VAR CF0149 RESPONDENT SOC. CLASS (3) COLUMNS 163 - 163 NUMERIC MD EQ 0 OR GE 9 There's been some talk these days about different social classes. Most people say they belong either to the middle class or the working class. Do you ever think of yourself as belonging in one of these classes? (IF YES:) Which one? / (IF NO:) Well, if you had to make a choice, would you call yourself middle class or working class? R's SOCIAL CLASS [2] ------------------------------------------------------------------- USE WEIGHT VARIABLE VCF0009/VCF0009A/VCF0009B. In 1958, if R did not know whether s/he thought of self as a member of the working or middle class, then s/he was not probed with "If you had to make a choice..."; only Rs who answered 'no' were probed. In all other years, Rs answering DK to the lead-in were also probed with the "If you had to make a choice..." question. 1. Yes, think of self as member of class and that class is middle class 2. No, don't think of self as member of class, but if had to choose middle or working, would choose middle 3. Yes, think of self as member of class and that class is working class 4. No, don't think of self as member of class, but if had to choose middle or working, would choose working 5. Refuses to accept idea of class (except 1964, 1966, 1968) 6. Other (in 1964, 1966 and 1968, also includes "Refuses to accept idea of class.") 9. DK; NA; no pre IW (1960); short form (1992) 0. INAP, question not used 1956: 224 1958: 219 1960: 155 1964: 231 1966: 219 1968: 209 1970: 356(type 0) 1972: 402 1974: 2523 1976: 3484 1978: 601 1980: 689 1982: 730 1984: 683 1986: 736 1988: 525 1990: 665,666 1992: 4111-4112 1994: 1406,1407 ==============================