VAR CF0346 PRESIDENT MAKES R ANGRY -AFFECT COLUMNS 282 - 282 NUMERIC MD EQ 0 OR GE 8 Now we would like to know something about the feelings you have toward <the president>. Has <the president> -- because of the kind of person he is, or because of something he has done -- ever made you feel angry? PRESIDENT AFFECT: ANGRY ------------------------------------------------------------------- USE WEIGHT VARIABLE VCF0009/VCF0009A/VCF0009B. Presidential affect questions referred to Carter in 1980, to Reagan in 1982, 1984, 1986 and 1988, to Bush in 1992, and to Clinton in 1994, 1996, and 1998. In 1984, presidential affect vars appeared in both the pre and post; the pre versions are represented here. In 1984, "don't know" was combined with NA (code 9). In 1980 and 1982, "don't know" was combined with "no" (code 2). In 1988, Form A respondents were asked Reagan traits and affects in the Pre-election wave, and Form B respondents were asked Reagan traits and affects in the Post-election wave; in the Study variables, data from both forms were combined into Post variables. In 1996, Presidential affects were administered in random order. In addition, since the incumbent President was also the Democratic Presidential candidate, question administration was affected by the fact that randomization occurred for the order in which the 3 major Presidential candidate names were administered for the set of traits and affects questions; note that for each candidate traits preceded affects and all traits and affects questions were administered for one candidate before questions concerning the next candidate were begun. In 1998, Presidential affects were administered in random order. 1. Yes, have felt 2. No, haven't felt (1980,1982 only: DK) 8. DK (exc. 1980-1984) 9. NA (1984 only: DK) 0. INAP, Form B (1986); no Post (1988, Form B only); question not used 1980: 127 1982: 386 1984: 212 1986: 542 1988: 1023 1992: 3501 1994: 835 1996: 960341 1998: 980389 ==============================