7735 Haven Hall,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,
MI 48109-1045
Fall 2024 Office Hours:
Monday 2--4
Software Available for Downloading, with Documentation
Papers Available for Downloading
- Mebane, Walter R., Jr., Joseph Klaver and Blake Miller. 2016.
Frauds, Strategies and Complaints in Germany''
Prepared for presentation at the 2016 Annual Meeting of the
Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, April 7--10.
- Hicken, Allen and Walter R. Mebane, Jr. 2015.
A Guide to Election Forensics''
Prepared for IIE/USAID subaward
\#DFG-10-APS-UM, ``Development of an Election Forensics Toolkit: Using
Subnational Data to Detect Anomalies.''
- Mebane, Walter R., Jr., and Kirill Kalinin. 2014.
Geography in Election Forensics''
Prepared for presentation at the 2014 Annual Meeting of the
American Political Science Association, Washington, DC, August 28--31.
- Mebane, Walter R., Jr. 2010.
Election Fraud or Strategic Voting?''
Prepared for presentation at the 2010 Annual Meeting of the
Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, April 22--25.
- Mebane, Walter R., Jr., and Kirill Kalinin 2009.
Comparative Election Fraud Detection.''
Prepared for presentation at the 2009 Annual Meeting of the
American Political Science Association, Toronto, Canada, Sept 3--6
(earlier version presented at the
2009 Annual Meeting of the
Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, April 2--5).
- Mebane, Walter R., Jr. 2008.
Machine Errors and Undervotes in Florida 2006 Revisited (pdf)''
Prepared for the symposium How We Vote, Institute of Bill of Rights
Law, William & Mary School of Law, Williamsburg, VA, March 14, 2008.
Revised (with Addendum) for the 2009 Convention of the Southern Political
Science Association, New Orleans, LA, January 7-10.
Data and program files (large file > 100MB).
- Mebane, Walter R., Jr. 2007.
Statistics for Digits (pdf);
Prepared for presentation at the 2007 Summer Meeting of the
Political Methodology Society, Pennsylvania State University, July 18--21.
- Mebane, Walter R., Jr. 2007.
Evaluating Voting Systems To Improve and Verify Accuracy (pdf);
Prepared for presentation at the 2007 Annual Meeting of the
American Association for the Advancement of Science, San Francisco, CA,
February 16, 2007, and at the Bay Area Methods Meeting, Berkeley, CA, March 1,