VAR CF0144 WHERE RESPONDENT FATHER BORN COLUMNS 153 - 155 NUMERIC MD EQ 0 OR GE 998 (IF BOTH PARENTS NOT BORN IN THE U.S.:) What country was your father born in? ------------------------------------------------------------------- USE WEIGHT VARIABLE VCF0009/VCF0009A/VCF0009B. SEE APPENDIX "STATE AND COUNTRY CODES". All codes within United States have been recoded to 199. This question was a follow-up to VCF0143. If R responded "yes" to VCF0143, then VCF0144 and VCF0145 have been coded 199. Black Rs were not asked this question in 1960, 1964, 1966, 1968 or 1970 and for these years have been recoded in Cumulative Data File VCF0144 to code 199, United States. Parents of foreign-born Rs were also present in missing data during these years in the original datasets, but for this variable parental birthplaces have been imputed from R's own birth-place, as a more generalized category (e.g., "British Isles" if R were born in England). Personal data forms were completed for no-pre cases in 1960: data from these forms were incorporated in the 1960 pre var listed here. 199. U.S. 182,183,186,201-997. Country as coded 998. DK 999. NA; no pre IW (1952) 000. INAP, question not used 1952: 151 1960: 177 1964: 254 1966: 225 1968: 245 1970: 365(type 0) 1972: 409 1974: 2530 1976: 3491 1978: 613 1980: 700 1982: 742 ==============================