Review of Economics and Statistics, October 2019, 101(4): 699–712.
Media: The Conversation, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal
with Jihye Jeon
AEA Papers and Proceedings, May 2021, 111: 554-59.
with Alexander MacKay
American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, May 2023, 15(2): 109-56.
Media: Brookings, NPR, Financial Times, HBS, New Statesman, Fortune
with Roslyn Murray, Sarah Miller, Edward Norton, & Andrew Ryan
Health Affairs, March 2024, 43(3): 424-432.
with Jihye Jeon
Econometrica, May 2024, 92(3): 881-911.
with Jessica Van Parys
International Journal of Industrial Organization, July 2024, 95.
with Eduardo Montero, Carlos Schmidt-Padilla, & Maria Micaela Sviatschi
Forthcoming, Review of Economic Studies
Media: The Guardian, ProMarket, El Diario de Hoy
with Chris Hansman, Jordan Keener, & Andre Veiga
Reject & resubmit, American Economic Review
Media: VoxEU, Forbes
with Mark Egan, Jihye Jeon, Chuqing Jin, & Alex Wu
Revise & resubmit, Journal of Political Economy
with Alexander MacKay
with Jessica Van Parys
Work in progress
W2019, W2020, W2021, F2022, W2023, F2023, W2024, F2024, W2025
Industrial Organization II (Ph.D.)W2019, W2020, W2021, W2023, W2024, W2025