VAR CF0881 PERSONAL FINANCAIL SITUATION IN NEXT YR COLUMNS 555 - 555 NUMERIC MD EQ 0 OR GE 9 1956-1960,1964: Now looking ahead and thinking about the next few years, do you expect your financial situation will stay about the way it is now, get better, or get worse. 1962,1966 and later: Now looking ahead--do you think that a year from now (1962,1966-1970: you people; 1972,1974: you [and your family]; 1976 and later: you [and your family living here]) will be better off financially or worse off, or just about the same as now? ------------------------------------------------------------------- USE WEIGHT VARIABLE VCF0010/VCF0010A/VCF0010B. Weight variable VCF0010/VCF0010A/VCF0010B must be used if distributions including 1970 data are desired: see VCF0010. Note that use of VCF0010/VCF0010A/VCF0010B as a weight reduces the 1970 total N for this variable: form 2 whites who should appear as code 0 INAP cases are excluded from the 1970 total N. In 1992, this question was asked in both the pre and post; the pre data have been incorporated here. 1. Better off (1956-1960,1964: get better) 2. Same (1956-1960,1964: stay the way it is) 3. Worse off (1956-1960,1964: get worse) 9. DK; both; uncertain 0. NA; INAP, form B (1986); no post IW (1968,1972); form II, III, IV (1972); no pre IW (1960); question used 1956: 80 1958: 51 1960: 77 1962: 17 1964: 131 1966: 47 1968: 278 1970: 50(type 1) 1972: 504 1974: 2314 1976: 3138 1978: 322 1980: 148 1982: 326 1984: 151 1986: 358 1988: 208 1990: 420 1992: 3427 1994: 904 1996: 960339 1998: 980416 ==============================