/03: 5823: 40.76: 2.35%: 1.63%: 733:Busiest day: 10/Nov/03 (1,673 requests for pages).2/Nov/03: 7124: 30.48: 1.75%: 2.00%: 549:
3/Nov/03: 15398: 82.48: 4.75%: 4.32%: 1282:
4/Nov/03: 17097: 96.07: 5.53%: 4.80%: 1310:
5/Nov/03: 19580: 96.39: 5.55%: 5.50%: 1588:
6/Nov/03: 13798: 72.02: 4.14%: 3.87%: 999:
7/Nov/03: 12715: 55.11: 3.17%: 3.57%: 1023:
8/Nov/03: 4342: 27.25: 1.57%: 1.22%: 482:
9/Nov/03: 6498: 43.44: 2.50%: 1.82%: 680:
10/Nov/03: 19846: 86.83: 5.00%: 5.57%: 1673:
11/Nov/03: 16681: 82.98: 4.77%: 4.68%: 1217:
12/Nov/03: 13711: 64.08: 3.69%: 3.85%: 1040:
13/Nov/03: 15088: 72.88: 4.19%: 4.23%: 1032:
14/Nov/03: 14097: 81.36: 4.68%: 3.96%: 1434:
15/Nov/03: 8464: 40.24: 2.32%: 2.38%: 862:
16/Nov/03: 7491: 34.59: 1.99%: 2.10%: 585:
17/Nov/03: 15367: 60.60: 3.49%: 4.31%: 1200:
18/Nov/03: 16011: 71.35: 4.11%: 4.49%: 1423:
19/Nov/03: 17879: 75.24: 4.33%: 5.02%: 1607:
20/Nov/03: 13007: 61.08: 3.51%: 3.65%: 976:
21/Nov/03: 14469: 59.41: 3.42%: 4.06%: 1123:
22/Nov/03: 5752: 34.24: 1.97%: 1.61%: 541:
23/Nov/03: 7893: 34.34: 1.98%: 2.22%: 594:
24/Nov/03: 14833: 66.43: 3.82%: 4.16%: 1156:
25/Nov/03: 16767: 69.64: 4.01%: 4.71%: 1130:
26/Nov/03: 9750: 51.34: 2.95%: 2.74%: 1074:
27/Nov/03: 5951: 33.44: 1.92%: 1.67%: 717:
28/Nov/03: 7360: 44.30: 2.55%: 2.07%: 954:
29/Nov/03: 5754: 32.52: 1.87%: 1.61%: 566:
30/Nov/03: 7776: 37.02: 2.13%: 2.18%: 537:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
This report lists the total activity for each day of the week, summed over all the weeks in the report.
Each unit () represents 300 requests
for pages or part thereof.
day: reqs: Mbytes: %bytes: %reqs: pages: ---: -----: ------: ------: ------: -----: Sun: 36782: 179.86: 10.35%: 10.32%: 2945:Mon: 65444: 296.35: 17.05%: 18.37%: 5311:
Tue: 66556: 320.04: 18.42%: 18.68%: 5080:
Wed: 60920: 287.05: 16.52%: 17.10%: 5309:
Thu: 47844: 239.43: 13.78%: 13.43%: 3724:
Fri: 48641: 240.18: 13.82%: 13.65%: 4534:
Sat: 30135: 175.01: 10.07%: 8.46%: 3184:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
This report lists the total activity for each hour of the day, summed over all the days in the report.
Each unit () represents 150 requests
for pages or part thereof.
