VAR CF0975 RECALL HOUSE CANDIDATE NAME #3 COLUMNS 647 - 647 NUMERIC MD EQ 9 Do you happen to remember the names of the candidates for Congress-- that is, for the House of Representatives in Washington-- [1996-later: Who ran in the November election from this district?] that ran in this district in November? (IF YES:) Who were they? (3RD MENTION) [1996-later:] What was (NAME'S) party? ------------------------------------------------------------------- USE WEIGHT VARIABLE VCF0009/VCF0009A/VCF0009B. See notes VCF0973. 1. NAME:valid, PARTY: correct 2. NAME:valid, PARTY: incorrect 3. NAME:valid, PARTY: DK/NA 4. NAME:invalid, PARTY: any 5. NAME:invalid, PARTY: DK/NA 6. NAME:DK/NA, PARTY: any; 7. NAME:DK, PARTY: DK/NA; NAME:NA, PARTY: DK/NA; R SAYS S/HE RECALLS NO NAMES IN VCF0972; NO SECOND OR THIRD MENTION 9. INAP, abbrev. telephone IW (1984); no post IW (1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996); Washington D.C. ; short form (1992); NA if R remembers any names (9 in 972); NA name and DK party (1978 only); question not used 1978: 124 1980: 831 1982: 110 1984: 749 1986: 115 1988: 577 1990: 119 1992: 5121 1994: 222 1996: 961018 1998: 980235 ==============================