Covers of my copies of The Eight

Here are pictures I took of the copies of The Eight in my own collection, including various translations. More to come!

My first copy of The Eight, which I call my "old, tattered copy." I bought it at a Waldenbooks in Indianapolis, Indiana, in the early 1990s. Actually, I think it looks pretty good, considering the fact that it's been read at least 20 times, by at least 5 different people.

Cover of my signed first edition of The Eight:

Katherine Neville's signature on my first edition of The Eight. She signed it for me at Nicola's Books in Ann Arbor, Michigan, in 2008.

Trade paperback of The Eight:

Catalan translation:

Czech translation:

Another Czech translation:

Danish translation:

Dutch translation:

French translation, which I've read and enjoyed very much:

French translation of The Fire:

Abridged German translation:

Unabridged German translation. Supposedly unabridged, that is. I'm reading it now (Dec. 2019), and I found something that had been left out:

German translation of The Fire:

Greek translation:

Italian translation:

Italian tranlation of The Fire

Norwegian translation:

Polish translation:

Portuguese translation:

Brazilian Portuguese translation:

Romanian translation:

Spanish translation:

The Fire in Spanish:

Swedish translation. It arrived on April 4:

Turkish translation:

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