hour: reqs: Mbytes: %bytes: %reqs: pages: ----: -----: ------: ------: ------: -----: 0: 8887: 54.91: 3.16%: 2.49%: 1044:1: 5792: 44.28: 2.55%: 1.63%: 754:
2: 5425: 44.36: 2.55%: 1.52%: 900:
3: 5021: 32.73: 1.88%: 1.41%: 700:
4: 4368: 34.59: 1.99%: 1.23%: 787:
5: 5158: 28.99: 1.67%: 1.45%: 515:
6: 4625: 32.14: 1.85%: 1.30%: 666:
7: 7535: 37.25: 2.14%: 2.11%: 802:
8: 11152: 56.01: 3.22%: 3.13%: 823:
9: 19913: 82.30: 4.74%: 5.59%: 1283:
10: 19756: 88.12: 5.07%: 5.54%: 1320:
11: 25884: 103.53: 5.96%: 7.26%: 1430:
12: 25044: 95.34: 5.49%: 7.03%: 1585:
13: 22217: 102.82: 5.92%: 6.24%: 1672:
14: 28249: 114.98: 6.62%: 7.93%: 1819:
15: 26743: 113.18: 6.51%: 7.51%: 2090:
16: 27225: 130.60: 7.51%: 7.64%: 2110:
17: 17048: 74.57: 4.29%: 4.78%: 1489:
18: 14521: 75.69: 4.36%: 4.08%: 1214:
19: 13495: 62.87: 3.62%: 3.79%: 1177:
20: 14125: 66.54: 3.83%: 3.96%: 1165:
21: 17746: 101.54: 5.84%: 4.98%: 1988:
22: 14717: 88.23: 5.08%: 4.13%: 1533:
23: 11676: 72.33: 4.16%: 3.28%: 1221:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
This report lists the countries of the computers which requested files.
Listing domains with at least 0.5% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.
reqs: Mbytes: %bytes: %reqs: pages: domain -----: ------: ------: ------: -----: ------ 96530: 424.82: 24.44%: 27.09%: 6649: .edu (USA Educational) 56373: 229.19: 13.19%: 15.82%: 3560: umich.edu (University of Michigan) 18846: 88.44: 5.09%: 5.29%: 1470: med.umich.edu 8690: 28.40: 1.63%: 2.44%: 505: lsa.umich.edu 6113: 18.49: 1.06%: 1.72%: 266: reshall.umich.edu 3919: 17.97: 1.03%: 1.10%: 153: itd.umich.edu 1798: 17.88: 1.03%: 0.50%: 85: sph.umich.edu 3871: 11.61: 0.67%: 1.09%: 474: lsi.umich.edu 99643: 413.30: 23.78%: 27.96%: 8112: [unresolved numerical addresses] 39051: 147.09: 8.46%: 10.96%: 3362: 141 38515: 144.49: 8.31%: 10.81%: 3327: 141.211 (University of Michigan - Central Campus) 45400: 406.80: 23.41%: 12.74%: 7878: .com (Commercial) 6516: 32.72: 1.88%: 1.83%: 377: aol.com (America Online) 80826: 330.93: 19.04%: 22.68%: 4937: .net (Network) 4614: 14.21: 0.82%: 1.29%: 202: mich.net (MichNet dial-in lines) 3848: 21.20: 1.22%: 1.08%: 257: .ca (Canada) 3682: 17.60: 1.01%: 1.03%: 240: .gov (USA Government) 3691: 15.34: 0.88%: 1.04%: 203: .org (Non-Profit Making Organizations) 1578: 11.46: 0.66%: 0.44%: 358: .de (Germany) 1957: 11.28: 0.65%: 0.55%: 105: .uk (United Kingdom) 19167: 85.19: 4.90%: 5.38%: 1348: [not listed: 72 domains]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
This report lists the organisations of the computers which requested files.
Listing the top 20 organisations by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: %bytes: organisation ------: ------: ------------ 56373: 13.19%: umich.edu 38515: 8.31%: 141.211 31114: 6.74%: comcast.net 7525: 1.33%: ameritech.net 7181: 1.83%: rr.com 6516: 1.88%: aol.com 5056: 12.12%: googlebot.com 4614: 0.82%: mich.net 4086: 0.95%: attbi.com 2954: 1.06%: verizon.net 2864: 0.63%: level3.net 2477: 0.56%: nih.gov 2454: 0.57%: pacbell.net 2063: 0.50%: harvard.edu 1823: 0.50%: rogers.com 1810: 0.32%: yale.edu 1806: 0.29%: chartermi.net 1659: 1.03%: berkeley.edu 1548: 0.61%: stanford.edu 1496: 0.44%: cox.net 172388: 46.29%: [not listed: 2,340 organisations]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
This report lists the computers which requested files.
