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VAR CF0625    HOW MUCH ATTEN CONGRESSMEN PAY TO PEOPLE                        
              COLUMNS 443  - 443                                              
              MD EQ 0 OR GE 9                                                 

        How much attention do you think most Congressmen pay to the people who
        elect them when they decide what to do in Congress, a good deal, some,
        or not much?                                                          
        USE WEIGHT VARIABLE VCF0010/VCF0010A/VCF0010B.                        
        Weight variable VCF0010/VCF0010A/VCF0010B must be used if             
        distributions including 1970 data are desired:  see VCF0010.          
        Note that use of VCF0010/VCF0010A/VCF0010B as a weight reduces the    
        1970 total N for this variable:  form 2 whites who should appear as   
        code 0 INAP cases are excluded from the 1970 total N.                 
        Except for 1976 and 1980, this question was preceded by the           
        introduction appearing for VCF0604.  The order of Study year questions
        corresponding to Cumultive File vars VCF0605-VCF0608,VCF0622-VCF0625  
        may have varied from year to year.                                    
               1.  Not much                                                   
               2.  Some                                                       
               3.  A good deal                                                
               9.  DK; other; depends; can't say                              
               0.  NA; INAP, no post IW (1964,1968,1972,1976,1980); form 2    
                   whites (1970); form III, IV (1972); question not used      
        1964:  393   1968:  493   1970:  158(type 1)                          
        1972:  578   1974:  2237  1976:  3744                                 
        1978:  419   1980:  891                                               

Walter Mebane
Mon Nov 12 02:55:58 EST 2001