Ying Fan
Associate Professor (with tenure)
Department of Economics
University of Michigan


  "Firms and Collective Reputation: a Study of the Volkswagen Emissions Scandal", joint with Rüdiger Bachmann, Gabriel Ehrlich, and Dimitrije Ruzic, Benjamin Leard, Journal of the European Economics Association, 21(2), April 2023, 484-525.[Oxford University Press]

  "A Tale of Two Pandemics: The Enduring Partisan Differences in Actions, Attitudes, and Beliefs during the Coronavirus Pandemic", joint with Yeşim and Dana Turjeman, PLOS ONE, 2023, 18(10): e0287018.

  "The Welfare Effect of a Consumer Subsidy with Price Ceilings: The Case of Chinese Cell Phones", joint with Ge Zhang, RAND Journal of Economics, 53(2), Summer 2022, 429-449. [Wiley]

  "Competition, Product Proliferation and Welfare: A Study of the U.S. Smartphone Market", joint with Chenyu Yang, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 12(2), May 2020:99-134. [Online Appendix]

  "Financial Constraints and Moral Hazard: The Case of Franchising", joint with Kai-Uwe Kühn and Francine Lafontaine, Journal of Political Economy, 125(6), December 2017, 2082-2125. [University of Chicago Press] [Online Appendix]

  "Reputation Premium and Reputation Management: Evidence from the Largest e-Commerce Platform in China", joint with Jiandong Ju and Mo Xiao, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 46, May 2016, 63-76. [ScienceDirect]

  "Competition and Subsidies in the Deregulated U.S. Local Telephone Industry", joint with Mo Xiao, RAND Journal of Economics, 46(4), Winter 2015, 751-776. [Wiley] [Online Appendix]

  "Ownership Consolidation and Product Characteristics: A Study of the US Daily Newspaper Market", American Economic Review, 103(5), August 2013, 1598-1628. [Online Appendix]

  Working Papers:

  "Estimating Discrete Games with Many Firms and Many Decisions: An Application to Merger and Product Variety", joint with Chenyu Yang, 2024, NBER working paper, 30146, accepted, Journal of Political Economy.

  "Spillover Effects in Complementary Markets: A Study of the Indian Cellphone and Wireless Service Markets", 2024, joint with Chirantan Chatterjee, University of Sussex and Debi Prasad Mohapatra, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

  "Dynamic Search in a Non-Stationary Search Environment: An Application to the Beijing Housing", 2024, joint with Ziying Fan, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics and Yiyi Zhou, Stony Brook University.

  "Measuring Competition with a Flexible Supply Model", joint with Christopher Sullivan, 2018. (updated version coming soon)

  Research in Progress:

  "Differential Regulation and Firm Responses: A Study of the CAFE Standard", joint with Nafisa Lohawala, RFF.

  "The Effect of Quality Bonus Program on Plan Qualities in the Medicare Advantage Market", joint with Colleen Carey, Cornell University and and Yiyi Zhou, Stony Brook University.

  "Investment, Product Variety and Mergers: a Study of the U.S. Wireless Service Industry", joint with Chenyu Yang, University of Maryland.

 Other Work:

  "Estimating the Costs of Market Entry and Exit for Video Rental Stores", (2016).

  "Wage Contracts, Grey Income and Career Concerns" (in Chinese), joint with Xinqiao Ping, China Economic Quarterly, 3(3), April 2004, 679-702.

  "Estimating the Agency Costs of State-Owned Enterprises in China" (in Chinese), joint with Xinqiao Ping and Chaoyan Hao, Economic Research Journal, November 2003, 42-53.