Listing the top 50 hosts by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: Gbytes: %bytes: %reqs: host ------: ------: ------: ------: ---- 5388: 0.01: 0.77%: 1.51%: 5015: 0.02: 1.15%: 1.41%: 3298: 0.01: 0.59%: 0.93%: kiosk.lsi.umich.edu 2651: 0.02: 1.00%: 0.74%: 2477: 0.01: 0.56%: 0.70%: b12arbiterc.net.nih.gov 2195: 0.04: 2.15%: 0.62%: umhscache.med.umich.edu 1941: 0.00: 0.25%: 0.54%: 1908: 0.09: 5.15%: 0.54%: crawler14.googlebot.com 1708: 0.00: 0.28%: 0.48%: 1529: 0.00: 0.12%: 0.43%: rrcs-nys-24-97-3-222.biz.rr.com 1522: 0.05: 3.12%: 0.43%: crawler10.googlebot.com 1510: 0.00: 0.21%: 0.42%: bgp997486bgs.nanarb01.mi.comcast.net 1307: 0.00: 0.13%: 0.37%: host-77.subnet-160.med.umich.edu 1264: 0.00: 0.19%: 0.35%: bgp01118289bgs.westln01.mi.comcast.net 1232: 0.00: 0.07%: 0.35%: dhcp80ff59ea.dynamic.uiowa.edu 1232: 0.00: 0.15%: 0.35%: rrcs-central-24-123-11-169.biz.rr.com 1116: 0.00: 0.12%: 0.31%: bgp999018bgs.nanarb01.mi.comcast.net 1017: 0.00: 0.05%: 0.29%: host-66-81-145-90.rev.o1.com 946: 0.00: 0.10%: 0.27%: 930: 0.00: 0.08%: 0.26%: host-246.subnet-71.med.umich.edu 866: 0.00: 0.14%: 0.24%: 852: 0.01: 0.37%: 0.24%: 842: 0.00: 0.05%: 0.24%: 833: 0.00: 0.26%: 0.23%: pix39.systemsbiology.net 816: 0.00: 0.20%: 0.23%: defcon.aa.wl.com 795: 0.00: 0.11%: 0.22%: adsl-68-20-249-110.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net 751: 0.00: 0.05%: 0.21%: host-60.subnet-71.med.umich.edu 749: 0.00: 0.06%: 0.21%: 747: 0.00: 0.10%: 0.21%: helios.med.yale.edu 743: 0.00: 0.25%: 0.21%: 740: 0.00: 0.09%: 0.21%: pcp04068570pcs.sanarb01.mi.comcast.net 689: 0.00: 0.21%: 0.19%: p-proxy-4-int0.net.wisc.edu 688: 0.00: 0.09%: 0.19%: fw-2.appliedbiosystems.com 688: 0.00: 0.06%: 0.19%: 684: 0.00: 0.27%: 0.19%: 674: 0.00: 0.06%: 0.19%: 196.3.broadband.iol.cz 673: 0.00: 0.08%: 0.19%: 665: 0.01: 0.31%: 0.19%: 655: 0.00: 0.14%: 0.18%: 613: 0.02: 1.45%: 0.17%: crawler11.googlebot.com 610: 0.00: 0.03%: 0.17%: host-208.subnet-72.med.umich.edu 610: 0.00: 0.07%: 0.17%: ldev8403159.ldev.lsa.umich.edu 600: 0.00: 0.04%: 0.17%: 573: 0.00: 0.08%: 0.16%: kioskdemo.lsi.umich.edu 571: 0.00: 0.13%: 0.16%: mas227-udp649690uds.mgh.harvard.edu 571: 0.00: 0.07%: 0.16%: host-49.subnet-127.med.umich.edu 563: 0.00: 0.07%: 0.16%: pm590-25.dialip.mich.net 556: 0.00: 0.14%: 0.16%: enpc1513.eas.asu.edu 556: 0.00: 0.09%: 0.16%: 141-211-30-28.bus.umich.edu 529: 0.00: 0.06%: 0.15%: 295634: 1.33: 78.64%: 82.97%: [not listed: 7,140 hosts]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
This report lists the referrers (where people followed links from, or pages which included this site's images).
