VAR CF9155 VOTE VALIDATION: VOTE VALIDATED COLUMNS 877 - 877 NUMERIC MD EQ 0 OR GE 9 VOTE VALIDATION STUDY: DOES RECORD CHECK INDICATE THAT R VOTED? ------------------------------------------------------------------- USE WEIGHT VARIABLE VCF0009/VCF0009A/VCF0009B. SEE GENERAL NOTE VCF9149. SEE NOTES VCF9152. NOTE: Code 3 and code 5 include cases of limited access to vote records (codes 2 and 5 in VCF9153). Codes 3 and 5 also incorporate 1984 and 1990 cases of attempted validation by phone of Rs registered out of area (998 in VCF9149). In cases where registration is not required or where voting and registration lists are for some reason kept entirely separate, this code implies that an independent check for voting was also done and no record of R voting was found. In all presidential years except 1964 (and some cases in 1976), this variable includes in valid codes respondents who did not give a post- election interview. 1964 and 1980 are the only years with cases categorized for same-day registration. Registration was not 'checked' in such cases but voting records WERE checked (4 in VCF9152 and [1980] 1 in VCF9153). The results of the vote record checks for "same-day registration" Rs in 1964 and 1980 are represented here in codes 1 (voted) and 3 (did not vote), with nocases of same-day registration coded 5. Only 1976 time-series respondents who also participated in the 1972- 1974-1976 panel study (ICPSR 7607) were included in 1976 vote validation. In vars VCF9151,9152,9154,9155, 1976 prepost Rs who did not also participate in the panel study are INAP. 1. YES 3. REGISTRATION RECORD WAS FOUND, NO RECORD OF R VOTING 5. NO REGISTRATION RECORD FOUND; NO RECORD OF VOTING FOUND 0. INAP, 3,7 in VCF9152 (all years); 2 in VCF9152 (1984-1990 only); 5 in VCF9152 (1964,1976); 5 in VCF9152 or 8 in VCF9153 (1980 only) 9. INAP, question not used; 1976 non-panel Rs 1964: 423-425 1976: 5002,5012 1978: 1400,1409,1410 1980: 1207 1984: 1121,1132 1986: 773,778,789,801 1988: 1148 1990: 2006,2045 ==============================