(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Successful requests: 5,744
Average successful requests per day: 191
Successful requests for pages: 1,077
Average successful requests for pages per day: 35
Failed requests: 9,814
Redirected requests: 6
Distinct files requested: 52
Distinct hosts served: 795
Unwanted logfile entries: 42
Data transferred: 95.907 Mbytes
Average data transferred per day: 3.204 Mbytes
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Each unit () represents 20 requests for pages or part thereof.
week beg.: reqs: Mbytes: %bytes: %reqs: pages: ---------: ----: -------: ------: ------: -----: 27/Oct/02: 466: 7.658: 7.98%: 8.11%: 67: 3/Nov/02: 1281: 23.647: 24.66%: 22.30%: 241: 10/Nov/02: 1370: 21.517: 22.44%: 23.85%: 267: 17/Nov/02: 1363: 23.297: 24.29%: 23.73%: 257: 24/Nov/02: 1264: 19.787: 20.63%: 22.01%: 245:Busiest week: week beginning 10/Nov/02 (267 requests for pages).
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Each unit () represents 4 requests for pages or part thereof.
date: reqs: Mbytes: %bytes: %reqs: pages: ---------: ----: -------: ------: ------: -----: 1/Nov/02: 186: 2.827: 2.95%: 3.24%: 36: 2/Nov/02: 280: 4.830: 5.04%: 4.87%: 31: 3/Nov/02: 187: 3.145: 3.28%: 3.26%: 32: 4/Nov/02: 230: 4.149: 4.33%: 4.00%: 36: 5/Nov/02: 185: 2.648: 2.76%: 3.22%: 32: 6/Nov/02: 170: 2.898: 3.02%: 2.96%: 38: 7/Nov/02: 256: 6.374: 6.65%: 4.46%: 53: 8/Nov/02: 150: 2.913: 3.04%: 2.61%: 30: 9/Nov/02: 103: 1.517: 1.58%: 1.79%: 20: 10/Nov/02: 126: 1.491: 1.56%: 2.19%: 32: 11/Nov/02: 256: 3.280: 3.42%: 4.46%: 47: 12/Nov/02: 229: 4.580: 4.78%: 3.99%: 52: 13/Nov/02: 319: 6.041: 6.30%: 5.55%: 54: 14/Nov/02: 152: 1.916: 2.00%: 2.65%: 34: 15/Nov/02: 144: 2.364: 2.47%: 2.51%: 27: 16/Nov/02: 144: 1.842: 1.92%: 2.51%: 21: 17/Nov/02: 164: 2.219: 2.31%: 2.86%: 24: 18/Nov/02: 218: 3.895: 4.06%: 3.80%: 45: 19/Nov/02: 267: 3.164: 3.30%: 4.65%: 40: 20/Nov/02: 238: 3.966: 4.14%: 4.14%: 45: 21/Nov/02: 133: 3.797: 3.96%: 2.32%: 24: 22/Nov/02: 230: 3.911: 4.08%: 4.00%: 57: 23/Nov/02: 113: 2.341: 2.44%: 1.97%: 22: 24/Nov/02: 125: 2.002: 2.09%: 2.18%: 29: 25/Nov/02: 327: 4.196: 4.38%: 5.69%: 56: 26/Nov/02: 269: 3.123: 3.26%: 4.68%: 62: 27/Nov/02: 156: 3.057: 3.19%: 2.72%: 32: 28/Nov/02: 114: 2.237: 2.33%: 1.98%: 23: 29/Nov/02: 135: 2.681: 2.80%: 2.35%: 20: 30/Nov/02: 138: 2.486: 2.59%: 2.40%: 23:Busiest day: 26/Nov/02 (62 requests for pages).
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Each unit () represents 10 requests for pages or part thereof.
day: reqs: Mbytes: %bytes: %reqs: pages: ---: ----: -------: ------: ------: -----: Sun: 602: 8.859: 9.24%: 10.48%: 117: Mon: 1031: 15.522: 16.18%: 17.95%: 184: Tue: 950: 13.517: 14.09%: 16.54%: 186: Wed: 883: 15.963: 16.64%: 15.37%: 169: Thu: 655: 14.325: 14.94%: 11.40%: 134: Fri: 845: 14.700: 15.33%: 14.71%: 170: Sat: 778: 13.018: 13.57%: 13.54%: 117:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Each unit () represents 5 requests for pages or part thereof.
