VAR CF0961 R EVER CONTACT CONGRESSMAN COLUMNS 633 - 633 NUMERIC MD EQ 0 OR GE 9 Have you (or anyone in your family living here) ever contacted <retiring OR running U.S. House Representative> or anyone in his/her office? ------------------------------------------------------------------- USE WEIGHT VARIABLE VCF0009/VCF0009A/VCF0009B. NOTE: 961-971 have not been altered as a result of corrections to 1978 data for type of House race (see notes VCF0902). In 1990, for New Jersey congressional district 01, the U.S. Represent- ative was neither 'retiring' nor running at the time of the 1990 general elections. The Representative from NJ01 had campaigned for and been elected to another office in 1989, and the office of Representative in NJ 01 was not (in effect) occupied until after the 1990 elections. 1. Yes 5. No 9. DK; NA; INAP, no post IW (1980); District of Columbia (1986); question not used 0. No recent incumbent (1990, NJ01: 10 cases) 1978: 780227 1980: 800959 1986: 860282 1990: 900303 ==============================