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Democratic National Committee Voting Rights Institute Report on the 2004
Election in Ohio: Reports, Archival Computing Files and Replication Data
- DNC Ohio Report website
- Democratic National Committee Voting Rights Institute Report (June 22, 2005),
Democracy at Risk: The 2004 Election in Ohio
- Walter R. Mebane, Jr. (April 27, 2005),
Inferences from the DNC Provisional Ballot Voter Survey.
Section V of the DNC report.
- Walter R. Mebane, Jr., and Michael C. Herron (June 9, 2005),
Ohio 2004 Election: Turnout, Residual Votes and Votes in Precincts and Wards.
Included in Section VI of the DNC report.
- Walter R. Mebane, Jr. (June 18, 2005),
Ohio 2004 Election: New Registrants, Provisional Ballots, Voting Machines,
Turnout and Polls Open Elapsed Times in Franklin County Precincts.
Included in Section VI of the DNC report.
- Archival Computing Files
- Precinct Report Replication Data Files
- Franklin Precinct Replication Data Files
- Voting Machine Allocation in Franklin County, Ohio, 2004:
Response to U.S. Department of Justice Letter of June 29, 2005
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