
Delgado-Romero, Edward A. and Carlos A. Hernandez. "Empowering Hispanic Students Through Student Organizations: Competencies for Faculty Advisors." Journal of Hispanic Higher Education April 2002.

This article discusses the importance and the role of student organizations within the Latino community. It also mentions that at large universities, the majority of students are white. He suggests that Latinos on campus may have social, cultural and academic difficulties. Delgado-Romero and Hernandez believe the problem can be solved by forming and belonging to Latino clubs and organizations. We agree with this and we put a section that includes a list of sororities, fraternities and organizations on campus. We discuss Delgado-Romero and Hernandez's ideas to explain why organizations are beneficial to students.

Fry, Richard. Latinos in Higher Education: Many Enroll, Too Few Graduate. Washington

Fry not only uses a set of statistical facts to draw a connection with Latinos and college, but he also breaks down the answers to very important questions he proposes in his article.He introduces his points by informing his readers that Latino enrollment in college is the lowest out of any other ethnic group, and the completion percentage is even lower. His focus is not to give statistics but to explain why enrollment is low and what can be done to increase it. We agree with his idea that it is important to present a positive experiance for Latinos at universities. We will present the Univeristy of Michigan in a postive way in hopes that our website will encourage students to stay in school and graduate.

Granados, Christine. "Born Again Latinos." Hispanic Magazine. May 2000.

Granados begins her article by explaining that Latinos are proud of their culture and background. She stresses that instead of Latinos falling into the "typical American lifestyle" they have found ways to keep their culture close to their hearts. Grandados uses other people as true examples of how Latinos have utilized their universities to incorporate culture into their lives. This article illustrates the impact organizations, clubs, and Latino classes have on Latino students. Our website includes information on organizations so that students know there are places to learn and talk about their heritage and culture. Being part of a Latino organization can be enlightening for students, and this article gives examples of the importance of learning about Latino cultures at universities.

Jean, Aymar. "Fewer Black Students Enrolled." The Michigan Daily 15 October 2004.

This article was useful because it pertains directly to the University of Michigan. Jean discusses the increase and decrease of minority groups on campus. She compares the number of African American and Latino students enrolled to the total number of students enrolled at the University to show the lack of minority enrollment. She informs the reader of the school's intention to increase minority recruitment. We use this information in the section that is dedicated to recruitment and statistics. Recruitment is necessary at the University of Michigan to increase minority enrollment, and Jean gives evidence of this. Jean specifically talks about President Coleman's goals and the university's plans to increase minority enrollment.

Leonardo Valverde, The Latino Student's Guide to College Success (Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press, 2002)

Valverde expresses his ideas by making a list of tips for Latino students and their college success. He gives a broad overview of many topics and then he gives the student a break down of each topic. He explains why organizations are important, how to personally prepare for college, what to expect when you arrive on campus, and much more. We use this book to show the correlation between his suggestions and attending some of the events we've listed.

United States. White House Initiative. Latinos in Education. Washington: GPO,1996.

This publication consisted of factual information about Latinos and education. Starting with Latinos in preschool, the paper works its way up to statistics of Latinos in college. This paper informs the readers about the enrollment, completion and attendence of Latino students. The publication highlights the percentages for Latinos while comparing them to African Americans and whites. We used this information to illustrate some of the important statistics and percentages of Latinos and education.



"Baile Folklorico." Online image. Latino Culture Show.

"Bienvenido." Online image. Hispanic Heritage Plaza 2004.

"Cesar Chavez." Online image .Cesar Chavez Institute.

"Conexiones." Online image. The Hispanic/Latino Resources Page

"La Casa United." Online image.

"Latino Guide." Online image. A Guide to Latino Literature by Students for Students

"Latino Heritage." Online image.

"Latino Restaurant." Online image. Cancum Home

"Unity." Online image. Alabama Council for Developmental Disabilities


"Arts at Michigan," Arts at Michigan, University of Michigan,

"College Register,"College Register,

"Enrollment and Degree Statisitcs by Race," Office of the Registrar,University of Michigan,

David Frye, "Latin American and Caribbean Studies," International Institute, University of Michigan,

"Latino Dance History," Amore Dance, .

"Latino Studies Program," Program in American Culture, University of Michigan,

"LSA Course Guide," University of Michigan,

"Maize Pages," University of Michigan,

"Michigan Argentine Tango Club," Michigan Argentine Tango Club, The University of Michigan,

"MSalsa," MSalsa, University of Michigan,

"Multicultural and Diversity Programs," University Housing, University of Michigan

"Museo de las Americas," Museo de las Americas,

"Student Matters," Division of Student Affairs, University of Michigan,

"The U of M Ballroom Dance Team," The U of M Ballroom Dance Team, The University of Michigan,

"The U of M Ballroom Dance Club," The U of M Ballroom Dance Club, The University of Michigan,

"UM Fact Sheet," Campus Information Center, University of Michigan,


Montoya, Maria Director of the Latino Studies Program, Personal interview. 13 Dec 2004.

Munoz, Angela, Coordinator of Mulit-Ethnic Student Affairs, Personal interview. 13 Dec 2004.

Vazquez, Roland Director of the Latin Jazz Ensemble, Personal interview. 17 Dec 2004.

Other Source

"America's Best Graduate Schools" U.S.News & World Report issues dated March 22, 1993; March 29, 1999; April 9, 2001; April 15, 2002; April 14, 2003; and April 12, 2004.
