Victor C. Yang, Ph.D.
     Albert B. Prescott Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences
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Dr. Yang picture   Victor C. Yang, Ph.D.
     Albert B. Prescott Professor of Pharmaceutical

     Phone: (734) 764-4273

     Ph.D. Physical Biochemistry, Brown University, 1983
     M.S. Biochemistry, Texas A&M University, 1977
     B.S. Chemistry, Tamkang University, 1972    

     Extended Curriculum Vitae


Welcome from Dr. Yang:

Welcome! As I enter my third decade of service at the University of Michigan, I realize that what I enjoy most is the association with students and research staff. So far I have trained 13 Ph.D. students, 3 M.S. students, 22 Postdoctoral Fellows and Visiting Scientists, 7 Technicians, and 11 Pharm.D. students. Because of their diligent work and deep commitment, our laboratory has been continuously supported, without any interruption, by NIH since 1986.  Our funding has grown from one major NIH grant in 1986 to the current seven major NIH grants this year. As a result, our research projects have expanded dramatically in recent years to cover most areas of drug therapy.  With the recent, rapid advancements in biotechnology and medical engineering, it is absolutely fascinating to be involved in research related to the broad spectrum of the life sciences.  Most of my students already know the familiar slogan in my laboratory that ''Imagination is more important than knowledge ~ by Albert Einstein''.  I would like to add another new slogan to encourage all scientists: ''Try to lead the flow in science instead of simply following the flow''.

Dr. Yang has published 150 scientific papers, 151 abstracts, 178 presentations, 3 books, and 16 patents.   In addition to his laboratory at the University of Michigan, he also manages a laboratory at Tianjin University in China.

Currently Funded Projects:

[1] NIH R21 EB003602: Brain Drug Delivery Using Parkinson as a Disease Model
[2] NIH R01 HL55461-8: Triggered, Local Release of Active Thrombolytic Agents.
[3] NIH R43 DK67723: Silica-Chitosan Nanaocomposit for Treating Peptic Ulcer.
[4] NIH R01 HL67347
: Pharmacology and Bioengineering of New Treatment of ITP.
[5] NIH R01 DA021416
: Development of Esterases for the Treatment of Cocaine Overdose and Abuse.
[6] NIH R01 CA114612: PTD-Mediated Protein or Drug Delivery for Cancer Therapy.
[7] NIH R44 HL59705: Effective and Non-Toxic Antagonist to Heparin and LMWH.
[8] Hartwell Foundation: Synchronized MRI and Drug Therapy for Pediatric Brain Tumors.