VAR CF9044 EFFECT OF GOVT ECONOMIC POLICIES (1) COLUMNS 769 - 769 NUMERIC MD EQ 0 OR GE 8 (1988 and later: Over the past year) Would you say that the economic policies of the federal government have made the nation's economy better, worse, or haven't they made much difference either way? (IF BETTER/WORSE:) Would you say the economy is much better/worse or somewhat better/worse? ------------------------------------------------------------------- USE WEIGHT VARIABLE VCF0009/VCF0009A/VCF0009B. 1. Much better 2. Somewhat better 3. Same ('haven't made much difference') 4. Somewhat worse 5. Much worse 6. Better, DK/NA how much 7. Worse, DK/NA how much 8. DK if better/worse/same 9. NA if better/worse/same 0. INAP, question not asked 1984: 245 1986: 374,375 1988: 245,246 1992: 3541,3542 1994: 911,912 1996: 960390 ==============================