VAR CF9037 SHOULD GOVT ENSURE FAIR TREATMENT -JOBS COLUMNS 762 - 762 NUMERIC MD EQ 0 Some people feel that if black people (1964,1968: negroes) are not getting fair treatment in jobs, the government in Washington ought to see to it that they do. Others feel that this is not the federal government's business. Have you had enough interested in this question to favor one side over the other? (IF YES) How do you feel? Should the government in Washington see it it that black people get fair treatment in jobs (1986,1988,1992,1996: or is this not the federal government's business) 1964,1968,1972: or should the government in Washington leave these matters to the states and local communities?) ------------------------------------------------------------------- USE WEIGHT VARIABLE VCF0009/VCF0009A/VCF0009B. Note the major change in response options wording after 1972. 1. SEE TO IT THAT BLACK PEOPLE GET FAIR TREATMENT IN JOBS 5. NOT THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT'S BUSINESS (1964,1968,1972: leave to the states and local communities) 9. OTHER; DEPENDS; DK; NO INTEREST 0. NA opinion; DK/NA whether 'interested enough;' INAP, no post IW (1988, 1992, 1996); form A (1986); question not used 1964: 97 1968: 73 1972: 103,104 1986: 505,506 1988: 864,865 1992: 5937,5938 1996: 961205, 1206 ==============================