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VAR CF0814    DOES CIVIL RIGTHS PUSH TOO FAST                                 
              COLUMNS 519  - 519                                              
              MD EQ 0

        Some say that the civil rights people have been trying to push too    
        fast.  Others feel they haven't pushed fast enough.                   
        How about you:  Do you think that civil rights leaders are trying to  
        push too fast, are going too slowly, or are they moving about the     
        right speed?                                                          
        USE WEIGHT VARIABLE VCF0011/VCF0011A/VCF0011B.                        
        Weight variable VCF0011/VCF0011A/VCF0011B must be used if             
        distributions including 1970 data are desired:  see VCF0011.          
        Note that use of VCF0011/VCF0011A/VCF0011B as a weight reduces the    
        1970 total N for this variable:  form 2 whites who should appear as   
        code 0 INAP cases are excluded from the 1970 total N.                 
        In 1966, 2 additional code categories were present besides those      
        appearing here.  For 1966, "mostly about right but some going too     
        fast" (8 cases) was recoded to 3, and "mostly about right but some    
        going too slowly" (1 case) was recoded to 1.                          
        In 1968 only, the category "about right" was a combination category   
        which also included "pro-con."                                        
               1.  Too slowly                                                 
               2.  About right (1968 only:  pro-con)                          
               3.  Too fast                                                   
               9.  DK; depends; other                                         
               0.  NA; INAP, no post IW (1980,1984,1988,1992); telephone IW   
                   (1984); form A (1986); form B (1990); question not used    
        1964:  105        1966:  43    1968:  81                              
        1970:  71(type 2) 1972:  112   1974:  2264                            
        1976:  3213       1980:  1132  1984:  1073                            
        1986:  559        1988:  845   1990:  518                             
        1992:  5929                                                           

Walter Mebane
Mon Nov 12 02:55:58 EST 2001