Listing the top 25 referring URLs by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: Mbytes: %bytes: %reqs: URL ------: ------: ------: ------: --- 86223: 175.59: 17.48%: 26.48%: http://www.lifesciences.umich.edu/ 27549: 79.62: 7.93%: 8.46%: http://www.lifesciences.umich.edu/institute/index.html 10570: 30.52: 3.04%: 3.25%: http://www.lifesciences.umich.edu/institute/ 6467: 18.61: 1.85%: 1.99%: http://www.lifesciences.umich.edu/institute/faculty.html 6413: 15.69: 1.56%: 1.97%: http://www.lifesciences.umich.edu/research/index.html 6210: 11.83: 1.18%: 1.91%: http://lifesciences.umich.edu/institute/symposium/ 4967: 14.79: 1.47%: 1.53%: http://www.lifesciences.umich.edu/lifesciences/index.html 4577: 6.47: 0.64%: 1.41%: http://www.lifesciences.umich.edu/institute/news.html 4208: 14.66: 1.46%: 1.29%: http://www.lifesciences.umich.edu/lifesciences/logo.html 4090: 6.82: 0.68%: 1.26%: http://www.lifesciences.umich.edu/news/feature-story.html 4034: 7.08: 0.71%: 1.24%: http://www.lifesciences.umich.edu/research/current.html 3781: 4.76: 0.47%: 1.16%: http://www.lifesciences.umich.edu/institute/palmer.html 3536: 9.55: 0.95%: 1.09%: http://www.lifesciences.umich.edu/institute/labs/kumar/index.html 3422: 12.84: 1.28%: 1.05%: http://lifesciences.umich.edu/explore/recruiting.htm 3110: 4.91: 0.49%: 0.96%: http://www.lifesciences.umich.edu/search.html 3046: 5.80: 0.58%: 0.94%: http://lifesciences.umich.edu/ 2942: 5.58: 0.56%: 0.90%: http://www.lifesciences.umich.edu/corridor/ 2932: 10.95: 1.09%: 0.90%: http://www.lifesciences.umich.edu/explore/recruiting.htm 2880: 7.37: 0.73%: 0.88%: http://www.lifesciences.umich.edu/values/announcements.html 2809: 4.73: 0.47%: 0.86%: http://www.lifesciences.umich.edu/related.html 2471: 3.74: 0.37%: 0.76%: http://www.lifesciences.umich.edu/institute/opportunities.html 2468: 5.11: 0.51%: 0.76%: http://www.lifesciences.umich.edu/lifesciences/programs.html 2430: 12.68: 1.26%: 0.75%: http://www.lifesciences.umich.edu/values/index.html 2362: 9.25: 0.92%: 0.73%: http://www.lifesciences.umich.edu/news/events.html 2347: 6.79: 0.68%: 0.72%: http://www.lifesciences.umich.edu/education/index.html 119720: 518.84: 51.65%: 36.77%: [not listed: 847 URLs]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
This report lists which words people used in search engines to find the site.
Listing the top 30 query words by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: search term ----: ----------- 567: of 508: stem 482: cloning 473: cell 422: research 413: michigan 390: life 312: university 289: sciences 281: related:www.xxx.com/ 269: o 266: cache:jfb0xwm 266: gj:www.lifesciences.umich.edu/ 258: and 167: in 154: institute 135: human 120: science 111: genetic 109: against 103: for 94: logo 91: therapeutic 85: cells 82: the 82: benefits 77: testing 77: reproductive 72: embryonic 71: society 5772: [not listed: 1,469 search terms]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
This report lists the browsers used by visitors.
Listing the top 40 browsers by the number of requests for pages, sorted by the number of requests for pages.
