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VAR CF1005    PARTY OF VOTER/HOUSE INCUMBENT                                  
              COLUMNS 695  - 695                                              
              MD EQ 0 OR GE 9                                                 

        VOTER FROM SAME MAJOR PARTY AS HOUSE INCUMBENT?                       
        USE WEIGHT VARIABLE VCF0009/VCF0009A/VCF0009B.                        
        SEE NOTES VCF1004.                                                    
        If R has no major party partisanship AND did not vote, then s/he      
        appears in code 9, not code 3.                                        
        Note that for 1992 redistricted LA06 (2 Republican 'incumbents'       
        neither of whom had previously represented the geographic area) this  
        variable has been coded INAP 9.                                       
               1.   R VOTED:  R is partisan of same party as incumbent        
               2.   R VOTED:  R is partisan of same major party as challenger 
                    OR (unopposed races) R is partisan of major party         
                    different from incumbent's party                          
               3.   R is major party partisan but R did not vote, DK/NA if    
                    voted, or R voted but not (or DK/NA if) in House race     
               9.  R does not have major party partisanship or NA if has major
                    party partisanship; INAP, no incumbent running; Washington
                    D.C.; no post IW (1976, 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996);    
                    California (1974 only, due to redistricting type of race  
                    could not be determined); incumbent is not member of major
                    party (1994)                                              
               0.   INAP, question not used                                   
        1970:  184,213        1974:  2204,2320        1976:  3174,3671        
        1978:  4,433,473      1980:  266,740,997      1982:  6,291,505        
        1984:  59,318,791     1986:  43,265,300       1988:  50,274,766       
        1990:  58,279,320     1992:  3021,3634,5601   1994:  17,655,601       
        1996:  960420,960097  1998:  980339,980065,                           
               961074,961087         980303,980311                            

Walter Mebane
Mon Nov 12 02:55:58 EST 2001