VAR CF0650 PERFORMANCE OF FED GOVT RATING COLUMNS 459 - 459 NUMERIC MD EQ 9 Now, I'd like to ask you how good a job you feel some of the parts of our government are doing. As I read, please give me the number that best describes how good a job you feel that part of the government is doing for the country as a whole. THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT IN WASHINGTON ------------------------------------------------------------------- USE WEIGHT VARIABLE VCF0009/VCF0009A/VCF0009B. 0. Very poor job 1. 2. Poor job 3. 4. Fair job 5. 6. Good job 7. 8. Very good job 9. DK; NA; no opinion; haven't thought about it; INAP, no post IW (1976,1980); question not used 1974: 2251 1976: 3548 1980: 762 ==============================