Visiting Assistant Professor in Tectonics
University of Michigan

The Department of Geological Sciences invites applications for a one-year replacement position in Tectonics, starting September 1, 1997. We especially seek applicants with research interests and experience in continental tectonics. The successful candidate will be asked to teach a graduate level tectonics course, an undergraduate structural geology course, a lower-level undergraduate course (or equivalent load), and to participate in a research seminar.

Applicants must have completed a Ph.D. and preferably have one to two years of postdoctoral experience. A commitment to excellence in education is essential, but the applicant will have ample opportunity to pursue her or his research interests. We are particularly interested in persons who use modern laboratory and/or theoretical approaches to field-oriented problems in regional geology. The Department is well equipped for a large variety of studies in structure and tectonics, including a complete paleomagnetic laboratory (including AMS and ARM capabilities), extensive electron microbeam and X-ray laboratories (including a high-resolution texture goniometer), modern computing facilities, geochrono-logic and stable isotopic laboratories, in addition to standard structural geology facilities.

Inquiries and applications, including a resume, a bibliography, a statement of research and teaching interests, and names of three or more references, should be sent to:

Ben A. van der Pluijm, Department of Geological Sciences
University of Michigan, 2534 C.C. Little Building Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1063
email:; fax: (313) 763-4690

Applications will be considered until the position is filled. The University of Michigan is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.

Some additional information

The successful candidate will replace Professor Rob Van der Voo, who will be on sabbatical during the 97/98 academic year. For this temporary position we are looking for someone with research experience in structure/tectonics, and someone who sees this as an opportunity to develop their teaching skills. The classes that we selected should fall within the typical range of interest of a modern tectonicist/structural geologists, and will allow time to carry out research on her/his topic of interest.

The Tectonics class meets 3hrs/week in the Fall term; the Structure class meets 3hrs/week in the Winter term, and has a laboratory session (with TA). Persons with an interest in computer applications to Structure and Tectonics are encouraged to use/develop computer-based exercises. The specific undergraduate class has not been decided, but likely is one of our 100- or 200-level physical Earth classes.

The salary level has been predetermined by the University and reflects the 9-month academic year. Additional support may be possible through summer term teaching (incl. our fieldcamp in Jackson, WY). If additional funds become available or are obtained during the stay (e.g., NSF), office space and research facilities will be made available beyond the one-year period. In fact, the successful candidate will be encouraged to pursue a vigorous research program.

The Structure-Tectonics Group is housed in a nice corner complex on the 4th floor of the C.C. Little Building (we call it "PaSTeL", but is has also been named, after our dramatic furniture, the "blue couch"). The area houses the Paleomagetism and Structure labs, and 5 large offices. Currently there are about 10 persons in the group, which represents a mix of faculty, visitors and students. Our group maintains close interactions with other faculty in the Department (e.g., petrology, mineralogy, geochronology), as demonstrated by several collaborative NSF-funded research projects.

If you need more information, do not hesitate to contact Ben.

Links to sites containing additional information

University of Michigan
Department of Geological Sciences
U-M's Structure-Tectonics Group

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