VAR CF9046 FOOD STAMPS SPENDING -FEDERAL BUDGET COLUMNS 772 - 772 NUMERIC MD EQ 8 OR GE 9 If you had a say in making up the federal budget this year, for which (1986 and later: of the following) programs would you like to see spending increased and for which would you like to see spending decreased: Should federal spending on <item> be increased, decreased or kept about the same? FOOD STAMPS ------------------------------------------------------------------- USE WEIGHT VARIABLE VCF0009/VCF0009A/VCF0009B. Order of items 9046-9050 varied from year to year. In 1988, the federal budget allocation series was administered with a break mid- sequence. 1. INCREASED 2. SAME 3. DECREASED 7. CUT OUT ENTIRELY (VOLUNTEERED) 8. DK 9. NA; INAP, no post IW (1984); abbrev. telephone IW (1984); question not used 1984: 1000 1986: 330 1988: 349 1990: 382 1992: 3725 1994: 822 1996: 960496 ==============================