Web Server Statistics for Michigan Radio

Program started at Mon-03-Feb-2003 12:05.
Analysed requests from Wed-01-Jan-2003 00:14 to Fri-31-Jan-2003 23:32 (30.97 days).

General Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

Successful requests: 6,378
Average successful requests per day: 205
Successful requests for pages: 2,719
Average successful requests for pages per day: 87
Failed requests: 299
Redirected requests: 1
Distinct files requested: 6
Distinct hosts served: 1,635
Unwanted logfile entries: 111
Data transferred: 35.391 Mbytes
Average data transferred per day: 1.142 Mbytes

Weekly Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

Each unit (+) represents 40 requests for pages or part thereof.

week beg.: reqs:  Mbytes: %bytes:  %reqs: pages: 
---------: ----: -------: ------: ------: -----: 
29/Dec/02:  810:   3.961: 11.19%: 12.70%:   337: +++++++++
 5/Jan/03: 1417:   7.448: 21.04%: 22.22%:   603: ++++++++++++++++
12/Jan/03: 1315:   7.502: 21.20%: 20.62%:   572: +++++++++++++++
19/Jan/03: 1366:   7.757: 21.92%: 21.42%:   599: +++++++++++++++
26/Jan/03: 1470:   8.722: 24.65%: 23.05%:   608: ++++++++++++++++
Busiest week: week beginning 26/Jan/03 (608 requests for pages).

Daily Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

Each unit (+) represents 8 requests for pages or part thereof.

     date: reqs:  Mbytes: %bytes:  %reqs: pages: 
---------: ----: -------: ------: ------: -----: 
 1/Jan/03:  213:   1.130:  3.19%:  3.34%:    90: ++++++++++++
 2/Jan/03:  216:   1.030:  2.91%:  3.39%:    88: +++++++++++
 3/Jan/03:  209:   0.945:  2.67%:  3.28%:    88: +++++++++++
 4/Jan/03:  172:   0.854:  2.41%:  2.70%:    71: +++++++++

 5/Jan/03:  198:   0.902:  2.55%:  3.10%:    93: ++++++++++++
 6/Jan/03:  241:   1.222:  3.45%:  3.78%:    95: ++++++++++++
 7/Jan/03:  208:   1.196:  3.38%:  3.26%:    84: +++++++++++
 8/Jan/03:  194:   1.041:  2.94%:  3.04%:    84: +++++++++++
 9/Jan/03:  193:   0.940:  2.66%:  3.03%:    88: +++++++++++
10/Jan/03:  195:   1.010:  2.86%:  3.06%:    83: +++++++++++
11/Jan/03:  188:   1.134:  3.20%:  2.95%:    76: ++++++++++

12/Jan/03:  165:   0.962:  2.72%:  2.59%:    70: +++++++++
13/Jan/03:  184:   1.046:  2.96%:  2.88%:    73: ++++++++++
14/Jan/03:  209:   1.207:  3.41%:  3.28%:    90: ++++++++++++
15/Jan/03:  188:   1.084:  3.06%:  2.95%:    81: +++++++++++
16/Jan/03:  201:   1.127:  3.19%:  3.15%:    91: ++++++++++++
17/Jan/03:  195:   1.090:  3.08%:  3.06%:    90: ++++++++++++
18/Jan/03:  173:   0.982:  2.78%:  2.71%:    77: ++++++++++

19/Jan/03:  119:   0.618:  1.75%:  1.87%:    55: +++++++
20/Jan/03:  200:   1.145:  3.24%:  3.14%:    87: +++++++++++
21/Jan/03:  232:   1.293:  3.66%:  3.64%:    96: ++++++++++++
22/Jan/03:  222:   1.345:  3.80%:  3.48%:    93: ++++++++++++
23/Jan/03:  188:   0.955:  2.70%:  2.95%:    90: ++++++++++++
24/Jan/03:  224:   1.240:  3.50%:  3.51%:   102: +++++++++++++
25/Jan/03:  181:   1.158:  3.27%:  2.84%:    76: ++++++++++

26/Jan/03:  214:   1.295:  3.66%:  3.36%:    93: ++++++++++++
27/Jan/03:  256:   1.523:  4.31%:  4.01%:   104: +++++++++++++
28/Jan/03:  282:   1.665:  4.71%:  4.42%:   111: ++++++++++++++
29/Jan/03:  250:   1.400:  3.96%:  3.92%:   107: ++++++++++++++
30/Jan/03:  245:   1.541:  4.36%:  3.84%:    99: +++++++++++++
31/Jan/03:  223:   1.296:  3.66%:  3.50%:    94: ++++++++++++
Busiest day: 28/Jan/03 (111 requests for pages).

