VAR CF0524 DEM PARTY -RIGHTS OF ACCUSED 7PT SCALE COLUMNS 405 - 405 NUMERIC MD EQ 0 Some people are primarily concerned with doing everything possible to protect the legal rights of those accused of committing crimes. Others feel that it is more important to stop criminal activity even at the risk of reducing the rights of the accused. Where would you place the Democratic party {on this scale}? (7-POINT SCALE SHOWN TO R) DEMOCRATIC PARTY - R's RATING OF PARTY ON RIGHTS OF ACCUSED SCALE ------------------------------------------------------------------- USE WEIGHT VARIABLE VCF0009/VCF0009A/VCF0009B. Rs who responded "haven't thought much about it" to self-placement on the 7-point rights of accused scale were not asked for party placements on this scale. In 1972-1978, Rs who responded "DK" to self-placement were also not asked for party placements on this scale. 1. Protect rights of accused 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Stop crime regardless of rights of accused 0. DK party placement; NA party placement; NA/haven't thought much about self-placement (all years); DK/NA self-placement (1972-1978); INAP, no post IW (1972); form III or IV (1972); question not used 1970: 121(type 0) 1972: 625 1974: 2284 1976: 3251 1978: 367 ==============================