reqs: Mbytes: %bytes: %reqs: browser ------: ------: ------: ------: ------- 4876: 209.65: 12.08%: 1.37%: Googlebot/2.1 (+http://www.googlebot.com/bot.html) 62472: 228.02: 13.14%: 17.55%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1) 36349: 146.26: 8.43%: 10.21%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) 31606: 134.41: 7.74%: 8.88%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0) 7311: 34.08: 1.96%: 2.05%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.22; Mac_PowerPC) 14119: 52.97: 3.05%: 3.97%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.0.3705) 4118: 24.30: 1.40%: 1.16%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90) 13078: 51.13: 2.95%: 3.67%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98) 3236: 9.95: 0.57%: 0.91%: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/3.1; Linux) 5016: 21.62: 1.25%: 1.41%: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/85.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/85.5 5252: 19.65: 1.13%: 1.48%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0) 5439: 26.79: 1.54%: 1.53%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0; T312461) 4892: 24.37: 1.40%: 1.37%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Mac_PowerPC) 5981: 20.96: 1.21%: 1.68%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt) 4681: 29.05: 1.67%: 1.31%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.0.3705; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) 6931: 22.34: 1.29%: 1.95%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) 4575: 20.82: 1.20%: 1.28%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0) 265: 9.16: 0.53%: 0.07%: VSE/1.0 (vsecrawler@hotmail.com) 260: 5.15: 0.30%: 0.07%: larbin_2.6.2 larbin2.6.2@unspecified.mail 1949: 9.47: 0.55%: 0.55%: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X Mach-O; en-US; rv:1.4) Gecko/20030624 Netscape/7.1 222: 4.93: 0.28%: 0.06%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0) Fetch API Request 2271: 9.09: 0.52%: 0.64%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.23; Mac_PowerPC) 199: 5.71: 0.33%: 0.06%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; grub-client-1.5.3; Crawl your own stuff with http://grub.org) 4738: 15.59: 0.90%: 1.33%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; .NET CLR 1.0.3705) 4389: 14.90: 0.86%: 1.23%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90) 222: 10.05: 0.58%: 0.06%: Mozilla/5.0 (Slurp/cat; slurp@inktomi.com; http://www.inktomi.com/slurp.html) 190: 3.73: 0.21%: 0.05%: WebVac (webmaster@pita.stanford.edu WebVac.org ) 194: 4.35: 0.25%: 0.05%: Scooter/3.3 183: 3.51: 0.20%: 0.05%: msnbot/0.11 (+http://search.msn.com/msnbot.htm) 2791: 11.46: 0.66%: 0.78%: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.4) Gecko/20030624 Netscape/7.1 (ax) 184: 5.15: 0.30%: 0.05%: Tutorial Crawler 1.4 (http://www.tutorgig.com/crawler) 174: 3.43: 0.20%: 0.05%: PolyBot 1.0 (http://cis.poly.edu/polybot/) 168: 3.15: 0.18%: 0.05%: Speedy Spider (http://www.entireweb.com) 2230: 9.53: 0.55%: 0.63%: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.4) Gecko/20030624 Netscape/7.1 (ax) 154: 3.04: 0.18%: 0.04%: Baiduspider+(+http://www.baidu.com/search/spider.htm) 2591: 10.94: 0.63%: 0.73%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98) 1717: 6.42: 0.37%: 0.48%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.16; Mac_PowerPC) 143: 3.14: 0.18%: 0.04%: Edubot 121: 2.21: 0.13%: 0.03%: NutchCVS/0.03-dev (Nutch; http://www.nutch.org/docs/bot.html; nutch-agent@lists.sourceforge.net) 227: 2.97: 0.17%: 0.06%: psbot/0.1 (+http://www.picsearch.com/bot.html) 110532: 502.36: 28.94%: 31.04%: [not listed: 1,240 browsers]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
This report lists the vendors of visitors' browsers.
Listing the top 20 browsers by the number of requests for pages, sorted by the number of requests for pages.