hr: reqs: Mbytes: %bytes: %reqs: pages: --: ----: -------: ------: ------: -----: 0: 156: 2.141: 2.23%: 2.72%: 39: 1: 110: 1.681: 1.75%: 1.92%: 41: 2: 77: 1.022: 1.07%: 1.34%: 26: 3: 58: 0.494: 0.52%: 1.01%: 33: 4: 115: 2.593: 2.70%: 2.00%: 35: 5: 61: 1.341: 1.40%: 1.06%: 11: 6: 70: 0.983: 1.03%: 1.22%: 14: 7: 130: 1.424: 1.49%: 2.26%: 29: 8: 211: 2.534: 2.64%: 3.67%: 35: 9: 247: 3.902: 4.07%: 4.30%: 50: 10: 311: 5.909: 6.16%: 5.41%: 46: 11: 468: 7.189: 7.50%: 8.15%: 68: 12: 466: 7.132: 7.44%: 8.11%: 61: 13: 381: 6.863: 7.16%: 6.63%: 63: 14: 530: 9.698: 10.11%: 9.23%: 94: 15: 342: 6.348: 6.62%: 5.95%: 56: 16: 479: 8.413: 8.77%: 8.34%: 72: 17: 389: 5.920: 6.17%: 6.77%: 60: 18: 219: 3.940: 4.11%: 3.81%: 42: 19: 182: 2.984: 3.11%: 3.17%: 29: 20: 167: 2.473: 2.58%: 2.91%: 36: 21: 236: 3.536: 3.69%: 4.11%: 63: 22: 103: 3.351: 3.49%: 1.79%: 20: 23: 236: 4.024: 4.20%: 4.11%: 54:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Listing domains with at least 0.5% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.
reqs: Mbytes: %bytes: %reqs: pages: domain ----: -------: ------: ------: -----: ------ 1298: 22.641: 23.61%: 22.60%: 353: .com (Commercial) 381: 9.569: 9.98%: 6.63%: 63: aol.com (America Online) 1316: 22.136: 23.08%: 22.91%: 211: [unresolved numerical addresses] 198: 2.392: 2.49%: 3.45%: 36: 141 165: 2.043: 2.13%: 2.87%: 30: 141.211 (University of Michigan - Central Campus) 1124: 21.415: 22.33%: 19.57%: 162: .edu (USA Educational) 319: 3.614: 3.77%: 5.55%: 50: umich.edu (University of Michigan) 221: 2.374: 2.48%: 3.85%: 40: soe.umich.edu 1196: 15.656: 16.32%: 20.82%: 219: .net (Network) 132: 1.839: 1.92%: 2.30%: 24: .org (Non-Profit Making Organizations) 87: 1.482: 1.55%: 1.51%: 4: .uk (United Kingdom) 64: 1.389: 1.45%: 1.11%: 6: .nl (Netherlands) 57: 1.314: 1.37%: 0.99%: 22: .ca (Canada) 93: 1.145: 1.19%: 1.62%: 17: .us (United States) 46: 1.133: 1.18%: 0.80%: 8: .au (Australia) 22: 0.674: 0.70%: 0.38%: 1: .pl (Poland) 50: 0.612: 0.64%: 0.87%: 8: .de (Germany) 15: 0.549: 0.57%: 0.26%: 0: .th (Thailand) 16: 0.520: 0.54%: 0.28%: 1: .my (Malaysia) 47: 0.499: 0.52%: 0.82%: 8: .mil (USA Military) 181: 2.897: 3.02%: 3.15%: 33: [not listed: 21 domains]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Listing the first 20 organisations by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: %bytes: organisation ----: ------: ------------ 1316: 23.08%: [unresolved numerical addresses] 381: 9.98%: aol.com 319: 3.77%: umich.edu 180: 2.14%: comcast.net 175: 1.52%: googlebot.com 162: 1.93%: psnw.com 123: 5.71%: ufl.edu 111: 2.62%: rr.com 109: 1.34%: rasserver.net 103: 1.29%: attbi.com 98: 1.30%: upenn.edu 79: 0.70%: uu.net 53: 0.45%: level3.net 50: 1.29%: euronet.nl 42: 0.48%: nipr.mil 41: 0.65%: cord.org 39: 0.42%: unc.edu 39: 0.68%: bellsouth.net 39: 0.14%: ktc.com 37: 1.22%: terc.edu 2248: 39.27%: [not listed: 257 organisations]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Listing hosts with at least 100 requests, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: Mbytes: %bytes: %reqs: host ----: -------: ------: ------: ---- 116: 1.442: 1.50%: 2.02%: ct2-146.oneals-dial.psnw.com 5628: 94.464: 98.50%: 97.98%: [not listed: 794 hosts]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Listing the first 25 referring URLs by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: Mbytes: %bytes: %reqs: URL ----: -------: ------: ------: --- 1341: 10.187: 18.13%: 32.98%: http://www.sii.soe.umich.edu/ 1128: 11.652: 20.73%: 27.74%: http://www.sii.soe.umich.edu/team.html 550: 12.804: 22.78%: 13.53%: http://www.sii.soe.umich.edu/links.html 260: 1.177: 2.09%: 6.39%: http://www.sii.soe.umich.edu/about.html 191: 6.216: 11.06%: 4.70%: http://www.google.com/search 50: 1.378: 2.45%: 1.23%: http://search.yahoo.com/search 41: 1.817: 3.23%: 1.01%: http://search.yahoo.com/bin/search 40: 0.234: 0.42%: 0.98%: http://www.sii.soe.umich.edu/contact.html 40: 0.327: 0.58%: 0.98%: http://www.sii.soe.umich.edu/documents/LargeScaleSurveyResearch.pdf 33: 0.340: 0.61%: 0.81%: http://www.sii.soe.umich.edu/documents/SII Brief Overview.pdf 30: 0.140: 0.25%: 