VAR CF1003 RELATIVE SALIENCE -HSE INCUMBENT/CHALL COLUMNS 691 - 693 NUMERIC MD EQ 999 RELATIVE SALIENCE OF INCUMBENT AND CHALLENGER HOUSE CANDIDATES ------------------------------------------------------------------- USE WEIGHT VARIABLE VCF0009/VCF0009A/VCF0009B. Relative salience of incumbent and challenger House candidates is the sum of 'likes' and 'dislikes' about the incumbent House candidate MINUS the sum of 'likes' and 'dislikes' about the challenger House candidate: [VCF0993+VCF0994] - [VCF0997+VCF0998], which is the same as: VCF0996-VCF1000. -8. Eight or more challenger mentions, no incumbent mentions . 0. . +8. Eight or more incumbent mentions, no challenger mentions 1978: 160-179 1980: 892-911 1982: 148-167 1984: 908-927 1986: 184-203 1988: 674-697 1990: 198-221 1992: 5401-5424 1994: 401-424 1996: 961044-961067 1998: 980275-980298 ==============================