reqs: Gbytes: %bytes: %reqs: browser ------: ------: ------: ------: ------- 294313: 1.17: 68.83%: 82.66%: MSIE 225723: 0.86: 51.02%: 63.40%: MSIE/6 67474: 0.30: 17.53%: 18.95%: MSIE/5 1104: 0.00: 0.27%: 0.31%: MSIE/4 1: 0.00: : : MSIE/10 4887: 0.20: 12.09%: 1.37%: Googlebot 4887: 0.20: 12.09%: 1.37%: Googlebot/2 26220: 0.10: 5.86%: 7.36%: Netscape 14324: 0.06: 3.73%: 4.02%: Netscape/7 10149: 0.03: 1.79%: 2.85%: Netscape/4 1746: 0.01: 0.34%: 0.49%: Netscape/6 1: 0.00: : : Netscape/3 3230: 0.03: 1.54%: 0.91%: Netscape (compatible) 10392: 0.04: 2.48%: 2.92%: Safari 7261: 0.03: 1.80%: 2.04%: Safari/85 3131: 0.01: 0.68%: 0.88%: Safari/100 6717: 0.04: 2.33%: 1.89%: Mozilla 6319: 0.03: 1.69%: 1.77%: Mozilla/1 160: 0.00: 0.04%: 0.04%: Mozilla/0 3929: 0.01: 0.71%: 1.10%: Konqueror 3924: 0.01: 0.71%: 1.10%: Konqueror/3 5: 0.00: 0.01%: : Konqueror/2 265: 0.01: 0.53%: 0.07%: VSE 265: 0.01: 0.53%: 0.07%: VSE/1 260: 0.01: 0.30%: 0.07%: larbin_2.6.2 larbin2.6.2@unspecified.mail 242: 0.01: 0.30%: 0.07%: Scooter 242: 0.01: 0.30%: 0.07%: Scooter/3 190: 0.00: 0.21%: 0.05%: WebVac (webmaster@pita.stanford.edu WebVac.org ) 183: 0.00: 0.20%: 0.05%: msnbot 183: 0.00: 0.20%: 0.05%: msnbot/0 184: 0.01: 0.30%: 0.05%: Tutorial Crawler 1.4 (http: 184: 0.01: 0.30%: 0.05%: Tutorial Crawler 1.4 (http://www 174: 0.00: 0.20%: 0.05%: PolyBot 174: 0.00: 0.20%: 0.05%: PolyBot/1 168: 0.00: 0.18%: 0.05%: Speedy Spider (http: 168: 0.00: 0.18%: 0.05%: Speedy Spider (http://www 154: 0.00: 0.18%: 0.04%: Baiduspider+(+http: 154: 0.00: 0.18%: 0.04%: Baiduspider+(+http://www 143: 0.00: 0.18%: 0.04%: Edubot 121: 0.00: 0.13%: 0.03%: NutchCVS 121: 0.00: 0.13%: 0.03%: NutchCVS/0 227: 0.00: 0.17%: 0.06%: psbot 227: 0.00: 0.17%: 0.06%: psbot/0 183: 0.01: 0.33%: 0.05%: FAST-WebCrawler 182: 0.01: 0.33%: 0.05%: FAST-WebCrawler/3 1: 0.00: : : FAST-WebCrawler/2 3864: 0.05: 2.96%: 1.09%: [not listed: 139 browsers]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
This report lists the operating systems used by visitors.
Listing operating systems, sorted by the number of requests for pages.
no.: reqs: pages: OS ---: ------: -----: -- 1: 290819: 17444: Windows : 146060: 8509: Windows XP : 81353: 5064: Windows 2000 : 41072: 2114: Windows 98 : 12652: 1025: Windows ME : 7281: 611: Windows NT : 1983: 102: Windows 95 : 418: 19: Unknown Windows 2: 8004: 5708: Known robots 3: 44012: 3276: Macintosh 4: 5586: 2868: OS unknown 5: 7622: 715: Unix : 5796: 633: Linux : 664: 33: BSD : 516: 24: SunOS : 568: 22: IRIX : 74: 2: OSF1 : 4: 1: Other Unix 6: 3: 2: WebTV
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
This report lists the HTTP status codes of all requests.
Listing status codes, sorted numerically.
reqs: status code ------: ----------- 297191: 200 OK 2666: 206 Partial content 540: 301 Document moved permanently 56465: 304 Not modified since last retrieval 7: 403 Access forbidden 29871: 404 Document not found
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
This report lists the sizes of files.
size: reqs: %bytes: -----------: ------: ------: 0: 57720: : 1B- 10B: 4: : 11B- 100B: 16909: 0.05%: 101B- 1kB: 130033: 3.09%: 1kB- 10kB: 113766: 20.89%: 10kB-100kB: 35984: 47.54%: 100kB- 1MB: 1815: 18.26%: 1MB- 10MB: 91: 10.17%:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
This report lists the extensions of files.
