VAR CF0708 PARTY OF VOTE FOR SENATOR COLUMNS 476 - 476 NUMERIC MD EQ 0 1952-1976: How about the vote for United States Senator? Did you vote for a candidate for Senator? (IF YES:) Who did you vote for? Which party was that? 1978 and later: IF R HAS BALLOT CARD: [Still looking at the list of candidates]. WITH OR WITHOUT BALLOT CARD: How about the election for the United States Senate? Did you vote for a candidate for the U.S./United States Senate? (IF YES:) Who did you vote for? 1992 California: We had two Senate races in California. Which candidate did you vote for? 1996 Kansas: How about the two elections for the United States Senate? Did you vote for candidates for the U.S. Senate? ------------------------------------------------------------------- USE WEIGHT VARIABLE VCF0009/VCF0009A/VCF0009B. SEE VCF0707. SENATE DATA CODED IN SAME MANNER AS HOUSE DATA. 1980-later cases administered without Ballot Card presentation include respondents who had voted outside the state of their sample selection location. 1980 was the first year that 'outside' voting was tracked and documented. [Interviews administered with Ballot Card present may have been preceded by a lead-in such as "Still looking at the list of candidates..] In California in 1992, in Tennessee in 1994, and in Kansas in 1996 the regular Senate election and a second "special" Senate election were held. This variable codes data for the respondent's vote in the regular Senate election only. [Note special question wording was not used for Tennessee in 1994; in the processing of the original 1994 Study data, responses for the "special" Tennessee Senate election were ignored in coding and are not found in the 1994 Study data.] 1. Democrat 2. Republican 0. DK; NA; did not vote; refused to say if voted; DK/NA if voted; refused to say who voted for; "other" (minor/3rd party) vote; name given by R not on candidate list (1978- 1988); no race in state; INAP, no post IW 1952, 1960, 1964, 1968, 1972, 1976, 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996); voted but not for Senate; forms III and IV (1972); Washington D.C.; did not vote in regular Senate election (California, 1992 ONLY); question not used 1952: 186 1956: 211 1958: 86 1960: 210 1964: 289 1966: 110 1968: 320 1970: 211(type 0) 1972: 482 1974: 2325 1976: 3670 1978: 478 1980: 1001,1002 1982: 509-511 1984: 796-798 1986: 269-271 1988: 773 1990: 294 1992: 5628 1994: 618 1996: 961093 1998: 980317 ==============================