VAR CF0989 SALIENCE - MAJOR PARTY HSE CANDS COLUMNS 667 - 668 NUMERIC MD EQ 99 MAJOR PARTY HOUSE CANDIDATE SALIENCE ------------------------------------------------------------------- USE WEIGHT VARIABLE VCF0009/VCF0009A/VCF0009B. Major party House candidate salience is the sum of all 'likes' and 'dislikes' about both the Democratic and Republican House candidates: [VCF0980+VCF0981] + [VCF0984+VCF0985], which is the same as: VCF0983+VCF0987. 0. zero mentions . . 16. sixteen or more mentions 99. MD (codes 6-9 in any of: VCF0980,VCF0981,VCF0984,VCF0985) 1978: 160-179 1980: 892-911 1982: 148-167 1984: 908-927 1986: 184-203 1988: 674-697 1990: 198-221 1992: 5401-5424 1994: 401-424 1996: 961044-961067 1998: 980275-980298 ==============================