Daily Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

Each unit (+) represents 25 requests for pages or part thereof.

day: reqs:  Mbytes: %bytes:  %reqs: pages: 
---: ----: -------: ------: ------: -----: 
Sun:  696:   3.778: 10.68%: 10.91%:   311: +++++++++++++
Mon:  881:   4.938: 13.95%: 13.81%:   359: +++++++++++++++
Tue:  931:   5.363: 15.15%: 14.60%:   381: ++++++++++++++++
Wed: 1067:   6.001: 16.96%: 16.73%:   455: +++++++++++++++++++
Thu: 1043:   5.596: 15.81%: 16.35%:   456: +++++++++++++++++++
Fri: 1046:   5.584: 15.78%: 16.40%:   457: +++++++++++++++++++
Sat:  714:   4.129: 11.67%: 11.19%:   300: ++++++++++++

Hourly Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

Each unit (+) represents 10 requests for pages or part thereof.

hr: reqs:  Mbytes: %bytes:  %reqs: pages: 
--: ----: -------: ------: ------: -----: 
 0:  100:   0.565:  1.60%:  1.57%:    53: ++++++
 1:  115:   0.410:  1.16%:  1.80%:    81: +++++++++
 2:   87:   0.148:  0.42%:  1.36%:    78: ++++++++
 3:   37:   0.156:  0.44%:  0.58%:    21: +++
 4:   41:   0.166:  0.47%:  0.64%:    29: +++
 5:   57:   0.224:  0.63%:  0.89%:    39: ++++
 6:  133:   0.560:  1.58%:  2.09%:    60: ++++++
 7:  188:   1.050:  2.97%:  2.95%:    88: +++++++++
 8:  344:   2.021:  5.71%:  5.39%:   142: +++++++++++++++
 9:  479:   2.859:  8.08%:  7.51%:   190: +++++++++++++++++++
10:  504:   2.969:  8.39%:  7.90%:   197: ++++++++++++++++++++
11:  403:   2.362:  6.67%:  6.32%:   153: ++++++++++++++++
12:  454:   2.629:  7.43%:  7.12%:   176: ++++++++++++++++++
13:  558:   3.236:  9.15%:  8.75%:   227: +++++++++++++++++++++++
14:  472:   2.757:  7.79%:  7.40%:   181: +++++++++++++++++++
15:  379:   2.196:  6.21%:  5.94%:   149: +++++++++++++++
16:  417:   2.247:  6.35%:  6.54%:   170: +++++++++++++++++
17:  307:   1.631:  4.61%:  4.81%:   133: ++++++++++++++
18:  215:   1.258:  3.56%:  3.37%:    84: +++++++++
19:  255:   1.285:  3.63%:  4.00%:   110: +++++++++++
20:  266:   1.529:  4.32%:  4.17%:   108: +++++++++++
21:  293:   1.518:  4.29%:  4.59%:   129: +++++++++++++
22:  170:   0.959:  2.71%:  2.67%:    80: ++++++++
23:  104:   0.645:  1.83%:  1.63%:    41: +++++

Domain Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

Listing domains with at least 0.5% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.

reqs:  Mbytes: %bytes:  %reqs: pages: domain
----: -------: ------: ------: -----: ------
2475:  14.601: 41.26%: 38.81%:   923: .net (Network)
 107:   0.690:  1.95%:  1.68%:    39:   mich.net (MichNet dial-in lines)
1727:   8.318: 23.50%: 27.08%:   893: .com (Commercial)
 315:   1.506:  4.26%:  4.94%:   146:   aol.com (America Online)
1249:   6.803: 19.22%: 19.58%:   538: [unresolved numerical addresses]
 108:   0.664:  1.88%:  1.69%:    39:   141
  83:   0.498:  1.41%:  1.30%:    30:     141.211 (University of Michigan - Central Campus)
 539:   3.394:  9.59%:  8.45%:   202: .edu (USA Educational)
 253:   1.526:  4.31%:  3.97%:    97:   umich.edu (University of Michigan)
  55:   0.372:  1.05%:  0.86%:    19:     reshall.umich.edu
  39:   0.277:  0.78%:  0.61%:    13:     itd.umich.edu
  77:   0.537:  1.52%:  1.21%:    28: .ca (Canada)
 110:   0.455:  1.29%:  1.72%:    60: .org (Non-Profit Making Organizations)
  51:   0.333:  0.94%:  0.80%:    19: .us (United States)
 150:   0.948:  2.68%:  2.35%:    56: [not listed: 22 domains]

Organisation Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

Listing the first 20 organisations by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.

