VAR CF0123 HEAD NORC RANK COLUMNS 117 - 119 NUMERIC MD EQ 0 OR GE 998 NORC PRESTIGE SCORE FOR HEAD ------------------------------------------------------------------- USE WEIGHT VARIABLE VCF0009/VCF0009A/VCF0009B. 1976-1982: ORIGINAL SCORE (3-digit code, see APPENDIX "DUNCAN S.E.I AND NORC PRESTIGE SCALES 1976-1982") IS BASED ON 1970 U.S. CENSUS OCCUPATION CODES. Scores appearing in VCF0123 for 1976-1982 have 1 implied decimal point, i.e., code 578 represents a score of 57.8. SEE APPENDICES "DUNCAN S.E.I. AND NORC PRESTIGE SCALES 1976-1982" AND "1984 DUNCAN S.E.I.") and: 998. Head is member of armed forces or former member; Head's occupation has no NORC code (2 categories: carpenter's helpers, and fishermen and oystermen) 999. NA if Head is working now/has ever worked; Head's occupation NA 000. INAP; Head has never worked (unemployed or disabled)--all years; Head is nonworking student or housewife--all years; Head is housewife or student working less than 20 hours per week (1976 and 1978); identity of head of household not established (1984); question not used 1976: 3436,3447 1978: 558,570 1980: 582,595 1982: 615,630, 643,657 ==============================