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VAR CF0107    R HISPANIC ORIGIN (1)                                           
              COLUMNS 94   - 94                                               
              MD EQ 0 OR GE 8                                                 

        1988 and later:  In addition to being American, what do you consider  
        your main ethnic group or nationality group?  (IF NO HISPANIC GROUP   
        MENTIONED:)  Are you of Spanish or Hispanic origin or descent?        
        (IF YES:)  Please look at the booklet and tell me which category best 
        describes your Hispanic origin.  (RESPONDENT BOOKLET SHOWN TO R).     
        IS R OF HISPANIC ORIGIN?  [1]                                         
        USE WEIGHT VARIABLE VCF0009/VCF0009A/VCF0009B.                        
        SEE ALSO VCF0108.                                                     
        Beginning in 1988, the respondent was asked within the series of      
        ethnicity questions [SEE VCF0109] whether s/he is Hispanic.  Prior to 
        1988, information about Hispanic origin was determined only by        
        interviewer observation, sometimes augmented by informal inquiry      
        (questions not represented in the printed questionnaire or in the     
        In 1978, a large number (171) of NAs appeared in the data; in this    
        year, IWRs did not investigate further if unsure of  Hispanic origin  
        by observation.                                                       
        In 1980 and 1984, a Hispanic origin variable was present in both the  
        pre and post.  The pre versions are represented here.                 
        In 1992, this question was not part of the short-form questionnaire;  
        for short-form 'panel' cases, however, 1990 study data were           
        incorporated into 1992 Hispanic identity vars.                        
        In 1994, 1992 data was incorporated for panel cases.                  
               1.  Yes, Mexican-American, Chicano                             
               2.  Yes, Puerto Rican                                          
               3.  Yes, other Hispanic                                        
               4.  Yes, Hispanic but DK/NA type                               
               7.  No, not Hispanic                                           
               8.  DK if Hispanic                                             
               9.  NA if Hispanic                                             
               0.  INAP, question not used (1948-1976); short-form 'new' cross
                   section (1992)                                             
        1978:  780632          1980:  800722           1982:  820764          
        1984:  840709          1986:  860757           1988:  880540,880541   
        1990:  900675-900677   1992:  924122,924123    1994:  941418,941419   
        1996:  960708,960709   1998:  980659,980660                           

Walter Mebane
Mon Nov 12 02:55:58 EST 2001