reqs: %bytes: organisation
----: ------: ------------
1249: 19.22%: [unresolved numerical addresses]
 722: 12.85%: comcast.net
 326:  2.65%: rr.com
 315:  4.26%: aol.com
 312:  5.24%: attbi.com
 293:  5.15%: ameritech.net
 253:  4.31%: umich.edu
 219:  1.07%: shawcable.net
 130:  2.50%: chartermi.net
 123:  2.07%: level3.net
 107:  1.95%: mich.net
  69:  1.40%: voyager.net
  67:  1.29%: uu.net
  64:  0.96%: wmich.edu
  54:  1.12%: msu.edu
  48:  0.68%: qwest.net
  38:  0.72%: att.net
  36:  0.13%: googlebot.com
  36:  0.60%: buckeye-express.com
  35:  0.54%: ford.com
1882: 31.30%: [not listed: 388 organisations]

Host Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

Listing hosts with at least 100 requests, sorted by the number of requests.

reqs:  Mbytes: %bytes:  %reqs: host
----: -------: ------: ------: ----
 214:   0.267:  0.76%:  3.36%: 66-65-98-212.nyc.rr.com
 213:   0.332:  0.94%:  3.34%: h24-80-28-16.vc.shawcable.net
5951:  34.791: 98.30%: 93.31%: [not listed: 1,633 hosts]

Referrer Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

Listing the first 25 referring URLs by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.

reqs:  Mbytes: %bytes:  %reqs: URL
----: -------: ------: ------: ---
3412:  29.703: 90.15%: 63.91%: http://michiganradio.umich.edu/
 503:   0.628:  1.91%:  9.42%: http://www.google.com/search
  31:   0.038:  0.12%:  0.58%:   http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=wuom
  20:   0.024:  0.08%:  0.37%:   http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=wuom
  15:   0.018:  0.06%:  0.28%:   http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=wuom&btnG=Google+Search
  12:   0.014:  0.05%:  0.22%:   http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=michigan+public+radio
  10:   0.012:  0.04%:  0.19%:   http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&q=wuom
  10:   0.012:  0.04%:  0.19%:   http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=wuom
 164:   0.204:  0.62%:  3.07%: http://search.msn.com/results.asp
  21:   0.026:  0.08%:  0.39%:   http://search.msn.com/results.asp?RS=CHECKED&FORM=MSNH&v=1&q=michigan+public+radio
  12:   0.014:  0.05%:  0.22%:   http://search.msn.com/results.asp?RS=CHECKED&FORM=MSNH&v=1&q=wuom
  10:   0.012:  0.04%:  0.19%:   http://search.msn.com/results.asp?RS=CHECKED&FORM=MSNH&v=1&q=MICHIGAN+PUBLIC+RADIO
 134:   0.167:  0.51%:  2.51%: http://search.yahoo.com/bin/search
  24:   0.029:  0.09%:  0.45%:   http://search.yahoo.com/bin/search?p=wuom
  23:   0.028:  0.09%:  0.43%:   http://search.yahoo.com/bin/search?p=michigan+public+radio
  16:   0.019:  0.06%:  0.30%:   http://search.yahoo.com/bin/search?p=michigan+radio
 125:   0.156:  0.47%:  2.34%: http://www.google.com/u/umich
  31:   0.038:  0.12%:  0.58%:   http://www.google.com/u/umich?q=radio
  20:   0.024:  0.08%:  0.37%:   http://www.google.com/u/umich?q=michigan+radio
  19:   0.023:  0.07%:  0.36%:   http://www.google.com/u/umich?q=wuom
 112:   0.140:  0.43%:  2.10%: http://auto.search.msn.com/results.asp
  25:   0.031:  0.09%:  0.47%:   http://auto.search.msn.com/results.asp?cfg=SMCINITIAL&RS=CHECKED&v=1&srch=5&FORM=AS5&q=wuom+radio
  99:   0.123:  0.38%:  1.85%: http://www.pk.edu.pl/~pmj/jazzlinks/radios.html
  76:   0.095:  0.29%:  1.42%: http://www.resinets.com/media/radioc.htm
  64:   0.655:  1.99%:  1.20%: http://www.michiganradio.umich.edu/
  57:   0.071:  0.22%:  1.07%: http://search.yahoo.com/search
  42:   0.052:  0.16%:  0.79%: http://aolsearch.aol.com/dirsearch.adp
  40:   0.049:  0.15%:  0.75%: http://dir.yahoo.com/News_and_Media/Radio/By_Region/U_S__States/Michigan/
  38:   0.047:  0.14%:  0.71%: http://detroit.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm
  38:   0.047:  0.14%:  0.71%:   http://detroit.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?site=http://www.umich.edu/~wuom/
  35:   0.043:  0.13%:  0.66%: http://www.michiganweb.com/radio.html
  26:   0.032:  0.10%:  0.49%: http://www.externalharddrive.com/usa/states/radio/michigan_fm.html
  25:   0.262:  0.80%:  0.47%: http://images.google.com/imgres
  25:   0.031:  0.09%:  0.47%: http://search.netscape.com/nscp_results.adp
  21:   0.026:  0.08%:  0.39%: http://www.reachoutmichigan.org/exploringsci/tourlisting/wuom.html
  12:   0.014:  0.05%:  0.22%: http://www.npr.org/members/textlist.html
  11:   0.013:  0.04%:  0.21%: http://www.gumbopages.com/other-radio.html
  10:   0.012:  0.04%:  0.19%: http://www.google.com/custom
  10:   0.012:  0.04%:  0.19%: http://search.dogpile.com/texis/search
  10:   0.012:  0.04%:  0.19%: http://www.pk.edu.pl/~pmj/jazzlinks/_main.html
   9:   0.011:  0.03%:  0.17%: http://www.google.ca/search
   9:   0.011:  0.03%:  0.17%: http://search.msn.com/preview.asp
 270:   0.370:  1.13%:  5.06%: [not listed: 133 URLs]

