VAR CF0131 CHURCH ATTENDANCE (2) COLUMNS 133 - 133 NUMERIC MD EQ 0 OR GE 9 Would you say you go to church regularly, often, seldom or never? RELIGIOUS SERVICE ATTENDANCE 1952-1968 ------------------------------------------------------------------- USE WEIGHT VARIABLE VCF0009/VCF0009A/VCF0009B. In 1960-1968, this question was asked only of Rs who gave a religious identification (SEE VCF0128). In all presidential years except 1960, this was a pre var. 1. Regularly 2. Often 4. Seldom 5. Never 7. No religious preference (1960-1968) 9. NA 0. INAP, religion refused/NA/; no pre IW (1952); no post IW (1960); question not used 1952: 159 1956: 133 1958: 211 1960: 253 1962: 94 1964: 236 1966: 222 1968: 214 ==============================