0.74%: http://www.soe.umich.edu/research/index.html 27: 0.101: 0.18%: 0.66%: http://www.sii.soe.umich.edu/documents/instruction capacity improvement.pdf 25: 0.329: 0.59%: 0.61%: http://www.google.com/u/umich 23: 0.107: 0.19%: 0.57%: http://www.isr.umich.edu/src/projects.html 23: 0.107: 0.19%: 0.57%: http://depts.washington.edu/ctpmail/Works.html 21: 0.193: 0.34%: 0.52%: http://www.sii.soe.umich.edu/index.html 20: 0.076: 0.14%: 0.49%: http://www.sii.soe.umich.edu/documents/LAGlossary20009.pdf 18: 1.926: 3.43%: 0.44%: http://aolsearch.aol.com/dirsearch.adp 17: 0.742: 1.32%: 0.42%: http://www.google.ca/search 15: 1.043: 1.86%: 0.37%: http://www.google.com/u/umichsoe 14: 0.065: 0.12%: 0.34%: http://depts.washington.edu/ctpmail/Program.html 10: 0.080: 0.14%: 0.25%: http://sii.soe.umich.edu/ 9: 0.079: 0.14%: 0.22%: 7: 0.274: 0.49%: 0.17%: http://www.sii.soe.umich.edu/documents/OverviewofSIIInstruments.pdf 7: 0.032: 0.06%: 0.17%: http://www.cpre.org/Research/Research_Project_1.htm 126: 4.769: 8.49%: 3.10%: [not listed: 67 URLs]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Listing the first 20 query words by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: search term ----: ----------- 53: of 40: questionnaire 40: and 37: knowledge 37: content 35: math 28: improvement 28: research 26: pedagogical 26: instructional 25: in 24: study 23: school 22: self 22: description 19: teacher 17: downloads 17: log 17: for 17: sex 926: [not listed: 417 search terms]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Listing the first 40 browsers by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: Mbytes: %bytes: %reqs: browser ----: -------: ------: ------: ------- 648: 10.426: 10.88%: 11.39%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1) 360: 7.226: 7.54%: 6.33%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Mac_PowerPC) 358: 5.482: 5.72%: 6.29%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0) 291: 3.982: 4.15%: 5.12%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98) 252: 3.293: 3.44%: 4.43%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0) 190: 2.618: 2.73%: 3.34%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90) 182: 2.610: 2.72%: 3.20%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0) 175: 1.460: 1.52%: 3.08%: Googlebot/2.1 (+http://www.googlebot.com/bot.html) 160: 3.265: 3.41%: 2.81%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt) 143: 2.137: 2.23%: 2.51%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98) 118: 1.434: 1.50%: 2.07%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.0.3705) 85: 0.997: 1.04%: 1.49%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90) 84: 1.142: 1.19%: 1.48%: Mozilla/4.77 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U) 77: 1.677: 1.75%: 1.35%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows 98) 62: 0.504: 0.53%: 1.09%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; Q312461; .NET CLR 1.0.3705) 60: 0.768: 0.80%: 1.05%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 4.0; NetX HPe) 58: 0.497: 0.52%: 1.02%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows NT) 58: 1.605: 1.67%: 1.02%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 4.0) 57: 1.194: 1.25%: 1.00%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 4.0) 53: 2.869: 2.99%: 0.93%: Mozilla/4.7C-CCK-MCD {C-UDP; EBM-APPLE} (Macintosh; I; PPC) 49: 0.137: 0.14%: 0.86%: contype 44: 0.921: 0.96%: 0.77%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; AOL 7.0; Windows NT 5.1) 41: 0.214: 0.22%: 0.72%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90; T312461) 41: 0.410: 0.43%: 0.72%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98; Q312461) 41: 0.430: 0.45%: 0.72%: Mozilla/3.01 (compatible;) 36: 0.519: 0.54%: 0.63%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; T312461) 35: 0.374: 0.39%: 0.62%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 4.0; Q312461) 35: 0.000: : 0.62%: Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/5.1.2600 34: 0.635: 0.66%: 0.60%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90; Hotbar 33: 1.236: 1.29%: 0.58%: http://www.almaden.ibm.com/cs/crawler [c01] 33: 0.407: 0.43%: 0.58%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; AOL 7.0; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90) 33: 0.339: 0.35%: 0.58%: Mozilla/4.51 [en] (WinNT; I) 32: 0.364: 0.38%: 0.56%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98; T312461) 32: 0.553: 0.58%: 0.56%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90; MSN 6.1; MSNbMSFT; MSNmen-us; MSNczz) 31: 0.346: 0.36%: 0.54%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; UMLib User) 31: 0.782: 0.82%: 0.54%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98; YComp 30: 0.463: 0.48%: 0.53%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.22; Mac_PowerPC) 28: 0.575: 0.60%: 0.49%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.14; Mac_PowerPC) 28: 1.169: 1.22%: 0.49%: Mozilla/4.77C-CCK-MCD {C-UDP; EBM-APPLE} (Macintosh; U; PPC) 27: 0.250: 0.26%: 0.47%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; AOL 8.0; Windows 98; DigExt) 1524: 30.525: 31.85%: 26.79%: [not listed: 200 browsers]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Listing the first 20 browsers by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: Mbytes: %bytes: %reqs: browser ----: -------: ------: ------: ------- 4602: 76.912: 80.24%: 80.89%: MSIE 680: 14.229: 14.84%: 11.95%: Netscape 175: 1.460: 1.52%: 3.08%: Googlebot 50: 0.496: 0.52%: 0.88%: Netscape (compatible) 49: 0.137: 0.14%: 0.86%: contype 35: 0.000: : 0.62%: Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir 33: 1.236: 1.29%: 0.58%: http: 20: 0.071: 0.07%: 0.35%: FAST-WebCrawler 7: 0.688: 0.72%: 0.12%: LWP::Simple 6: 0.053: 0.06%: 0.11%: Scooter 5: 0.048: 0.05%: 0.09%: Wget 5: 0.019: 0.02%: 0.09%: IE 5: 0.048: 0.05%: 0.09%: TurnitinBot 3: 0.013: 0.01%: 0.05%: ia_archiver 3: 0.041: 0.04%: 0.05%: EasyDL 2: 0.211: 0.22%: 0.04%: RealDownload 2: 0.009: 0.01%: 0.04%: Java1.3.1 2: 0.119: 0.12%: 0.04%: FreeBrowser 1: 0.036: 0.04%: 0.02%: SmartDownload 1: 0.004: : 0.02%: toCrawl 3: 0.014: 0.01%: 0.05%: [not listed: 3 browsers]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Listing operating systems, sorted by the number of requests.
no.: reqs: OS ---: ----: -- 1: 4526: Windows : 2154: Windows 2000 : 1247: Windows 98 : 568: Windows Me : 422: Windows NT : 99: Unknown Windows : 35: Windows 95 : 1: Windows 32-bit 2: 702: Macintosh : 702: Macintosh PowerPC 3: 445: OS unknown 4: 16: Unix : 13: SunOS : 2: Linux : 1: BSD
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Listing status codes, sorted numerically.
reqs: status code ----: ----------- 4210: 200 OK 1136: 206 Partial content 6: 301 Document moved permanently 398: 304 Not modified since last retrieval 66: 400 Bad request 16: 403 Access forbidden 9708: 404 Document not found 24: 408 Request timeout
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
size: reqs: %bytes: -----------: ----: ------: 0: 778: : 1b- 10b: 1: : 11b- 100b: 335: 0.02%: 101b- 1kb: 111: 0.08%: 1kb- 10kb: 2470: 10.17%: 10kb-100kb: 1800: 47.29%: 100kb- 1Mb: 249: 42.45%:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Listing extensions with at least 0.1% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.
reqs: %bytes: extension ----: ------: --------- 1721: 67.99%: .pdf [Adobe Portable Document Format] 1110: 18.29%: .jpg [JPEG graphics] 670: 8.50%: .html [Hypertext Markup Language] 1829: 3.61%: .gif [GIF graphics] 407: 1.62%: [directories] 7: : [not listed: 4 extensions]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Listing directories with at least 0.1% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.
reqs: Mbytes: %bytes: %reqs: directory ----: -------: ------: ------: --------- 1721: 65.207: 67.99%: 29.96%: /documents/ 2939: 20.995: 21.89%: 51.17%: /images/ 1071: 9.674: 10.09%: 18.65%: [root directory] 13: 0.029: 0.03%: 0.23%: [not listed: 2 directories]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Listing files with at least 0.5% of the requests, sorted by the number of requests.
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(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)