(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Successful requests: 191,467
Average successful requests per day: 7,028
Successful requests for pages: 18,395
Average successful requests for pages per day: 675
Failed requests: 4,239
Redirected requests: 33,286
Distinct files requested: 251
Distinct hosts served: 9,110
Unwanted logfile entries: 955
Data transferred: 1.437 Gbytes
Average data transferred per day: 54.055 Mbytes
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Each unit () represents 1,500 requests for pages or part thereof.
week beg.: reqs: Gbytes: %bytes: %reqs: pages: ---------: ------: -------: ------: ------: -----: 2/Mar/03: 154: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.08%: 80: 9/Mar/03: 1038: 0.004: 0.31%: 0.54%: 236: 16/Mar/03: 188612: 1.427: 99.25%: 98.51%: 17858: 23/Mar/03: 1398: 0.004: 0.34%: 0.73%: 194: 30/Mar/03: 265: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.14%: 27:Busiest week: week beginning 16/Mar/03 (17,858 requests for pages).
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Each unit () represents 1,000 requests for pages or part thereof.
date: reqs: Gbytes: %bytes: %reqs: pages: ---------: ------: -------: ------: ------: -----: 4/Mar/03: 19: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.01%: 10: 5/Mar/03: 43: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 22: 6/Mar/03: 47: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 23: 7/Mar/03: 30: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 17: 8/Mar/03: 15: 0.000: : 0.01%: 8: 9/Mar/03: 24: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.01%: 15: 10/Mar/03: 83: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.04%: 46: 11/Mar/03: 61: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.03%: 30: 12/Mar/03: 111: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.06%: 36: 13/Mar/03: 417: 0.001: 0.14%: 0.22%: 48: 14/Mar/03: 232: 0.000: 0.07%: 0.12%: 26: 15/Mar/03: 110: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.06%: 35: 16/Mar/03: 472: 0.001: 0.09%: 0.25%: 56: 17/Mar/03: 3123: 0.013: 0.93%: 1.63%: 212: 18/Mar/03: 6453: 0.031: 2.19%: 3.37%: 828: 19/Mar/03: 135522: 1.061: 73.82%: 70.78%: 12552: 20/Mar/03: 41048: 0.311: 21.63%: 21.44%: 3733: 21/Mar/03: 1617: 0.006: 0.47%: 0.84%: 410: 22/Mar/03: 377: 0.001: 0.12%: 0.20%: 67: 23/Mar/03: 298: 0.001: 0.07%: 0.16%: 31: 24/Mar/03: 230: 0.001: 0.08%: 0.12%: 47: 25/Mar/03: 228: 0.000: 0.06%: 0.12%: 40: 26/Mar/03: 268: 0.000: 0.06%: 0.14%: 29: 27/Mar/03: 200: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.10%: 18: 28/Mar/03: 143: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.07%: 23: 29/Mar/03: 31: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: 6: 30/Mar/03: 192: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.10%: 14: 31/Mar/03: 73: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.04%: 13:Busiest day: 19/Mar/03 (12,552 requests for pages).
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Each unit () represents 800 requests for pages or part thereof.
day: reqs: Gbytes: %bytes: %reqs: pages: ---: ------: -------: ------: ------: -----: Sun: 986: 0.002: 0.20%: 0.51%: 116: Mon: 3509: 0.015: 1.05%: 1.83%: 318: Tue: 6761: 0.032: 2.28%: 3.53%: 908: Wed: 135944: 1.062: 73.92%: 71.00%: 12639: Thu: 41712: 0.313: 21.81%: 21.79%: 3822: Fri: 2022: 0.008: 0.58%: 1.06%: 476: Sat: 533: 0.002: 0.16%: 0.28%: 116:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Each unit () represents 100 requests for pages or part thereof.
hr: reqs: Mbytes: %bytes: %reqs: pages: --: -----: -------: ------: ------: -----: 0: 14854: 118.503: 8.05%: 7.76%: 1775: 1: 11614: 93.530: 6.35%: 6.07%: 1113: 2: 6420: 52.259: 3.55%: 3.35%: 596: 3: 3187: 24.825: 1.69%: 1.66%: 276: 4: 1058: 8.113: 0.55%: 0.55%: 99: 5: 581: 3.613: 0.25%: 0.30%: 55: 6: 911: 6.029: 0.41%: 0.48%: 78: 7: 2347: 16.957: 1.15%: 1.23%: 215: 8: 6058: 44.450: 3.02%: 3.16%: 556: 9: 8235: 62.458: 4.24%: 4.30%: 746: 10: 10095: 75.937: 5.16%: 5.27%: 886: 11: 9177: 72.054: 4.89%: 4.79%: 873: 12: 9192: 72.243: 4.91%: 4.80%: 877: 13: 9211: 72.552: 4.93%: 4.81%: 835: 14: 9295: 74.884: 5.09%: 4.85%: 866: 15: 8840: 69.490: 4.72%: 4.62%: 807: 16: 9381: 73.031: 4.96%: 4.90%: 842: 17: 7172: 55.802: 3.79%: 3.75%: 720: 18: 11777: 89.595: 6.08%: 6.15%: 1164: 19: 11185: 86.125: 5.85%: 5.84%: 1032: 20: 9240: 69.140: 4.70%: 4.83%: 842: 21: 8175: 64.482: 4.38%: 4.27%: 819: 22: 10152: 75.347: 5.12%: 5.30%: 963: 23: 13310: 91.014: 6.18%: 6.95%: 1360:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Listing domains with at least 0.5% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.