Search Word Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

Listing the first 20 query words by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.

reqs: search term
----: -----------
 507: radio
 465: michigan
 261: wuom
 237: public
 116: arbor
 116: ann
 103: npr
  38: 91.7
  31: station
  26: news
  24: of
  23: university
  19: wfum
  15: fm
  14: flint
  14: national
  13: rapids
  13: grand
  12: michiganradio
   9: 104.1
  49: [not listed: 21 search terms]

Browser Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

Listing the first 40 browsers by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.

reqs:  Mbytes: %bytes:  %reqs: browser
----: -------: ------: ------: -------
 632:   4.195: 11.87%:  9.92%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)
 403:   2.467:  6.98%:  6.33%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)
 317:   2.100:  5.94%:  4.98%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98)
 293:   0.887:  2.51%:  4.60%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90)
 235:   1.417:  4.01%:  3.69%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0)
 215:   0.269:  0.76%:  3.38%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; Win32; WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5)
 194:   1.305:  3.69%:  3.05%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.0.3705)
 162:   1.094:  3.10%:  2.54%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98)
 151:   1.028:  2.91%:  2.37%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)
 126:   0.818:  2.32%:  1.98%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt)
 124:   0.934:  2.64%:  1.95%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Mac_PowerPC)
 114:   0.722:  2.05%:  1.79%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90)
 107:   0.595:  1.68%:  1.68%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; Q312461)
 102:   0.697:  1.97%:  1.60%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; .NET CLR 1.0.3705)
  86:   0.339:  0.96%:  1.35%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 95)
  74:   0.552:  1.56%:  1.16%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 4.0)
  69:   0.192:  0.55%:  1.08%: Mozilla/3.01 (compatible;)
  68:   0.528:  1.50%:  1.07%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.22; Mac_PowerPC)
  67:   0.379:  1.07%:  1.05%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; Q312461)
  66:   0.118:  0.34%:  1.04%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90; Q312461; (R1 1.3))
  49:   0.284:  0.81%:  0.77%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0; T312461)
  46:   0.283:  0.80%:  0.72%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; AOL 8.0; Windows NT 5.1)
  42:   0.200:  0.57%:  0.66%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; AOL 7.0; Windows NT 5.1)
  36:   0.233:  0.66%:  0.57%: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/51 (like Gecko) Safari/51
  36:   0.044:  0.13%:  0.57%: Googlebot/2.1 (+http://www.googlebot.com/bot.html)
  33:   0.079:  0.22%:  0.52%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; T312461; .NET CLR 1.0.3705)
  33:   0.252:  0.71%:  0.52%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.14; Mac_PowerPC)
  33:   0.210:  0.60%:  0.52%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows 98)
  31:   0.038:  0.11%:  0.49%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98; T312461; YComp; MSIECrawler)
  30:   0.000:       :  0.47%: GFN Link Scanner/0.1 libwww-perl/5.65
  27:   0.168:  0.48%:  0.42%: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.0.1) Gecko/20020823 Netscape/7.0
  25:   0.163:  0.46%:  0.39%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 4.0)
  25:   0.037:  0.11%:  0.39%: Mozilla/5.0 (Slurp/cat; slurp@inktomi.com; http://www.inktomi.com/slurp.html)
  25:   0.144:  0.41%:  0.39%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows 95)
  24:   0.098:  0.28%:  0.38%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; DigExt)
  23:   0.163:  0.46%:  0.36%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 95; DigExt)
  23:   0.181:  0.51%:  0.36%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.21; Mac_PowerPC)
  23:   0.028:  0.08%:  0.36%: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.0rc5; OBJR)
  22:   0.140:  0.40%:  0.35%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0; H010818)
  21:   0.161:  0.46%:  0.33%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; Q312461; .NET CLR 1.0.3705)
2156:  11.778: 33.33%: 33.86%: [not listed: 510 browsers]