Listing extensions with at least 0.1% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.
reqs: %bytes: extension ------: ------: --------- 5286: 23.88%: .pdf [Adobe Portable Document Format] 18246: 22.53%: .html [Hypertext Markup Language] 100247: 21.10%: .jpg [JPEG graphics] 10693: 10.74%: [directories] 210422: 9.18%: .gif [GIF graphics] 649: 6.85%: .swf 652: 1.83%: .js [JavaScript code] 48: 1.01%: .sit 1148: 0.90%: .htm [Hypertext Markup Language] 8525: 0.89%: .css [Cascading Style Sheets] 23: 0.60%: .zip [Zip archives] 49: 0.48%: .doc [Microsoft Word document] 334: 0.02%: [not listed: 3 extensions]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
This report lists the directories from which files were requested. (The figures for each directory include all of its subdirectories.)
Listing directories with at least 0.1% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.
reqs: Mbytes: %bytes: %reqs: directory ------: ------: ------: ------: --------- 135913: 572.85: 32.96%: 38.14%: /institute/ 178433: 273.96: 15.76%: 50.08%: /images/ 2796: 211.34: 12.16%: 0.78%: /values/ 17217: 190.95: 10.99%: 4.83%: /explore/ 4154: 153.35: 8.82%: 1.17%: /pdf/ 2053: 93.96: 5.41%: 0.58%: /news/ 8076: 82.27: 4.73%: 2.27%: [root directory] 2250: 44.45: 2.56%: 0.63%: /lifesciences/ 652: 31.77: 1.83%: 0.18%: /GeneratedItems/ 1603: 31.01: 1.78%: 0.45%: /research/ 1004: 14.82: 0.85%: 0.28%: /education/ 322: 13.06: 0.75%: 0.09%: http:// 800: 12.44: 0.72%: 0.22%: /giving/ 805: 11.48: 0.66%: 0.23%: /corridor/ 244: 0.21: 0.01%: 0.07%: [not listed: 1 directory]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
This report lists the files on the site.
Listing files with at least 0.5% of the requests, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: Gbytes: %bytes: %reqs: file ------: ------: ------: ------: ---- 4375: 0.01: 0.52%: 1.23%: /lifesciences.css 4262: 0.00: 0.08%: 1.20%: /images/contact.gif 4240: 0.00: 0.05%: 1.19%: /images/search.gif 4195: 0.00: 0.01%: 1.18%: /images/spacer.gif 4163: 0.00: 0.07%: 1.17%: /images/related.gif 4030: 0.00: 0.10%: 1.13%: /images/corridor.gif 3842: 0.00: 0.08%: 1.08%: /images/news.gif 3348: 0.00: 0.06%: 0.94%: /images/contact-over.gif 3328: 0.00: 0.04%: 0.93%: /images/search-over.gif 3267: 0.00: 0.06%: 0.92%: /images/related-over.gif 3242: 0.01: 0.34%: 0.91%: /institute/styles.css 3234: 0.00: 0.07%: 0.91%: /images/news-over.gif 3214: 0.00: 0.08%: 0.90%: /images/corridor-over.gif 3008: 0.01: 0.43%: 0.84%: /images/2-3nav/institute2.jpg 2967: 0.01: 0.40%: 0.83%: /images/2-3nav/giving2.jpg 2965: 0.00: : 0.83%: /institute/images/spacer.gif 2954: 0.01: 0.79%: 0.83%: /images/2-3nav/logo2.jpg 2929: 0.01: 0.36%: 0.82%: /images/2-3nav/university2.gif 2919: 0.00: 0.01%: 0.82%: /images/2-3nav/spacer.gif 2893: 0.00: 0.09%: 0.81%: /images/2-3nav/upper-corner.jpg 2877: 0.00: 0.09%: 0.81%: /images/2-3nav/yellowline.jpg 2840: 0.01: 0.48%: 0.80%: /images/2-3nav/education2.jpg 2816: 0.00: 0.08%: 0.79%: /images/third/yellowline.gif 2643: 0.01: 0.31%: 0.74%: /images/2-3nav/research2.jpg 2571: 0.00: 0.06%: 0.72%: /institute/images/research.gif 