reqs: Mbytes: %bytes: %reqs: pages: domain ------: -------: ------: ------: -----: ------ 122690: 969.086: 65.81%: 64.08%: 11588: .edu (USA Educational) 121270: 959.582: 65.17%: 63.34%: 11330: umich.edu (University of Michigan) 73026: 598.548: 40.65%: 38.14%: 7222: reshall.umich.edu 22624: 181.198: 12.31%: 11.82%: 1990: itd.umich.edu 3342: 31.508: 2.14%: 1.75%: 278: lib.umich.edu 4234: 29.979: 2.04%: 2.21%: 337: lsa.umich.edu 4678: 28.818: 1.96%: 2.44%: 389: engin.umich.edu 3296: 21.333: 1.45%: 1.72%: 284: ummu.umich.edu 1609: 11.466: 0.78%: 0.84%: 157: bus.umich.edu 1713: 9.389: 0.64%: 0.89%: 61: med.umich.edu 54473: 407.899: 27.70%: 28.45%: 5412: .net (Network) 4437: 29.776: 2.02%: 2.32%: 381: mich.net (MichNet dial-in lines) 7968: 59.320: 4.03%: 4.16%: 780: [unresolved numerical addresses] 4011: 28.127: 1.91%: 2.09%: 350: 141 3192: 22.467: 1.53%: 1.67%: 277: 141.211 (University of Michigan - Central Campus) 5367: 28.912: 1.96%: 2.80%: 500: .com (Commercial) 1620: 9.691: 0.66%: 0.85%: 142: aol.com (America Online) 969: 7.224: 0.49%: 0.51%: 115: [not listed: 26 domains]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Listing the first 20 organisations by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: %bytes: organisation ------: ------: ------------ 121270: 65.17%: umich.edu 36408: 18.90%: comcast.net 7999: 4.04%: [unresolved numerical addresses] 6865: 3.48%: ameritech.net 4437: 2.02%: mich.net 1899: 0.95%: ip2go.net 1620: 0.66%: aol.com 1196: 0.64%: covad.net 1086: 0.12%: googlebot.com 911: 0.46%: synergydsl.com 593: 0.33%: digitalrealm.net 451: 0.16%: speakeasy.net 448: 0.20%: level3.net 353: 0.14%: rr.com 335: 0.15%: chartermi.net 320: 0.12%: attbi.com 308: 0.16%: mindspring.com 295: 0.14%: msu.edu 245: 0.14%: comcastbusiness.net 193: 0.09%: marketscore.com 4235: 1.94%: [not listed: 253 organisations]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Listing hosts with at least 100 requests, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: Gbytes: %bytes: %reqs: host ------: -------: ------: ------: ---- 852: 0.006: 0.45%: 0.44%: 716: 0.005: 0.36%: 0.37%: ip195-85.ip2go.net 666: 0.005: 0.39%: 0.35%: h-66-134-148-240.sfldmidn.covad.net 658: 0.001: 0.08%: 0.34%: umhscache.med.umich.edu 583: 0.004: 0.32%: 0.30%: 63-208-162-234.digitalrealm.net 548: 0.003: 0.26%: 0.29%: 166-90-245-97.ip2go.net 516: 0.000: 0.06%: 0.27%: crawler10.googlebot.com 452: 0.004: 0.28%: 0.24%: 425: 0.003: 0.22%: 0.22%: bgp01029492bgs.sanarb01.mi.comcast.net 408: 0.000: 0.05%: 0.21%: crawler11.googlebot.com 388: 0.001: 0.08%: 0.20%: eastquad-171-240.reshall.umich.edu 307: 0.001: 0.09%: 0.16%: dsl093-002-049.det1.dsl.speakeasy.net 266: 0.001: 0.09%: 0.14%: dit.staff.itd.umich.edu 251: 0.001: 0.10%: 0.13%: bgp01081115bgs.wanarb01.mi.comcast.net 243: 0.001: 0.14%: 0.13%: 64-139-64-34.ubr04a.sanarb01.mi.hfc.comcastbusiness.net 235: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.12%: mojo-201-246.reshall.umich.edu 220: 0.001: 0.11%: 0.11%: adsl-67-38-87-23.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net 219: 0.001: 0.11%: 0.11%: ip195-71.ip2go.net 212: 0.001: 0.12%: 0.11%: jordand.personal.engin.umich.edu 207: 0.001: 0.13%: 0.11%: bgp01029929bgs.sanarb01.mi.comcast.net 206: 0.001: 0.08%: 0.11%: adsl-66-72-188-202.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net 205: 0.001: 0.13%: 0.11%: adsl-245-96.ns.itd.umich.edu 201: 0.000: 0.05%: 0.10%: westquad-189-228.reshall.umich.edu 197: 0.001: 0.09%: 0.10%: unknown-67-38.law.umich.edu 194: 0.000: 0.06%: 0.10%: dhcp-17-75.ssw.umich.edu 194: 0.001: 0.09%: 0.10%: adsl-66-72-185-208.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net 192: 0.000: 0.05%: 0.10%: adsl-245-53.ns.itd.umich.edu 187: 0.000: 0.05%: 0.10%: pcp02368526pcs.sanarb01.mi.comcast.net 180: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.09%: baits-209-190.reshall.umich.edu 169: 0.001: 0.08%: 0.09%: bgp01019044bgs.sanarb01.mi.comcast.net 168: 0.000: 0.05%: 0.09%: mojo-202-136.reshall.umich.edu 167: 0.001: 0.10%: 0.09%: adsl-66-73-235-62.