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VAR CF9042    BLACKS GOTTEN LESS THAN THEY DESERVE                            
              COLUMNS 767  - 767                                              
              MD EQ 8 OR GE 9                                                 

        1986:  Please tell me how much you agree or disagree with the         
        following statement.  (RESPONDENT BOOKLET SHOWN TO R)                 
        1988,1992:  Now looking again at <respondent booklet> for your        
        choices, here are several more statements.  (RESPONDENT BOOKLET SHOWN 
        TO R)                                                                 
        1990,1994:  In past studies, we have asked people why they think white
        people seem to get more of the good things of life in America--such as
        better jobs and more money--than black people do.  Please tell me     
        whether you agree or disagree with each reason as to why white people 
        seem to get moe of the good things in life.  (RESPONDENT BOOKLET SHOWN
        TO R)                                                                 
        'Over the past few years blacks have gotten less than they deserve.'  
        USE WEIGHT VARIABLE VCF0009/VCF0009A/VCF0009B.                        
        In 1988, the placement of this variable within Post question order    
        varied according to questionnaire 'Form' (see VCF0012).               
               1.   AGREE STRONGLY                                            
               2.   AGREE SOMEWHAT                                            
               3.   NEITHER AGREE NOR DISAGREE                                
               4.   DISAGREE SOMEWHAT                                         
               5.   DISAGREE STRONGLY                                         
               8.   DK                                                        
               9.   NA; INAP, no post IW (1988,1992); form A (1986); form B   
                    (1990); question not used                                 
        1986:  566      1988:  962      1990:  520                            
        1992:  6127     1994:  1048     1998:  980514                         

Walter Mebane
Mon Nov 12 02:55:58 EST 2001