VAR CF0129 RELIGION OF R(4) COLUMNS 129 - 131 NUMERIC MD EQ 0 OR GE 996 1960-1970: (IF PROTESTANT:) What church is that, Baptist, Methodist or what? 1972-1988: (IF PROTESTANT:) What church or denomination is that? (IF BAPTIST:) Is that Southern Baptist or something else? RELIGION [4] ------------------------------------------------------------------- USE WEIGHT VARIABLE VCF0009/VCF0009A/VCF0009B. SEE APPENDIX "RELIGION 1960-1988". SEE QUESTION TEXT AND NOTES VCF0128. THESE QUESTIONS FOLLOW UP QUESTIONS IN VCF0128. SEE ALSO: VCF0152 (1990 and later). Note that the addition in 1972 of "Is that Southern Baptist or something else?" significantly changed distributions of Protestant Baptists beginning in that year. Beginning in 1990, the full set of religion codes was expanded considerably, by adding codes for different affiliations within the major mainline Protestant denominations and by reworking almost entirely the Pentecostal, Holiness, fundamentalist, and evangelical Protestant denominations. VCF0152 gives the 'new' set of full codes, and the appendix "RELIGON 1960-1988" provides a rough 'translation table' relating the 1960-1988 full religion set of codes to the newer set of full religion codes which begins in 1990. 100-800. Religion as coded 996. REFUSED 998. DK; NONE; NO PREFERENCE 999. NA; no post (1960) 000. INAP, question not used 1960: 252 1964: 235 1966: 221 1968: 213 1970: 361(type 0) 1972: 422 1974: 2551 1976: 3510 1978: 605 1980: 693 1982: 734 1984: 687 1986: 737 1988: 527 ==============================