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net 164: 0.001: 0.08%: 0.09%: aha461.ccs.itd.umich.edu 163: 0.001: 0.11%: 0.09%: 160: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.08%: bgp01082210bgs.wanarb01.mi.comcast.net 158: 0.001: 0.09%: 0.08%: pcp02374234pcs.sanarb01.mi.comcast.net 157: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.08%: crawler12.googlebot.com 145: 0.000: 0.06%: 0.08%: southquad-182-194.reshall.umich.edu 139: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.07%: stockwell-205-103.reshall.umich.edu 138: 0.001: 0.08%: 0.07%: user-uivfp2p.dsl.mindspring.com 128: 0.001: 0.07%: 0.07%: 174-245.lib.umich.edu 127: 0.000: 0.06%: 0.07%: pcp02255043pcs.wanarb01.mi.comcast.net 126: 0.000: 0.06%: 0.07%: pcp02370728pcs.sanarb01.mi.comcast.net 125: 0.000: 0.07%: 0.07%: union13.ccs.itd.umich.edu 125: 0.001: 0.08%: 0.07%: adsl-66-72-190-30.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net 122: 0.000: 0.06%: 0.06%: adsl-171.ns.itd.umich.edu 121: 0.000: 0.05%: 0.06%: pcp02368137pcs.sanarb01.mi.comcast.net 120: 0.000: 0.06%: 0.06%: aha323.ccs.itd.umich.edu 119: 0.000: 0.07%: 0.06%: pcp02371027pcs.sanarb01.mi.comcast.net 115: 0.000: 0.06%: 0.06%: adsl-67-38-66-214.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net 115: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.06%: ahad28.ccs.itd.umich.edu 114: 0.000: 0.05%: 0.06%: pcp02579904pcs.sanarb01.mi.comcast.net 112: 0.000: 0.06%: 0.06%: mojo-201-205.reshall.umich.edu 112: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.06%: pcp02255299pcs.wanarb01.mi.comcast.net 110: 0.000: 0.07%: 0.06%: ahacyber4.ccs.itd.umich.edu 110: 0.000: 0.05%: 0.06%: adsl-68-73-54-83.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net 110: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.06%: dialup- 110: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.06%: 134-141.univunions.dsa.umich.edu 109: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.06%: aha330.ccs.itd.umich.edu 109: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.06%: 108: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.06%: snre7.ccs.itd.umich.edu 107: 0.000: 0.06%: 0.06%: laptopkgg.chem.lsa.umich.edu 107: 0.000: 0.05%: 0.06%: pcp03247781pcs.wanarb01.mi.comcast.net 106: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.06%: westquad-190-117.reshall.umich.edu 106: 0.000: 0.05%: 0.06%: 106: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.06%: adsl-67-38-30-214.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net 106: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.06%: eastquad-169-164.reshall.umich.edu 105: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.05%: pm470-37.dialip.mich.net 105: 0.000: 0.06%: 0.05%: pcp02364735pcs.sanarb01.mi.comcast.net 105: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.05%: barbnewb-177-41.reshall.umich.edu 104: 0.000: 0.05%: 0.05%: westquad-188-232.reshall.umich.edu 103: 0.000: 0.05%: 0.05%: adsl-64-109-114-30.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net 102: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.05%: ahad33.ccs.itd.umich.edu 102: 0.000: 0.03%: 0.05%: newberry7.ccs.itd.umich.edu 102: 0.000: 0.04%: 0.05%: pcp02255843pcs.wanarb01.mi.comcast.net 102: 0.000: 0.02%: 0.05%: bursley-219-61.reshall.umich.edu 101: 0.000: 0.05%: 0.05%: aha311.ccs.itd.umich.edu 101: 0.000: 0.06%: 0.05%: 174-211.lib.umich.edu 100: 0.000: 0.05%: 0.05%: pcp02370811pcs.sanarb01.mi.comcast.net 100: 0.000: 0.06%: 0.05%: pcp02365258pcs.sanarb01.mi.comcast.net 100: 0.000: 0.07%: 0.05%: aha407.ccs.itd.umich.edu 175094: 1.340: 93.20%: 91.45%: [not listed: 9,029 hosts]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Listing the first 25 referring URLs by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: Mbytes: %bytes: %reqs: URL -----: -------: ------: ------: --- 38323: 256.855: 17.78%: 21.38%: http://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/candidate_info 4843: 9.744: 0.67%: 2.70%: http://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/candidate_info?election=MSA 2415: 5.070: 0.35%: 1.35%: http://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/candidate_info?election=MSA&msa_rep=LSA 2199: 9.081: 0.63%: 1.23%: http://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/candidate_info?election=LSA-SG 1769: 2.723: 0.19%: 0.99%: http://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/candidate_info?election=MSA&msa_rep=President+and+Vice-President 1591: 3.637: 0.25%: 0.89%: http://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/candidate_info?election=RSG 1440: 3.725: 0.26%: 0.80%: http://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/candidate_info?election=LSA-SG&msa_rep=Representative 