VAR CF0722 HAS R WRITTEN LETTER TO PUBLIC OFFICIALS COLUMNS 490 - 490 NUMERIC MD EQ 0 1972,1976 intro: Aside from this particular election campaign, here are some other ways people can be involved in politics. All years: Have you ever written a letter to any public officials giving them your opinion about something that should be done? ------------------------------------------------------------------- USE WEIGHT VARIABLE VCF0009/VCF0009A/VCF0009B. SEE VCF0717. The order of items corresponding to VCF0717-VCF0722 (participation vars) may vary from year to year. 1. No 2. Yes 0. DK; NA; INAP, no post IW (presidential years); form III or IV (1972); question not used 1964: 318 1968: 425 1972: 474 1976: 3537 ==============================