2560: 0.00: 0.05%: 0.72%: /institute/images/profile.gif 2551: 0.01: 0.38%: 0.72%: /images/2-3nav/values2.jpg 2516: 0.01: 0.34%: 0.71%: /images/2-3nav/lifesciences2.jpg 2515: 0.00: 0.06%: 0.71%: /institute/images/facilities.gif 2512: 0.05: 3.17%: 0.70%: / 2494: 0.00: 0.01%: 0.70%: /images/third/spacer.gif 2430: 0.00: 0.02%: 0.68%: /images/third/sidelines3.gif 2400: 0.00: 0.17%: 0.67%: /images/first/lsam-menu-over.gif 2398: 0.00: 0.01%: 0.67%: /images/first/spacer.gif 2397: 0.00: 0.03%: 0.67%: /images/third/bottomlines3.gif 2397: 0.00: 0.01%: 0.67%: /images/third/roundcorner3.gif 2385: 0.00: 0.03%: 0.67%: /images/first/lsvsp-menu.gif 2376: 0.00: 0.03%: 0.67%: /images/first/edu-menu.gif 2352: 0.00: 0.03%: 0.66%: /images/first/give-menu.gif 2348: 0.00: 0.03%: 0.66%: /images/first/res-menu.gif 2345: 0.00: 0.16%: 0.66%: /images/first/lsvsp-menu-over.gif 2342: 0.00: 0.09%: 0.66%: /images/first/edu-menu-over.gif 2334: 0.00: 0.08%: 0.66%: /images/first/res-menu-over.gif 2333: 0.02: 1.11%: 0.65%: /images/feature/feature-photo.jpg 2316: 0.00: 0.19%: 0.65%: /images/first/uofm.gif 2315: 0.03: 1.50%: 0.65%: /images/first/biglogo.jpg 2313: 0.00: 0.08%: 0.65%: /images/first/halo1.jpg 2311: 0.00: 0.10%: 0.65%: /images/first/halo2.jpg 2311: 0.00: 0.29%: 0.65%: /institute/images/lsi-logo.gif 2305: 0.00: 0.03%: 0.65%: /institute/images/giving.gif 2305: 0.00: 0.03%: 0.65%: /institute/images/contact.gif 2304: 0.00: 0.02%: 0.65%: /institute/images/news.gif 2303: 0.00: 0.25%: 0.65%: /images/feature/feature-title.gif 2303: 0.00: 0.02%: 0.65%: /institute/images/vision.gif 2301: 0.01: 0.33%: 0.65%: /institute/images/facilities-image.jpg 2301: 0.01: 0.38%: 0.65%: /images/feature/feature-story.gif 2298: 0.01: 0.42%: 0.64%: /institute/images/people-image.jpg 2283: 0.01: 0.37%: 0.64%: /institute/images/research-image.jpg 2282: 0.00: 0.03%: 0.64%: /institute/images/logo-lines.gif 2281: 0.00: 0.21%: 0.64%: /images/first/give-menu-over.gif 2280: 0.00: 0.03%: 0.64%: /images/first/lsam-menu.gif 2277: 0.00: 0.12%: 0.64%: /images/first/halo3.jpg 2277: 0.01: 0.42%: 0.64%: /images/first/lsam-graphic.jpg 2276: 0.00: 0.03%: 0.64%: /institute/images/blue-bar.gif 2273: 0.00: 0.13%: 0.64%: /images/first/othernews.gif 2271: 0.00: 0.02%: 0.64%: /institute/images/images-line.gif 2270: 0.00: 0.02%: 0.64%: /institute/images/top-line.gif 2267: 0.00: 0.01%: 0.64%: /institute/images/top-right-lines.gif 2267: 0.01: 0.33%: 0.64%: /images/first/res-graphic.jpg 2257: 0.05: 2.81%: 0.63%: /institute/ 2257: 0.00: 0.08%: 0.63%: /images/first/lsi-menu-over.gif 2253: 0.00: 0.02%: 0.63%: /images/first/lsi-menu.gif 2249: 0.01: 0.43%: 0.63%: /images/first/lsvsp-graphic.jpg 2238: 0.01: 0.36%: 0.63%: /images/first/edu-graphic.jpg 2230: 0.01: 0.39%: 0.63%: /images/first/give-graphic.jpg 2220: 0.01: 0.43%: 0.62%: /images/first/lsi-graphic.jpg 2190: 0.00: 0.05%: 0.61%: /images/first/graphic-edge.jpg 2141: 0.00: 0.05%: 0.60%: /images/yellowline2.gif 1912: 0.08: 4.47%: 0.54%: /pdf/Cloning.pdf 147978: 1.27: 75.10%: 41.53%: [not listed: 836 files]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)