919: 1.299: 0.09%: 0.51%: http://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/candidate_info?election=UMEC 871: 1.472: 0.10%: 0.49%: http://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/candidate_info?election=MSA&msa_rep=Engineering 835: 1.197: 0.08%: 0.47%: http://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/candidate_info?election=LSA-SG&msa_rep=President+and+Vice-President 642: 1.023: 0.07%: 0.36%: http://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/candidate_info?election=RSG&msa_rep=President+and+Vice-President 590: 0.839: 0.06%: 0.33%: http://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/candidate_info?election=UMEC&msa_rep=Senior+Class+President 381: 0.578: 0.04%: 0.21%: http://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/candidate_info?election=MSA&msa_rep=Rackham 255: 0.336: 0.02%: 0.14%: http://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/candidate_info?election=RSG&msa_rep=Division+3 213: 0.356: 0.02%: 0.12%: http://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/candidate_info?election=RSG&msa_rep=Division+2 180: 0.264: 0.02%: 0.10%: http://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/candidate_info?election=MSA&msa_rep=Law 163: 0.139: 0.01%: 0.09%: http://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/candidate_info?election=RSG&msa_rep=Division+1 86: 0.122: 0.01%: 0.05%: http://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/candidate_info?election=MSA&msa_rep=Art+and+Design 83: 0.121: 0.01%: 0.05%: http://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/candidate_info?election=MSA&msa_rep=Business 67: 0.034: : 0.04%: http://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/candidate_info?election=RSG&msa_rep=Division+4 64: 0.035: : 0.04%: http://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/candidate_info?election=LSA-SG&msa_rep=Representatives 62: 0.080: 0.01%: 0.03%: http://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/candidate_info?election=MSA&msa_rep=Kinesiology 50: 0.055: : 0.03%: http://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/candidate_info?election=UMEC&msa_rep=Senior+Class+Treasurer-Secretary 49: 0.032: : 0.03%: http://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/candidate_info?election=UMEC&msa_rep=Senior+Class+Vice-President 28: 0.019: : 0.02%: http://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/candidate_info?election=MSA&msa_rep=Medicine 27: 0.036: : 0.02%: http://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/candidate_info?election=MSA&msa_rep=Architecture 27: 0.037: : 0.02%: http://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/candidate_info?election=MSA&msa_rep=SNRE 20: 0.024: : 0.01%: http://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/candidate_info?election=MSA&msa_rep=Education 15: 0.010: : 0.01%: http://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/candidate_info?election=MSA&msa_rep=Pharmacy 36655: 397.743: 27.53%: 20.45%: https://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/ballot 12996: 296.494: 20.52%: 7.25%: https://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/ballot?election=LSA-SG 10021: 32.774: 2.27%: 5.59%: https://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/ballot?election=MSA&msa_rep=LSA 3602: 13.204: 0.91%: 2.01%: https://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/ballot?election=UMEC 3172: 34.751: 2.40%: 1.77%: https://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/ballot?election=RSG 2922: 8.933: 0.62%: 1.63%: https://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/ballot?election=MSA&msa_rep=Engineering 1094: 3.333: 0.23%: 0.61%: https://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/ballot?election=MSA&msa_rep=Rackham 446: 1.304: 0.09%: 0.25%: https://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/ballot?election=MSA&msa_rep=Business 402: 1.171: 0.08%: 0.22%: https://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/ballot?election=MSA&msa_rep=Law 384: 1.083: 0.07%: 0.21%: https://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/ballot?election=MSA&msa_rep=Kinesiology 307: 0.891: 0.06%: 0.17%: https://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/ballot?election=MSA&msa_rep=Art+and+Design 207: 0.600: 0.04%: 0.12%: https://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/ballot?election=MSA&msa_rep=Music 167: 0.484: 0.03%: 0.09%: https://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/ballot?election=MSA&msa_rep=Medicine 142: 0.419: 0.03%: 0.08%: https://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/ballot?election=MSA&msa_rep=SNRE 133: 0.383: 0.03%: 0.07%: https://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/ballot?election=MSA&msa_rep=Education 124: 0.355: 0.02%: 0.07%: https://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/ballot?election=MSA&msa_rep=Architecture 113: 0.336: 0.02%: 0.06%: https://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/ballot?election=MSA&msa_rep=Arts+and+Sciences 96: 0.281: 0.02%: 0.05%: https://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/ballot?election=MSA&msa_rep=Nursing 95: 0.261: 0.02%: 0.05%: https://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/ballot?election=MSA&msa_rep=Social+Work 71: 0.201: 0.01%: 0.04%: https://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/ballot?election=MSA&msa_rep=Public+Health 46: 0.145: 0.01%: 0.03%: https://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/ballot?election=MSA&msa_rep=Academic+Outreach 35: 0.110: 0.01%: 0.02%: https://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/ballot?election=MSA&msa_rep=Pharmacy 19: 0.056: : 0.01%: https://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/ballot?election=MSA&msa_rep=Non-Candidate+for+a+Degree 18: 0.051: : 0.01%: https://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/ballot?election=MSA&msa_rep=Dentistry 11: 0.031: : 0.01%: https://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/ballot?election=MSA&msa_rep=Public+Policy 33745: 215.428: 14.91%: 18.83%: https://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/verify 20945: 259.946: 17.99%: 11.69%: https://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/vote 18291: 79.917: 5.53%: 10.21%: http://vote.www.umich.edu/ 10255: 22.445: 1.55%: 5.72%: https://weblogin.umich.edu/ 9062: 188.515: 13.05%: 5.06%: https://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/msa_select 9062: 188.515: 13.05%: 5.06%: https://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/msa_select?election=MSA 4033: 6.943: 0.48%: 2.25%: https://weblogin.umich.edu/cgi-bin/logout 3577: 6.148: 0.43%: 2.00%: https://weblogin.umich.edu/cgi-bin/logout?http://vote.www.umich.edu/ 2120: 3.186: 0.22%: 1.18%: http://www.votefirst.com/ 1072: 2.038: 0.14%: 0.60%: https://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/candidate 1014: 1.537: 0.11%: 0.57%: http://www.theuparty.com/ 599: 0.920: 0.06%: 0.33%: http://votefirst.com/ 543: 0.815: 0.06%: 0.30%: http://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/candidate_display 63: 0.138: 0.01%: 0.04%: http://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/candidate_display?election=MSA&msa_rep=Ballot+Questions 43: 0.041: : 0.02%: http://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/candidate_display?election=LSA-SG&msa_rep=Ballot+Questions 25: 0.029: : 0.01%: http://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/candidate_display?election=RSG&msa_rep=Division+1 23: 0.030: : 0.01%: http://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/candidate_display?uniqname=matzd 22: 0.048: : 0.01%: http://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/candidate_display?election=MSA&msa_rep=LSA 21: 0.046: : 0.01%: http://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/candidate_display?election=MSA&msa_rep=President+and+Vice-President 20: 0.026: : 0.01%: http://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/candidate_display?uniqname=jclifton 17: 0.016: : 0.01%: http://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/candidate_display?election=LSA-SG&msa_rep=Representatives 16: 0.021: : 0.01%: http://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/candidate_display?uniqname=agalardi 16: 0.043: : 0.01%: http://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/candidate_display?election=MSA&msa_rep=Engineering 13: 0.015: : 0.01%: http://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/candidate_display?election=RSG&msa_rep=President+and+Vice-President 12: 0.011: : 0.01%: http://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/candidate_display?election=LSA-SG&msa_rep=Representative 