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VAR CF0823    LEVEL OF U.S. CONCERN FOR WORLD PROBLEMS                        
              COLUMNS 527  - 527                                              
              MD EQ 0

        1956-1960 INTRO:  same introduction as in VCF0805 for 1956,1960,1962. 
              (card with responses shown to R).                               
        1968,1980 INTRO:    Now I'd like to read some of the things people    
              tell us when we interview them (1968: and ask you; 1980: As I   
              read, please tell me) whether you agree or disagree with them.  
        1972 INTRO:   I'd like you to tell me whether you agree or disagree   
              with each of these next six statements.                         
        1976 INTRO:   I am going to read you two statements about US foreign  
              policy and I would like you to tell me whether you agree or     
              disagree with each statement                                    
        1984-1988,1992 INTRO:  I am going to read a statement about US foreign
              policy, and I would like you to tell me whether you agree or    
        1990,1994-later INTRO:  Do you agree or disagree with this statement. 
        All years:  'This country would be better off if we just stayed home  
        and did not concern ourselves with problems in other parts of the     
        USE WEIGHT VARIABLE VCF0009/VCF0009A/VCF0009B.                        
               1.  Agree (1956-1960:  incl. 'agree strongly' and 'agree but   
                      not strongly')                                          
               2.  Disagree (1956-1960:  incl. 'disagree strongly' and        
                      'disagree but not strongly')                            
               9.  DK; depends; not sure; no opinion, can't say; refused to   
               0.  NA; INAP, no post IW (1968,1976,1980,1984); telephone IW   
                   (1984: see v.15); form B (1986); form A (1990); no pre IW  
                   (1960); question not used                                  
        1956:  35      1958:  25       1960:  56                              
        1968:  522     1972:  291      1976:  3926                            
        1980:  1036    1984:  1057     1986:  535                             
        1988:  254     1990:  498      1992:  3604                            
        1994:  1019    1996:  960410   1998:  980488                          

Walter Mebane
Mon Nov 12 02:55:58 EST 2001