VAR CF0411 RELATIVE SALIENCE -MAJOR PARTY HSE CANDS COLUMNS 327 - 329 NUMERIC MD EQ 999 MAJOR PARTY RELATIVE SALIENCE OF PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES ------------------------------------------------------------------- USE WEIGHT VARIABLE VCF0009/VCF0009A/VCF0009B. Relative salience of major party presidential candidates is the sum of 'likes' and 'dislikes' about the Democratic presidential candidate MINUS the sum of 'likes' and 'dislikes' about the Republican presidential candidate: [VCF0401+VCF0402] - [VCF0405+VCF0406] which is the same as: VCF0404-VCF0408 -10 Ten Republican mentions, no Democratic . . 0 No mentions . . +10 Ten Democratic mentions, no Republican 999. INAP, no pre IW (1952,1960); form II (1972); abbreviated IW form (1980); question not used (non-presidential years) 1952: 27-30 1956: 19-22 1960: 24-27 1964: 25-28 1968: 32-35 1972: 39,41,43,45 1976: 3112-3116,3118-3122,3124-3128,3130-3134 1980: 78-82,84-88,102-106,108-112 1984: 82-86,88-92,94-98,100-104 1988: 104-108,110-114,116-120,122-126 1992: 3110-3114,3116-3120,3122-3126,3128-3132 1996: 960206-960210, 960212-960216, 960218-960222, 960224-960228 ==============================