12: 0.013: : 0.01%: http://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/candidate_display?election=RSG&msa_rep=Division+4 11: 0.012: : 0.01%: http://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/candidate_display?election=UMEC&msa_rep=Ballot+Questions 11: 0.014: : 0.01%: http://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/candidate_display?uniqname=rkperry 10: 0.009: : 0.01%: http://vote.www.umich.edu/vote-bin/candidate_display?election=LSA-SG&msa_rep=President+and+Vice-President 338: 3.014: 0.21%: 0.19%: http://www.google.com/u/umich 31: 0.393: 0.03%: 0.02%: http://www.google.com/u/umich?q=u+party 28: 0.249: 0.02%: 0.02%: http://www.google.com/u/umich?q=university+party 15: 0.178: 0.01%: 0.01%: http://www.google.com/u/umich?q=students+first 12: 0.124: 0.01%: 0.01%: http://www.google.com/u/umich?q=U+party 12: 0.133: 0.01%: 0.01%: http://www.google.com/u/umich?hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=university+party 296: 0.507: 0.04%: 0.17%: http://www.theuparty.com/howtovote.html 242: 0.318: 0.02%: 0.14%: http://www.votefirst.com/update.html 157: 0.238: 0.02%: 0.09%: http://www.theuparty.com/movies.html 127: 0.553: 0.04%: 0.07%: http://vote.www.umich.edu/feedback.html 118: 0.620: 0.04%: 0.07%: http://vote.www.umich.edu/faq.html 99: 0.401: 0.03%: 0.06%: https://vote.www.umich.edu/ 98: 0.228: 0.02%: 0.05%: http://vote.www.umich.edu/index.html 83: 0.434: 0.03%: 0.05%: http://www.google.com/search 12: 0.048: : 0.01%: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=Collin+McGlashen&btnG=Google+Search 70: 0.096: 0.01%: 0.04%: http://www.votefirst.com/msa.html 60: 0.083: 0.01%: 0.03%: http://theuparty.com/ 55: 0.091: 0.01%: 0.03%: http://www.votefirst.com/diff.html 813: 2.112: 0.15%: 0.45%: [not listed: 145 URLs]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Listing the first 20 query words by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: search term ----: ----------- 185: party 99: u 81: voting 66: university 57: first 52: students 34: online 32: msa 21: vote 17: the 15: student 12: lena 12: masri 12: mcglashen 12: collin 11: website 11: system 10: ting 10: dauber 8: for 301: [not listed: 138 search terms]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Listing the first 40 browsers by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: Mbytes: %bytes: %reqs: browser -----: -------: ------: ------: ------- 47672: 376.104: 25.55%: 24.91%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1) 13864: 98.837: 6.71%: 7.24%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.0.3705) 11918: 89.038: 6.05%: 6.23%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; .NET CLR 1.0.3705) 8745: 74.889: 5.09%: 4.57%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.22; Mac_PowerPC) 7813: 64.107: 4.35%: 4.08%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90) 6577: 45.170: 3.07%: 3.44%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0) 6572: 48.927: 3.32%: 3.43%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98) 5849: 43.876: 2.98%: 3.06%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90) 5465: 40.407: 2.74%: 2.86%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; Q312461) 3936: 32.263: 2.19%: 2.06%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt) 3481: 25.478: 1.73%: 1.82%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0) 2894: 21.721: 1.48%: 1.51%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0) 2460: 18.680: 1.27%: 1.29%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98) 2447: 23.223: 1.58%: 1.28%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; UMLib User) 1987: 18.185: 1.24%: 1.04%: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:0.9.4) Gecko/20011128 Netscape6/6.2.1 1975: 15.776: 1.07%: 1.03%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Mac_PowerPC) 1831: 16.097: 1.09%: 0.96%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; YComp; .NET CLR 1.0.3705) 1771: 14.484: 0.98%: 0.93%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; YComp 1622: 12.079: 0.82%: 0.85%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows 98) 1618: 12.960: 0.88%: 0.85%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.21; Mac_PowerPC) 1461: 12.131: 0.82%: 0.76%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; Hotbar 1385: 11.936: 0.81%: 0.72%: Mozilla/4.77 [en] (Win95; U) 1316: 10.417: 0.71%: 0.69%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90; Q312461) 1270: 10.752: 0.73%: 0.66%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.14; Mac_PowerPC) 1248: 8.815: 0.60%: 0.65%: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/60 (like Gecko) Safari/60 1086: 1.773: 0.12%: 0.57%: Googlebot/2.1 (+http://www.googlebot.com/bot.html) 875: 4.152: 0.28%: 0.46%: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X Mach-O; en-US; rv:1.0.1) Gecko/20030306 Camino/0.7 721: 5.911: 0.40%: 0.38%: Mozilla/4.72 [en] (Win98; U) 694: 6.106: 0.41%: 0.36%: Mozilla/4.77 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U) 686: 4.890: 0.33%: 0.36%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; Q312461; .NET CLR 1.0.3705) 612: 3.989: 0.27%: 0.32%: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; SunOS sun4u; en-US; rv:1.0.1) Gecko/20020920 Netscape/7.0 594: 5.189: 0.35%: 0.31%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; YComp 565: 3.764: 0.26%: 0.30%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0; T312461) 533: 3.973: 0.27%: 0.28%: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.0.2) Gecko/20021120 Netscape/7.01 530: 4.367: 0.30%: 0.28%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 95) 521: 3.931: 0.27%: 0.27%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; AOL 8.0; Windows NT 5.1) 490: 4.156: 0.28%: 0.26%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.15; Mac_PowerPC) 467: 3.540: 0.24%: 0.24%: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.0.2) Gecko/20030208 Netscape/7.02 455: 2.971: 0.20%: 0.24%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; Q312461) 455: 3.468: 0.24%: 0.24%: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.16; Mac_PowerPC) 34913: 263.766: 17.92%: 18.24%: [not listed: 830 browsers]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Listing browsers, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: Gbytes: %bytes: %reqs: browser ------: -------: ------: ------: ------- 169477: 1.284: 89.31%: 88.56%: MSIE 19727: 0.145: 10.10%: 10.31%: Netscape 1086: 0.001: 0.12%: 0.57%: Googlebot 682: 0.004: 0.33%: 0.36%: Opera 307: 0.001: 0.12%: 0.16%: Netscape (compatible) 41: 0.000: 0.01%: 0.02%: FAST-WebCrawler 25: 0.000: : 0.01%: Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir 7: 0.000: : : BaiDuSpider 4: 0.000: : : NationalDirectory-WebSpider 4: 0.000: : : oBot 4: 0.000: : : Teleport Pro 2: 0.000: : : gnome-vfs 2: 0.000: : : TurnitinBot 1: 0.000: : : Scooter 1: 0.000: : : ia_archiver 1: 0.000: : : Stindy 1: 0.000: : : Crawl_Application 1: 0.000: : : Baiduspider+(+http: 1: 0.000: : : Microsoft URL Control - 6.00.8169
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Listing operating systems, sorted by the number of requests.
no.: reqs: OS ---: ------: -- 1: 168211: Windows : 113953: Windows 2000 : 22654: Windows 98 : 18717: Windows Me : 8376: Unknown Windows : 2824: Windows 95 : 1681: Windows NT : 6: Windows CE 2: 19895: Macintosh : 19895: Macintosh PowerPC 3: 1954: Unix : 1001: SunOS : 857: Linux : 36: OSF1 : 35: HP-UX : 25: BSD 4: 1314: OS unknown
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Listing status codes, sorted numerically.
reqs: status code ------: ----------- 184701: 200 OK 45: 206 Partial content 33286: 302 Document found elsewhere 6721: 304 Not modified since last retrieval 291: 400 Bad request 18: 401 Authentication required 30: 403 Access forbidden 3167: 404 Document not found 6: 408 Request timeout 704: 500 Internal server error 23: 503 Service temporarily unavailable
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
size: reqs: %bytes: ----------: ------: ------: 0: 9563: : 1b- 10b: 0: : 11b- 100b: 10: : 101b- 1kb: 6604: 0.34%: 1kb- 10kb: 145947: 40.02%: 10kb-100kb: 29343: 59.63%:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Listing extensions with at least 0.1% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.
reqs: %bytes: extension ------: ------: --------- 106298: 44.16%: [no extension] 13809: 29.75%: .jpg [JPEG graphics] 52959: 23.94%: .gif [GIF graphics] 17794: 1.86%: [directories] 601: 0.29%: .html [Hypertext Markup Language] 6: : [not listed: 2 extensions]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Listing directories with at least 0.1% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.
