Miriam L. Zelditch and William L. Fink
Abstract. Piranhas, like many teleosts, change their diets on both
ontogentic and phylogentic time scales. Prior studies have suggested
that pervasive morphological changes in body form on a phylogenetic time
scale may be related to changes in diet, but previous reports have found
little shape cahnge in piranhas on an ontogenetic time scale. We
re-examine the post-transformational allometry of body form in one
piranha, Pygocentrus nattereri (Kner), using the method of
thin-plate splines decomposed by their partial warps. We find
substantial evidence of allometry, primarily elongation of the mid-body
relative to the more anterior and posterior regions, elongation of the
postorbital and nape regions relative to the more anterior head and
posterior body, and deepening of the head relative to the body. In
addition to these pervasive changes throughout the body, there are some
that are more localized, especially elongation of the postorbital region
relative to eye diameter and snout, and an even more localized elongation
of the snout relative to eye diameter. Initial dietary transitions are
associated with changes in head and jaw proportions, but rates of shape
change decelerate through growth, so tha the final transition to a diet
increasingly dominated by small whole fish appears associated with change
largely in overall body size.