VAR CF9101 DEM HSE CAND- 7PT LIBERAL/CONSERV SCALE COLUMNS 842 - 842 NUMERIC MD EQ 0 OR GE 8 We hear a lot of talk these days about liberals and conservatives. Here is a 7-point scale on which the political views that people might hold are arranged from extremely liberal to extremely conservative. Where would you place <the Democratic U.S. House Candidate> on this scale? (7-POINT SCALE SHOWN TO R) LIBERAL/CONSERVATIVE-- DEMOCRATIC HOUSE CANDIDATE'S RATING ON 7-POINT SCALE ------------------------------------------------------------------- USE WEIGHT VARIABLE VCF0009/VCF0009A/VCF0009B. Responses referring to an independent or "other" candidate are not recorded here for districts having only one major party candidate (e.g. type race 23 in VCF0902). NO SELF-PLACEMENT INAPS 1978,1980,1982: If R replied DK or "haven't thought much about it" in rating self on same 7-point scale, then R was not asked this question. [Note that in 1972-1982 there was no follow-up question ('if you had to choose.') for self-rating.] NO SELF-PLACEMENT INAPS 1986,1990,1994, and 1996 (not 1998): If R replied "haven't thought much about it" or DK to this same 7- point scale, then R was prompted, 'If you had to choose...' If R's response to the follow-up in these years was DK, RF or NA, then R was not asked this question. In 1996 and 1998, randomization occurred for the order of the 2 major Party House candidate names for this placement. 1. EXTREMELY LIBERAL 2. LIBERAL 3. SLIGHTLY LIBERAL 4. MODERATE; MIDDLE OF ROAD 5. SLIGHTLY CONSERVATIVE 6. CONSERVATIVE 7. EXTREMELY CONSERVATIVE 8. DK/DON'T RECOGNIZE 9. NA; INAP, no post IW (1980); question not used 0. Inap, R self-rating was DK or "Haven't thought much about it" (see above); no Democratic candidate in district race (incl. Washington DC) 1978: 404 1980: 1049 1982: 401 1986: 388 1990: 409 1994: 843 1996: 960375 1998: 980407 ==============================