reqs: Mbytes: %bytes: %reqs: directory ------: -------: ------: ------: --------- 66768: 790.639: 53.70%: 34.87%: /images/ 106292: 650.186: 44.16%: 55.51%: /vote-bin/ 18390: 31.586: 2.15%: 9.60%: [root directory] 17: 0.029: : 0.01%: [not listed: 3 directories]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Referrer Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Listing files with at least 0.5% of the requests, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: Mbytes: %bytes: %reqs: file -----: -------: ------: ------: ---- 32990: 77.415: 5.26%: 17.23%: /vote-bin/verify 21108: 417.243: 28.34%: 11.02%: /vote-bin/ballot 7185: 194.158: 13.19%: 3.75%: /vote-bin/ballot?election=LSA-SG 5094: 154.748: 10.51%: 2.66%: /vote-bin/ballot?election=MSA&msa_rep=LSA 2459: 21.121: 1.43%: 1.28%: /vote-bin/ballot?election=RSG 2424: 13.161: 0.89%: 1.27%: /vote-bin/ballot?election=UMEC 1599: 16.251: 1.10%: 0.84%: /vote-bin/ballot?election=MSA&msa_rep=Engineering 625: 7.593: 0.52%: 0.33%: /vote-bin/ballot?election=MSA&msa_rep=Rackham 256: 1.612: 0.11%: 0.13%: /vote-bin/ballot?election=MSA&msa_rep=Business 221: 1.528: 0.10%: 0.12%: /vote-bin/ballot?election=MSA&msa_rep=Law 211: 1.396: 0.09%: 0.11%: /vote-bin/ballot?election=MSA&msa_rep=Kinesiology 184: 1.157: 0.08%: 0.10%: /vote-bin/ballot?election=MSA&msa_rep=Art+and+Design 118: 0.562: 0.04%: 0.06%: /vote-bin/ballot?election=MSA&msa_rep=Music 99: 0.593: 0.04%: 0.05%: /vote-bin/ballot?election=MSA&msa_rep=Medicine 86: 0.543: 0.04%: 0.04%: /vote-bin/ballot?election=MSA&msa_rep=Architecture 82: 0.520: 0.04%: 0.04%: /vote-bin/ballot?election=MSA&msa_rep=Education 80: 0.534: 0.04%: 0.04%: /vote-bin/ballot?election=MSA&msa_rep=SNRE 77: 0.364: 0.02%: 0.04%: /vote-bin/ballot?election=MSA&msa_rep=Arts+and+Sciences 59: 0.281: 0.02%: 0.03%: /vote-bin/ballot?election=MSA&msa_rep=Social+Work 59: 0.271: 0.02%: 0.03%: /vote-bin/ballot?election=MSA&msa_rep=Nursing 42: 0.185: 0.01%: 0.02%: /vote-bin/ballot?election=MSA&msa_rep=Academic+Outreach 39: 0.189: 0.01%: 0.02%: /vote-bin/ballot?election=MSA&msa_rep=Public+Health 28: 0.150: 0.01%: 0.01%: /vote-bin/ballot?election=MSA&msa_rep=Pharmacy 15: 0.060: : 0.01%: /vote-bin/ballot?election=MSA&msa_rep=Dentistry 14: 0.063: : 0.01%: /vote-bin/ballot?election=MSA&msa_rep=Non-Candidate+for+a+Degree 12: 0.053: : 0.01%: /vote-bin/ballot?election=MSA&msa_rep=Armed+Services 18519: 29.765: 2.02%: 9.67%: /vote-bin/candidate_info 3003: 6.590: 0.45%: 1.57%: /vote-bin/candidate_info?election=MSA 1633: 1.556: 0.11%: 0.85%: /vote-bin/candidate_info?election=LSA-SG 1288: 1.819: 0.12%: 0.67%: /vote-bin/candidate_info?election=MSA&msa_rep=President+and+Vice-President 1041: 3.950: 0.27%: 0.54%: /vote-bin/candidate_info?election=MSA&msa_rep=LSA 824: 0.958: 0.07%: 0.43%: /vote-bin/candidate_info?election=RSG 765: 0.910: 0.06%: 0.40%: /vote-bin/candidate_info?election=LSA-SG&msa_rep=President+and+Vice-President 757: 2.365: 0.16%: 0.40%: /vote-bin/candidate_info?election=LSA-SG&msa_rep=Representative 640: 0.708: 0.05%: 0.33%: /vote-bin/candidate_info?election=UMEC 523: 0.988: 0.07%: 0.27%: /vote-bin/candidate_info?election=MSA&msa_rep=Engineering 417: 0.480: 0.03%: 0.22%: /vote-bin/candidate_info?election=RSG&msa_rep=President+and+Vice-President 382: 0.464: 0.03%: 0.20%: /vote-bin/candidate_info?election=UMEC&msa_rep=Senior+Class+President 340: 0.297: 0.02%: 0.18%: /vote-bin/candidate_info?election=RSG&msa_rep=Division+1 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