VAR CF1010 PARTISAN RECALL HSE CAND OF OWN PARTY COLUMNS 703 - 703 NUMERIC MD EQ 0 OR GE 9 RECALL SUMMARY: DOES R RECALL OWN/OTHER MAJOR PARTY CANDIDATE? ------------------------------------------------------------------- USE WEIGHT VARIABLE VCF0009/VCF0009A/VCF0009B. BUILT FROM VCF0301 AND VCF1009. This variable has been created from R's party ID (VCF0301) and from House recall summary VCF1009. The respondent has been considered a "Democrat" if s/he was coded as a 'strong Democrat,' a 'weak Democrat,' or a Democratic leaner in VCF0301; the respondent has been considered a "Republican" if s/he was coded as a 'strong Republican,' a 'weak Republican,' or a Republican leaner in VCF0301. If R has no major party candidate recall AND has no major party partisanship, then s/he is coded 9, not 4. 1. 1 RECALL: Own major party's candidate 2. 1 RECALL: Other major party's candidate 3. 2 RECALLS: both major party candidates (in races contested by both major parties) 4. 0 RECALLS: no major party candidate recall 9. INAP, Washington D.C.; no post IW (1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996); short form (1992); NA if R recalls any candidate names; R has no major party partisanship or NA if has major party partisanship 0. INAP, question not used 1970: 184,203 1974: 2204,2216-2217 1978: 116,119,122,433 1980: 266,824,827,830 1982: 99,103,107,266 1984: 318,740,744,748 1986: 106,110,114,300 1988: 274,568,572,576 1990: 108,112,116,320 1992: 3634,5110,5114,5118 1994: 655,211,215,219 1996: 960420,961007, 1998: 980339,980224, 961011,961015 980228,980232 ==============================