VAR CF0735 R VOTE FOR HOUSE CANDIDATE (1) COLUMNS 501 - 502 NUMERIC MD EQ 0 OR GE 98 With Ballot Card (registered in county of IW): 1978-1982, 1984 personal, 1986-1996, 1998 personal: Here is a list of candidates for the major races in this district. How about the election for the House of Representatives in Washington? Did you vote for a candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives? (IF YES:) Who did you vote for? (BALLOT CARD SHOWN TO R) Without Ballot Card (outside county of IW): 1980,1982, 1984 personal, 1986-1996, 1998 personal: How about the election for the House of Representatives in Washington? Did you vote for a candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives? (IF YES:) Who did you vote for? 1984 telephone interview: I am going to read a list of candidates for the major races in your district. In the election for the House of Representatives, the ballot listed: [Names and party affiliations of all House of Representatives candidates listed on the Ballot Card]. Did you vote for a candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives? 1998 telephone, registered in county of IW: Please take out the (color) sheet of paper that was folded inside your booklet. There you see a list of candidates for the major race(s) in this district. How about the election for the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in Washington? Did you vote for a candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives? 1998 telephone, registered outside county of IW: [TELL RESPONDENT, IF NECESSARY, "We won't need to use the ballot card in your booklet since you are in a different city/town/county)."] How about the election for the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in Washington? Did you vote for a candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives? CANDIDATE CODE OF HOUSE VOTE ------------------------------------------------------------------- USE WEIGHT VARIABLE VCF0009/VCF0009A/VCF0009B. SEE ALSO VCF1011-VCF1013. 1980-later; cases without Ballot Card: Respondents who had voted outside the Congressional District of their sample selection location could not use the Ballot Card for their sample location, and question wording was altered somewhat for these interviews. 1980 was the first year that 'outside' Congressional District voting was tracked and documented. Codes 81-92 first appeared in 1980 study data (not in 1978 data). 1992 and later: Code 97 includes cases where R volunteered that he/she voted "a straight ticket" but no candidate for R's party ran; it also includes cases where R insists that he/she voted for a specific party's candidate but no candidate from that party ran in R's district. For Rs who voted outside district of interview location, code 97 also includes candidates named by R but whose CD and party are not known. It also includes cases where R names a candidate but the name is not among names of candidates within a known 'outside' CD. IF R VOTED IN DISTRICT OF INTERVIEW: DISTRICTS W/NO INCUMBENT RUNNING: 31. Democratic candidate 32. Republican candidate DISTRICTS W/ RUNNING INCUMBENT: 33. Democratic incumbent 34. Republican incumbent 35. Democratic candidate 36. Republican candidate IF R VOTED OUTSIDE DISTICT OF INTERVIEW: DISTRICTS W/NO INCUMBENT RUNNING: 81. Democratic candidate 82. Republican candidate DISTRICTS W/ RUNNING INCUMBENT: 83. Democratic incumbent 84. Republican incumbent 85. Democratic challenger 86. Republican challenger ALL 'OUTSIDE' DISTRICTS: 91. DEMOCRAT -- no name given 92. REPUBLICAN--no name given ALL DISTRICTS: 97. Minor party candidate; minor independent candidate; name given not on candidate list for race 98. DK; refused to name candidate 99. NA; INAP, District of Columbia (1982, 1986, 1996); write in candidate (1982); Louisiana (1978, 1980, 1982, 1986); Florida (1978); no post IW (1980, 1984, 1988, 1996); question not used 00. R did not vote; NA/DK if voted; refused to say if voted; voted but not for House of Representatives; DK/NA if voted for House of Representatives 1978: 474 1980: 998 1982: 507 1984: 792 1986: 266 1988: 767 1990: 288 1992: 5622 1994: 613 1996: 961088 1998: 980312 ==============================