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VAR CF0142    RESPONDENT PLACE OF BIRTH                                       
              COLUMNS 149  - 151                                              
              MD EQ 0 OR GE 998                                               

        Where were you born? (IF UNITED STATES:) Which state?                 
        USE WEIGHT VARIABLE VCF0009/VCF0009A/VCF0009B.                        
        SEE APPENDIX "STATE AND COUNTRY CODES"                                
        Personal data forms were completed for no-pre cases in 1960:  data    
        from these forms were incorporated in the 1960 pre var listed here.   
        In 1992, this question was not part of the short-form questionnaire;  
        for short-form 'panel' cases, however, 1990 study data were           
        incorporated into the 1992 variable.                                  
        In 1994, 1992 data were incorporated for 'panel' cases.               
            101-997.  State/Country as coded                                  
            998.  DK                                                          
            999.  NA; no pre IW (1952); short-form 'new' cross section (1992) 
            000.  INAP, question not used                                     
        1952:  143        1956:  182         1958:  220                       
        1960:  175        1964:  252         1966:  223                       
        1968:  243        1970:  363(type 0) 1972:  407                       
        1974:  2537       1976:  3498        1978:  621                       
        1980:  708        1982:  7508        1984:  697                       
        1986:  747        1988:  545         1990:  678                       
        1992:  4124       1994:  1420                                         

Walter Mebane
Mon Nov 12 02:55:58 EST 2001