Browser Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

Listing the first 20 browsers by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.

reqs:  Mbytes: %bytes:  %reqs: browser
----: -------: ------: ------: -------
5186:  31.738: 89.81%: 81.44%: MSIE
 628:   2.708:  7.66%:  9.86%: Netscape
 368:   0.593:  1.68%:  5.78%: Netscape (compatible)
  36:   0.044:  0.13%:  0.57%: Googlebot
  30:   0.000:       :  0.47%: GFN Link Scanner
  19:   0.023:  0.07%:  0.30%: FAST-WebCrawler
  17:   0.021:  0.06%:  0.27%: Wget
  13:   0.093:  0.26%:  0.20%: Opera
   8:   0.009:  0.03%:  0.13%: Slurp
   7:   0.008:  0.02%:  0.11%: Microsoft URL Control - 6.00.8862
   6:   0.007:  0.02%:  0.09%: NationalDirectory-WebSpider
   5:   0.006:  0.02%:  0.08%: Java1.2.2
   5:   0.006:  0.02%:  0.08%: Libby_1.1
   5:   0.006:  0.02%:  0.08%: phpgetter
   4:   0.004:  0.01%:  0.06%: Mercator-2.0
   3:   0.023:  0.07%:  0.05%: WebTV
   3:   0.003:  0.01%:  0.05%: UPG1 UP
   3:   0.000:       :  0.05%: Xenu's Link Sleuth 1.0u
   2:   0.021:  0.06%:  0.03%: oBot
   2:   0.002:  0.01%:  0.03%: TurnitinBot
  18:   0.017:  0.05%:  0.28%: [not listed: 18 browsers]

Operating System Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

Listing operating systems, sorted by the number of requests.

no.: reqs: OS
---: ----: --
  1: 5501: Windows
   : 2678:   Windows 2000
   : 1303:   Windows 98
   :  643:   Windows Me
   :  249:   Windows NT
   :  215:   Windows 32-bit
   :  212:   Unknown Windows
   :  201:   Windows 95
  2:  447: Macintosh
   :  447:   Macintosh PowerPC
  3:  359: OS unknown
  4:   58: Unix
   :   51:   Linux
   :    7:   SunOS
  5:    3: WebTV

Status Code Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

Listing status codes, sorted numerically.

reqs: status code
----: -----------
5773: 200 OK
  28: 206 Partial content
   1: 301 Document moved permanently
 577: 304 Not modified since last retrieval
 299: 404 Document not found

File Size Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

      size: reqs: %bytes: 
----------: ----: ------: 
         0:  652:       : 
  1b-  10b:    0:       : 
 11b- 100b:    3:       : 
101b-  1kb:    4:  0.01%: 
 1kb- 10kb: 4257: 15.00%: 
10kb-100kb: 1462: 84.99%: 

File Type Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

Listing extensions with at least 0.1% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.

reqs: %bytes: extension
----: ------: ---------
1785: 85.23%: .JPG
2716:  9.48%: [directories]
1874:  5.28%: .gif  [GIF graphics]
   3:  0.01%: [not listed: 1 extension]

Directory Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

Listing directories with at least 0.1% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.

reqs:  Mbytes: %bytes:  %reqs: directory
----: -------: ------: ------: ---------
6366:  35.350: 99.88%: 99.81%: [root directory]
   7:   0.035:  0.10%:  0.11%: /EEO/
   5:   0.006:  0.02%:  0.08%: [not listed: 1 directory]

Request Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

Listing files with at least 0.5% of the requests, sorted by the number of requests.

reqs:  Mbytes: %bytes:  %reqs: file
----: -------: ------: ------: ----
2707:   3.316:  9.37%: 42.44%: /
1874:   1.868:  5.28%: 29.38%: /Michigan2_07.gif
1785:  30.164: 85.23%: 27.99%: /MichiganRadio logo.JPG
  12:   0.041:  0.12%:  0.19%: [not listed: 3 files]

This analysis was produced by analog 4.13.
Running time: 1 second.

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

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